
Defines functions plot.fro plot.sensitivity plot.seq_pa_ch_monitor plot.final_node_monitor plot.kl plot.jeffreys plot.influential_obs plot.node_monitor plot.seq_cond_monitor plot.CD plot.seq_marg_monitor

Documented in plot.CD plot.final_node_monitor plot.fro plot.influential_obs plot.jeffreys plot.kl plot.node_monitor plot.sensitivity plot.seq_cond_monitor plot.seq_marg_monitor plot.seq_pa_ch_monitor

#' Plotting methods
#' Plotting methods for outputs of \code{bnmonitor} functions
#' @param x an appropriate object
#' @param x The output of node_monitor.
#' @param which select the monitor to plot, either "marginal" or "conditional" (for output of \code{node_monitor} only).
#' @param ... for compatibility
#' @name plot
#' @return A plot specific to the object it is applied to.

#'@importFrom ggplot2 ggplot xlab ylab theme_minimal ggtitle geom_hline

#' @method plot seq_marg_monitor
#' @rdname plot
plot.seq_marg_monitor <- function(x,...){
  temp <- data.frame(x= 1:length(x$Seq_Marg_Monitor), y=x$Seq_Marg_Monitor[1:length(x$Seq_Marg_Monitor)])
  p <- suppressWarnings(ggplot(temp, aes(temp[,1],temp[,2])) + geom_point() +  xlab('Index') + ylab('Standardized Z Statistic') + theme_minimal() + ggtitle(paste0("Marginal Node Monitor for ", x$node.name)) +  geom_hline(yintercept=1.96, linetype="dashed", color = "red") + geom_hline(yintercept=-1.96, linetype="dashed", color = "red"))

#' @rdname plot
#'@method plot CD

plot.CD <- function(x,...){

#'@importFrom ggplot2 ggplot xlab ylab theme_minimal ggtitle geom_hline
#'@rdname plot
#' @method plot seq_cond_monitor
plot.seq_cond_monitor <- function(x,...){
  temp <- data.frame(x= 1:length(x$Seq_Cond_Monitor), y=x$Seq_Cond_Monitor[1:length(x$Seq_Cond_Monitor)])
  p <- suppressWarnings(ggplot(temp, aes(temp[,1],temp[,2])) + geom_point() +  xlab('Index') + ylab('Standardized Z Statistic') + theme_minimal() + ggtitle(paste0("Conditional Node Monitor for ", x$node.name)) +  geom_hline(yintercept=1.96, linetype="dashed", color = "red") + geom_hline(yintercept=-1.96, linetype="dashed", color = "red"))

#' @importClassesFrom bnlearn bn.fit
#' @importFrom graphics plot.new
#' @importFrom bnlearn arcs
#'@importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#'@importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#'@importFrom qgraph qgraph
#' @method plot node_monitor
#'@rdname plot

plot.node_monitor <- function(x, ...){
  nb.cols <- length(names(x$DAG$nodes))
  my.colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Blues"))(nb.cols)
  max.val <- ceiling(max(abs(x$Global_Monitor$Score)))
  my.palette <- colorRampPalette(my.colors)(max.val)
  node.colors <- my.palette[floor(abs(x$Global_Monitor$Score))]
  qgraph(x$DAG, color = node.colors, ...)
 # nodes <- create_node_df(n=length(x$DAG$nodes),
 #                         type= names(x$DAG$nodes),
 #                          label=names(x$DAG$nodes),
 #                         style="filled",
 #                          fontcolor="black",
 #                         fillcolor=node.colors, .name_repair = "unique")

 # from.nodes <- arcs(x$DAG)[,1]
 # to.nodes <- arcs(x$DAG)[,2]

 # edges <- create_edge_df(from=match(from.nodes,names(x$DAG$nodes)),
 #                         to=match(to.nodes,names(x$DAG$nodes)))

