##' @title Refit model
##' @param object bmgarch model object
##' @param data new data
##' @param xC_data new predictor
##' @keywords internal
.refit <- function(object, data, xC_data ) {
fit_past <- bmgarch(data,
xC = xC_data,
parameterization = object$param,
P = object$mgarchP,
Q = object$mgarchQ,
chains = object$chains,
iterations = object$iter,
standardize_data = FALSE,
distribution = object$distribution,
meanstructure = object$meanstructure,
sampling_algorithm = object$sampling_algorithm)
##' @keywords internal
## compute log of raw importance ratios
## sums over observations *not* over posterior samples
.sum_log_ratios <- function(ll, ids = NULL) {
if (!is.null(ids)) ll <- ll[, ids , drop = FALSE]
- rowSums(ll)
##' @keywords internal
## more stable than log(sum(exp(x)))
.log_sum_exp <- function(x) {
max_x <- max(x)
max_x + log(sum(exp(x - max_x)))
##' @keywords internal
.log_lik <- function(x) {
rstan::extract(x$model_fit, pars = "log_lik")$log_lik
##' @keywords internal
## more stable than log(mean(exp(x)))
.log_mean_exp <- function(x) {
.log_sum_exp(x) - log(length(x))
##' \code{lfocv} returns the LFO-CV ELPD by either computing the exact ELDP or
##' by approximating it via
##' forward or backward approximation strategies based on Pareto smoothed
##' importance sampling
##' described in \insertCite{Buerkner2019}{bmgarch}.
##' @title Leave-Future-Out Cross Validation (LFO-CV)
##' @param x Fitted bmgarch model. \code{lfocv} inherits all attributes
##' from the bmgarch object
##' @param type Takes \code{lfo} (default) or \code{loo}. LFO-CV is recommended
##' for time-series but LOO-CV may be obtained to assess the structural part of the model.
##' @param L Minimal length of times series before computing LFO
##' @param M M step head predictions. Defines to what period the LFO-CV should be tuned to. Defaults to M=1.
##' @param mode backward elpd_lfo approximation, or exact elpd-lfo;
##' Takes 'backward', and 'exact'. 'exact' fits N-L models and may
##' take a \emph{very} long time to complete. \code{forward} works too but is not
##' complete yet.
##' @param ... Not used
##' @return Approximate LFO-CV value and log-likelihood values across (L+1):N
##' timepoints
##' @references
##' \insertAllCited{}
##' @aliases loo
##' @importFrom loo loo
##' @importFrom stats sd weights
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' data(stocks)
##' # Fit a DCC model
##' fit <- bmgarch(data = stocks[1:100, c("toyota", "nissan" )],
##' parameterization = "DCC", standardize_data = TRUE,
##' iterations = 500)
##' # Compute expected log-predictive density (elpd) using the backward mode
##' # L is the upper boundary of the time-series before we engage in LFO-CV
##' lfob <- loo(fit, mode = 'backward', L = 50 )
##' print(lfob)
##' }
##' @export
##' @export loo
loo.bmgarch <- function(x, ..., type = 'lfo', L = NULL, M = 1, mode = "backward") {
object <- x
ahead <- M
N <- object$TS_length
## List for returned objects
outl <- list( )
## "Classic" loo, based on backcasted log_lik
if( type == 'loo' ) {
if( is.null( L ) ) L <- 0
