
Defines functions bwr_query_get bwr_query_check bwr_query_create bwr_query_delete

Documented in bwr_query_check bwr_query_create bwr_query_delete bwr_query_get

#' Get a data frame of available queries for a given project
#' See the Brandwatch documentation for more information at https://developers.brandwatch.com/docs/retrieving-queries.
#' @param token
#' The auth token for this user, which should be generated into an environment variable using bwr_auth()
#' @param project_id
#' The project id you'd like to return all available queries for.
#' Obtain a data frame of projects using bwr_get_projects()
#' @param type
#' (Optional) The type of query you'd like to return.
#' If not specified, the API will return all available queries for the given project.
#' Currently, results don't seem to be affected by the type parameter - the API appears to return full results in all cases.
#' @return
#' Returns a dataframe of queries matching the project.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{my_queries <- bwr_query_get(project_id = 12334534)}
bwr_query_get <- function(project_id = NULL, type = NULL, token = Sys.getenv("BW_TOKEN")) {
    # Check for valid arguments -----------------------------------------------
    if (length(token) != 1 || class(token) != "character")
        stop("Token object does not appear to be a character vector of length one. Please re-run bwr_auth() to obtain a token")
    if (is.null(project_id) || length(project_id) != 1 || !class(project_id) %in% c("character", "numeric", "integer"))
        stop("project_id must be a character or numeric vector of length one")

    url <- paste0("https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/", project_id, "/queries/summary")
    r <- httr::GET(url, query = list(access_token = token, type = type))

    # Parse the results and return
    con <- httr::content(r, "text")
    json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(con)
    results <- json$results

#' Validate a Brandwatch query
#' @param token
#' The authentication token, acquired using bwr_auth()
#' @param query
#' A list containing named parameters: query and language.
#' @return
#' Returns a list containing any errors or issues, if found
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{any_issues <- bwr_query_check(query = list(query = 'at_mentions:huey', language = 'en'))}
bwr_query_check <- function(query = list(), token = Sys.getenv("BW_TOKEN")) {
    # Check for valid arguments -----------------------------------------------
    if (length(token) != 1 || class(token) != "character")
        stop("Token object does not appear to be a character vector of length one. Please re-run bwr_auth() to obtain a token")

    url <- paste0("https://api.brandwatch.com/query-validation/")
    query$access_token <- token
    r <- httr::GET(url, query = query)

    # Parse the results and return
    con <- httr::content(r, "text")
    json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(con)

#' Upload a new query to Brandwatch
#' Refer to https://developers.brandwatch.com/docs/creating-queries for more information.
#' Unless otherwise specified, provide a single string argument.
#' @param token
#' The authentication token, obtained using bwr_auth()
#' @param project_id
#' The project ID into which you'd like to insert a query
#' @param type
#' The type of query (e.g. 'search string')
#' @param languageAgnostic
#' (Boolean) Is the query language agnostic?
#' @param samplePercent
#' (Numeric) The sample percent for the given query
#' @param languages
#' Which languages to include
#' @param includedTerms
#' The query syntax to be included.
#' @param name
#' The name of the query
#' @param description
#' The description of the query
#' @param industry
#' The industry classification
#' @return
#' Returns a list containing the JSON response from the server.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{bwr_query_create(project_id = 12423432,
#'                  samplePercent = 50,
#'                  includedTerms = 'at_mentions:mickeymouse',
#'                  name = 'Sample API query')}
bwr_query_create <- function(project_id = NULL, type = "search string", languageAgnostic = FALSE, samplePercent = 100,
    languages = "en", includedTerms = NULL, name = NULL, description = "My API query", industry = "general", token = Sys.getenv("BW_TOKEN")) {

    # Check for valid arguments -----------------------------------------------
    if (length(token) != 1 || class(token) != "character")
        stop("Token object does not appear to be a character vector of length one. Please re-run bwr_auth() to obtain a token")
    if (is.null(project_id) || length(project_id) != 1 || !class(project_id) %in% c("character", "numeric", "integer"))
        stop("project_id must be a character or numeric vector of length one")
    if (class(type) != "character" || length(type) != 1)
        stop("type does not appear to be a character vector of length one")
    if (is.null(name))
        stop("Please supply a valid name for the query")

    query <- list(type = type, languageAgnostic = languageAgnostic, samplePercent = samplePercent, languages = languages, includedTerms = includedTerms,
        name = name, description = description, industry = industry)
    # Prep the query parameters for conversion to JSON
    for (i in c("type", "languageAgnostic", "samplePercent", "name", "description", "industry")) {
        query[[i]] <- jsonlite::unbox(query[[i]])

    # Make the request
    url <- paste0("https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/", project_id, "/queries/?access_token=", token)
    query_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(query)
    r <- httr::POST(url, httr::accept_json(), httr::add_headers(`Content-Type` = "application/json"), body = query_json, encode = "json")

    # Parse the results and return
    con <- httr::content(r, "text")
    json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(con)

    base::message(paste0("Created new query.\n\tProject: ", project_id, "\n\tQuery name: ", json$name, "\n\tQuery ID: ", json$id))


#' Delete a specified Brandwatch query
#' @param token
#' The authentication token, obtained using bwr_auth()
#' @param project_id
#' The project ID in which the target query can be found.
#' Obtain a data frame of project IDs using bwr_projects_get().
#' @param query_id
#' The ID of the query which you'd like to delete.
#' Obtain a list of query IDs using bwr_query_get().
#' @return
#' Returns a list of the JSON response.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{bwr_query_delete(project_id = 122445, query_id = 23432424)}
bwr_query_delete <- function(project_id, query_id, token = Sys.getenv("BW_TOKEN")) {

    # Check for valid arguments -----------------------------------------------
    if (length(token) != 1 || class(token) != "character")
        stop("Token object does not appear to be a character vector of length one. Please re-run bwr_auth() to obtain a token")
    if (is.null(project_id) || length(project_id) != 1 || !class(project_id) %in% c("character", "numeric", "integer"))
        stop("project_id must be a character or numeric vector of length one")
    if (is.null(query_id) || length(query_id) != 1 || !class(query_id) %in% c("character", "numeric", "integer"))
        stop("query_id must be a character or numeric vector of length one")

    url <- paste0("https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/", project_id, "/queries/", query_id)
    query$access_token <- token
    r <- httr::DELETE(url, query = query)

    # Parse the results and return
    con <- httr::content(r, "text")
    json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(con)
    base::message(paste0("Deleted query.\n\tProject: ", project_id, "\n\tQuery name: ", json$name, "\n\tQuery ID: ", json$id))

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brandwatchR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:24 p.m.