 # p <- suppressWarnings(create_graph(
 #    nodes_df = nodes,
#    edges_df = edges)
  #  %>%  render_graph( ... )
#  )

#' @method plot influential_obs
#'@rdname plot
#' @importFrom ggplot2  xlab ylab theme_minimal

plot.influential_obs <- function(x,...){
  index <- 1:length(x$score)
  value <- x$score
  data <- data.frame(index=index, value = value)
  p <- suppressWarnings(ggplot(data, aes(index, value))+ geom_point() + xlab('Index') + ylab('Leave-One-Out Score') + theme_minimal())

#' @rdname plot
#'@method plot jeffreys
plot.jeffreys <- function(x,...){

#' @rdname plot
#'@method plot kl
plot.kl <- function(x,...){

#'@importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#'@importFrom graphics plot.new
#'@importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#'@importFrom bnlearn arcs
#'@importFrom qgraph qgraph
#'@method plot final_node_monitor
#'@rdname plot
plot.final_node_monitor <- function(x, which, ...){
  if(which!="marginal" & which!="conditional")stop("wrong input for which")
  from.nodes <- arcs(x$DAG)[,1]
  to.nodes <- arcs(x$DAG)[,2]

  #edges <- create_edge_df(from=match(from.nodes,x$Node_Monitor$node),
  #                        to=match(to.nodes,x$Node_Monitor$node))
  l <- length(names(x$DAG$nodes))
  my.colors <-  colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Greens"))(l)
  max.val <- ceiling(max(abs(x$Node_Monitor$marg.z.score[is.finite(x$Node_Monitor$marg.z.score)])))
  max.val.cond <- ceiling(max(abs(x$Node_Monitor$cond.z.score[is.finite(x$Node_Monitor$cond.z.score)])))
  my.palette <- colorRampPalette(my.colors)(max.val)
  my.palette.cond <- colorRampPalette(my.colors)(max.val.cond)
  node.colors <- my.palette[floor(abs(x$Node_Monitor$marg.z.score))+1]
  node.colors.cond <- my.palette.cond[floor(abs(x$Node_Monitor$cond.z.score))+1]
  #nodes <- create_node_df(n=length(x$Node_Monitor$node),
   #                       type= x$Node_Monitor$node,
  #                        label=x$Node_Monitor$node,
  #                        nodes = x$Node_Monitor$node,
  #                        style="filled",
  #                        fontcolor="black",
  #                        fillcolor=node.colors)

  #nodes.cond <- create_node_df(n=length(x$Node_Monitor$node),
  #                             type= x$Node_Monitor$node,
  #                             label=x$Node_Monitor$node,
  #                             nodes = x$Node_Monitor$node,
  #                             style="filled",
  #                             fontcolor="black",
  #                             fillcolor=node.colors.cond)

  #graph <- create_graph(
  #  nodes_df = nodes,
  #  edges_df = edges)
  #plot <- suppressWarnings(render_graph(graph, title="Marginal Node Monitors", ...))

  #graph.cond <- create_graph(
  #  nodes_df = nodes.cond,
  #  edges_df = edges)
  #plot.cond <- suppressWarnings(render_graph(graph.cond, title="Conditional Node Monitors", ...))
  if(which == "marginal"){qgraph(x$DAG, color = node.colors, ...)
  else if(which=="conditional"){ qgraph(x$DAG, color = node.colors.cond, ...)

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggtitle xlab ylab theme_minimal theme scale_colour_discrete geom_hline
#' @method plot seq_pa_ch_monitor
#'@rdname plot
#' @importFrom ggplot2  xlab ylab theme_minimal

plot.seq_pa_ch_monitor <- function(x,...){
  index <- 1:length(x)
  value <- x[1:length(x)]
  data <- data.frame(index=index, value = value)
  p <- suppressWarnings(ggplot(data, aes(index, value))+ geom_point() + xlab('Relevant sample size') + ylab('Standardized Z Statistic') + theme_minimal() +  geom_hline(yintercept=1.96, linetype="dashed", color = "red") + geom_hline(yintercept=-1.96, linetype="dashed", color = "red"))

#'@rdname plot
#'@method plot sensitivity
plot.sensitivity <- function(x,...){

#'@rdname plot
#'@method plot fro
plot.fro <- function(x,...){

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bnmonitor documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:19 p.m.