ll <- rstan::extract(object$model_fit, pars = "log_lik")$log_lik
LL <- ll[, (L + 1):N]
## obtain chain id vector for relative_eff
n_chains <- object$model_fit@sim$chains
n_samples <- object$model_fit@sim$iter - object$model_fit@sim$warmup
chain_id <- rep(seq_len(n_chains ), each = n_samples )
r_eff <- loo::relative_eff(exp(LL), chain_id = chain_id)
backcast_loo <- loo::loo( LL, r_eff = r_eff )
outl$backcast_loo <- backcast_loo$estimates[,'Estimate']['elpd_loo']
outl$type <- type
} else if ( type == 'lfo' ) {
if( is.null( L ) ) stop( "Provide L, length of time-series before fitting computing LFO-CV")
## Backward approach: start with log_lik from fully fitted model with all observations
## Go backwards until k threshold is reched and refit
loglik <- matrix(nrow = dim( .log_lik( object ) )[1], ncol = N)
approx_elpds_1sap <- rep(NA, N)
ks <- NULL
refits <- ks <- NULL
if( mode == "backward" ) {
k_thres <- 0.6 # Threshold of .6 based on Buerkner at al (2020) paper
fit_past <- object
i_refit <- N
for (i in seq((N - ahead), L, by = -ahead) ) {
loglik[, (i + 1):( i + ahead)] <- .log_lik(fit_past)[, (i + 1):( i + ahead)]
logratio <- .sum_log_ratios(loglik, (i + 1):i_refit)
psis_obj <- suppressWarnings(loo::psis(logratio))
k <- loo::pareto_k_values(psis_obj)
ks <- c(ks, k)
if (k > k_thres) {
## refit the model based on the first i observations
i_refit <- i
refits <- c(refits, i)
past <- 1:i
oos <- (i+1):(i+ahead)
df_past <- object$RTS_full[past, , drop = FALSE]
xC_past <- object$xC[past, , drop = FALSE]
df_oos <- object$RTS_full[c(past, oos), , drop = FALSE]
xC_oos <- object$xC[c(past, oos), , drop = FALSE]
fit_past <- .refit(object, data = df_past, xC_data = xC_past )
fc <- bmgarch::forecast(object = fit_past, ahead = ahead,
xC = xC_oos[oos, ,drop = FALSE],
newdata = df_oos[oos,,drop = FALSE])
loglik[, (i+1):(i+ahead) ] <- fc$forecast$log_lik[[1]]
if(ahead == 1 ) {
approx_elpds_1sap[ i+1 ] <- .log_mean_exp(loglik[, i+1 ])
} else {
approx_elpds_1sap[(i+1):(i+ahead)] <-
apply(loglik[, (i+1):(i+ahead) ], MARGIN = 2, FUN = .log_mean_exp )
} else {
lw <- weights(psis_obj, normalize = TRUE)[, 1]
if(ahead == 1 ) {
approx_elpds_1sap[ i+1 ] <- .log_sum_exp(lw + loglik[, i+1 ])
} else {
approx_elpds_1sap[(i+1):(i+ahead)] <-
apply((lw + loglik[, (i+1):(i+ahead)]),2,.log_sum_exp )
out <- approx_elpds_1sap
} else if ( mode == "forward" ) {
warn <- function() warning("'forward' method not fully implemented")
if( mode == 'forward' ) warn( )
k_thres <- 0.7
out <- rep( NA, N )
exact_elpds_1sap <- rep( NA, N )
df_dat <- object$RTS_full
xC_dat <- object$xC
oos <- L + 1
## Refit the model using the first L observations
df_start <- object$RTS_full[1:L, , drop = FALSE]
xC_start <- object$xC[1:L, , drop = FALSE]
fit_start <- .refit(object, data = df_start, xC_data = xC_start )
## Exact ELPD: Computed from log_lik of forecast function
fc <- bmgarch::forecast(fit_start, ahead = ahead,
xC = xC_dat[ oos, , drop = FALSE],
newdata = df_dat[ oos, ,drop = FALSE])
## Exact log_lik
loglik[, oos ] <- fc$forecast$log_lik[[1]]
exact_elpds_1sap[ L ] <- .log_mean_exp( loglik[, oos ] )
out[ L ] <- exact_elpds_1sap[L]
