
#' An alternative module system for R
#' Use \code{box::use(prefix/mod)} to import a module, or \code{box::use(pkg)}
#' to import a package. Fully qualified names are supported for nested modules,
#' reminiscent of module systems in many other modern languages.
#' @section Using modules & packages:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{\link[=use]{box::use}}
#' }
#' @section Writing modules:
#' Infrastructure and utility functions that are mainly used inside modules.
#' \itemize{
#   \item \code{\link[=export]{box::export}}
#'  \item \code{\link[=file]{box::file}}
#'  \item \code{\link[=name]{box::name}}
#'  \item \code{\link[=register_S3_method]{box::register_S3_method}}
#'  \item \link{mod-hooks}
#' }
#' @section Interactive use:
#' Functions for use in interactive sessions and for testing.
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{\link[=help]{box::help}}
#'  \item \code{\link[=unload]{box::unload}},
#'      \code{\link[=reload]{box::reload}},
#'      \code{\link[=unload]{box::purge_cache}}
#'  \item \code{\link[=set_script_path]{box::set_script_path}}
#'  \item \code{\link[=script_path]{box::script_path}},
#'      \code{\link[=script_path]{box::set_script_path}}
#' }
#' @useDynLib box, .registration = TRUE
#' @name box
#' @docType package
#' @keywords internal

.onLoad = function (libname, pkgname) {
    ns = base::topenv()
    ns$system_mod_path = system.file('mod', package = pkgname)


.onUnload = function (libpath) {

.onAttach = function (libname, pkgname) {
    # Do not permit attaching ‘box’, except during build/check/CI.
    if (
        || called_from_pkgdown()
        || called_from_ci()
        # `utils::example` also attaches the package.
        || called_from_example()
    ) return()

    is_bad_call = function (call) {
        as.character(call[[1L]]) %in% c('library', 'require')

    # `unname` prevents the name from being displayed as `c(name = "box")`.
    pkgname = unname(pkgname)
    # Deparsed to silence spurious `R CMD check` warning.
    default = call('library', as.name(pkgname))
    bad_call = Filter(is_bad_call, sys.calls())[1L][[1L]] %||% default
        'the {pkgname;\'} package is not supposed to be attached!\n\n',
        'Please consult the user guide at `{vignette}`.',
        vignette = call('vignette', pkgname, package = pkgname),
        call = bad_call,
        subclass = 'box_attach_error'

called_from_devtools = function () {
    is_devtools_ns = function (x) identical(x, getNamespace('devtools'))

    isNamespaceLoaded('devtools') &&
        ! nzchar(Sys.getenv('R_BOX_TEST_ALLOW_DEVTOOLS')) &&
        any(map_lgl(is_devtools_ns, lapply(sys.frames(), base::topenv)))

called_from_pkgdown = function () {
    isNamespaceLoaded('pkgdown') && {
        is_pkgdown_ns = function (x) identical(x, getNamespace('pkgdown'))
        any(map_lgl(is_pkgdown_ns, lapply(sys.frames(), base::topenv)))

called_from_ci = function () {
    any(Sys.getenv(c('R_INSTALL_PKG', '_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_', 'R_TESTS')) != '')

called_from_example = function () {
    utils_ns = getNamespace('utils')
    example = quote(example)
    frames = sys.frame()
    # N.B.: This only handles direct, unqualified calls, i.e.
    #   example(…)
    # it fails with other forms, such as
    #   utils::example(…)
    #   get('example')(…)
    # etc.
    is_example_call = function (i)
        identical(sys.call(i)[[1L]], example) &&
            identical(base::topenv(sys.frame(i)), utils_ns)
    any(map_lgl(is_example_call, seq_len(sys.nframe())))

import_env_parent = NULL

# Separate function for unit testing.
set_import_env_parent = function () {
        if (getOption('box.warn.legacy', TRUE)) {
        } else {

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box documentation built on May 2, 2023, 9:14 a.m.