## Also write content to approx_elpds as the summary for
## "forward" is obtained over all approx_elpds's
approx_elpds_1sap[ L ] <- exact_elpds_1sap[L]
i_refit <- L + 1
if( L < N - ahead ) {
for (i in (L + 1):(N-ahead) ) {
logratio <- .sum_log_ratios(loglik, i_refit:i )#(L+1):(i+1))
psis_obj <- suppressWarnings(loo::psis(logratio))
k <- loo::pareto_k_values(psis_obj)
ks <- c(ks, k)
print( ks )
if( k > k_thres ) {
refits <- c(refits, i)
df_start <- object$RTS_full[1:i, , drop = FALSE]
xC_start <- object$xC[1:i, , drop = FALSE]
fit_start <- .refit(object, data = df_start, xC_data = xC_start )
ahead <- 1
fc <- bmgarch::forecast(fit_start, ahead = ahead,
xC = xC_dat[ i+1, , drop = FALSE],
newdata = df_dat[ i+1, ,drop = FALSE])
## Exact log_lik
loglik[, i+1 ] <- fc$forecast$log_lik[[1]]
exact_elpds_1sap[ i ] <- .log_mean_exp( loglik[, i+1 ] )
logratio <- .sum_log_ratios(loglik, i+1 )#(L+1):(i+1))
out[ i ] <- exact_elpds_1sap[ i ]
psis_obj <- suppressWarnings(loo::psis(logratio))
k <- loo::pareto_k_values(psis_obj)
i_refit <- i+1
#k <- 0
} else {
lw <- weights(psis_obj, normalize = TRUE)[, 1]
ahead <- ( i+1 )-( i_refit-1 )
fc <- bmgarch::forecast(fit_start, ahead = ahead,
xC = xC_dat[ ( i_refit ):(i+1), , drop = FALSE],
newdata = df_dat[ ( i_refit ):(i+1), ,drop = FALSE])
loglik[, i+1 ] <- fc$forecast$log_lik[[1]][, ahead]
approx_elpds_1sap[ i ] <- .log_sum_exp(lw + loglik[, i+1 ])
out[i] <- approx_elpds_1sap[ i ]
} else if (mode == "exact" ) {
k_thres <- 0
refits <- N - ( L+1 )
df_dat <- object$RTS_full
xC_dat <- object$xC
exact_elpds_1sap <- rep( NA, N )
for(i in L:( N-1 ) ) {
fit_start <- .refit(object, data = df_dat[1:i, , drop = FALSE], xC_data = xC_dat[1:i, , drop = FALSE] )
fc <- bmgarch::forecast(fit_start, ahead = ahead, xC = xC_dat[ i+1, , drop = FALSE], newdata = df_dat[ i+1, ,drop = FALSE])
loglik[, i+1 ] <- fc$forecast$log_lik[[1]]
loglik_exact <- loglik[, (L+1):N]
exact_elpds_1sap <- apply(loglik_exact, 2, .log_mean_exp )
out <- exact_elpds_1sap
} else {
stop("'mode' needs to be either 'forward', 'backward' or 'exact'." )
refit_info <- cat("Using threshold ", k_thres,
", model was refit ", length(refits),
" times, at observations", refits, "\n")
## Return relevant objects
outl$refits <-refits
outl$ks <- ks
outl$approx_elpd_1sap <- sum( approx_elpds_1sap, na.rm = TRUE )
outl$out <- out
outl$mode <- mode
outl$L <- L
outl$type <- type
outl$loglik <- loglik[, ( L + 1 ):N ]
attr(outl, "class" ) <- "loo.bmgarch"
return( outl )
##' @title print method for lfocv
##' @param x lfo object
##' @param ... Not used.
##' @return Invisible lfocv object
##' @author philippe
##' @export
print.loo.bmgarch <- function( x, ... ) {
if( x$type == 'loo' ) {
cat('elpd_loo ', x$backcast_loo)
} else if( x$type == 'lfo' ) {
if(x$mode == 'backward' | x$mode == 'forward' ) {
cat("Model was fit using ", x$mode, " mode.\n")
cat("Approximate ELPD_LFO: ", x$approx_elpd_1sap, "\n" )
} else if(x$mode == 'exact' ){
cat("Model was fit using ", x$mode, " mode.\n")
cat("Exact ELPD_LFO: ", sum( x$out, na.rm = TRUE), "\n" )
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