#' Build 3D brick model with 'rgl'
#' Render the output of any of the \code{bricks_from_*} functions as a 3D model. Opens an 'rgl' window.
#' @param brick_list List output from a \code{bricks_from_*} function. Contains an element \code{Img_lego}.
#' @param background_color Default 'white'. Color of the background.
#' @param rgl_lit Default 'TRUE'. Include RGL lighting features in rendering.
#' @param outline_bricks Default 'FALSE'. Include black outlines around brick edges.
#' Set to 'TRUE' and rgl_lit='FALSE' for cartoon-looking bricks.
#' @param trans_alpha Default 0.5. Alpha level for transparent bricks.
#' @param view_levels Numeric array of Levels/z values to display. Leave as 'NULL' to include all.
#' @examples
#' #This is a brick
#'brick <- data.frame(
#' Level="A",
#' X1 = rep(3,4), #The number 3 is the brickrID for 'bright red'
#' X2 = rep(3,4)
#'#Convert the dataframe to a list object that can be rendered
#'brick_object <- brick %>%
#' bricks_from_table()
#'#Render it
#'brick_object %>%
#' build_bricks()
#' rgl::clear3d()
#'#Combine the option rgl_lit=FALSE & outline_bricks=TRUE
#'# This makes the rendering look like a drawing
#' brick_object %>%
#' build_bricks(outline_bricks = TRUE, rgl_lit = FALSE,
#' background_color = "#99e7ff")
#' @return 3D brick model rendered in the 'rgl' package.
#' @family 3D Models
#' @export
build_bricks <- function(brick_list,
background_color = "white", rgl_lit = TRUE,
outline_bricks = FALSE,
trans_alpha = 0.5,
view_levels = NULL){
#Get previous data
in_list <- brick_list
img_lego <- in_list$Img_lego %>%
tidyr::drop_na() %>%
dplyr::select(-dplyr::contains("lum")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(lego_colors %>%
dplyr::select(Lego_name = Color, lum),
by = c("Lego_name"))
img_bricks <- in_list$Img_bricks %>%
dplyr::left_join(lego_colors %>%
dplyr::select(Lego_name = Color, Trans_lego, lum),
by = c("Lego_name"))
view_levels <- unique(img_lego$Level)
# For use inside brick drawing functions below
nudge = 0.01 #Space between bricks
scale = 1 #Reduce to unit size
height_scale = 9.6/7.8
color_outline = "black"
color_outline_trans = "white"
contrast_knobs = TRUE
contrast_lum = 0.2
knob_diameter = 5/8
brick_diameter = 96/100
outline_bricks = outline_bricks
suppress_knobs = TRUE #this won't draw 'hidden' knobs
pieces_knobbed = c("B", "P")
pieces_knobbed = c(pieces_knobbed, tolower(pieces_knobbed))
#For now, use the current collect_bricks output.
#This was designed for rayshader, and I don't want to drop rayshader just yet.
#Bricks & pieces without knobs ----
rgl_bricks_base <- list(
# x & y are the CENTERS of bricks. rgl scales shapes from center
x = img_bricks$xmin + 0.5 + (img_bricks$xmax - img_bricks$xmin)/2 ,
y = img_bricks$ymin + 0.5 + (img_bricks$ymax - img_bricks$ymin)/2 ,
z = img_bricks$Level + (img_bricks$mid_level/3),
color = img_bricks$Lego_color,
trans = img_bricks$Trans_lego,
lum = img_bricks$lum,
#Grab brick size from brick type id
width = as.numeric(img_bricks$brick_width),
length = as.numeric(img_bricks$brick_height),
piece = tolower(img_bricks$piece_type)
) %>%
rgl_bricks_base_list <- rgl_bricks_base %>%
if(!(this_brick$piece %in% pieces_knobbed)){return(NULL)}
this_height = switch(this_brick$piece,
b = 1,
p = 1/3
z_drop = switch(this_brick$piece,
b = 0,
p = -1/3
#Solid brick ----
brk_fill <- rgl::cube3d(col = this_brick$color,
alpha = if(this_brick$trans){trans_alpha}else{1})
brk_fill$vb[4,] <- brk_fill$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
brk_fill2 <- brk_fill %>%
rgl::scale3d(this_brick$width, this_brick$length, height_scale*this_height) %>% #Increase height
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale + z_drop*height_scale)
# Brick Outline ----
brk_out <- rgl::cube3d(col = if(this_brick$trans){colorspace::lighten(this_brick$color)}
brk_out$vb[4,] <- brk_out$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
brk_out$material$lwd <- 1
brk_out$material$front <- 'line'
brk_out$material$back <- 'line'
brk_out2 <- brk_out %>%
rgl::scale3d(this_brick$width, this_brick$length, height_scale*this_height) %>% #Increase height
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale + z_drop*height_scale)
out_list <- list(brk_fill2, brk_out2)
} else {
brk_out2 <- NULL
out_list <- list(brk_fill2, brk_out2)
#Save ----
}) %>%
purrr::discard(is.null) %>%
rgl_bricks_wedge_list <- rgl_bricks_base %>%
if(!(this_brick$piece %in% paste0("w", 1:4))){return(NULL)}
#Solid brick ----
brk_fill <- rgl::cube3d(col = this_brick$color,
alpha = if(this_brick$trans){trans_alpha}else{1})
#Turn it into a wedge
w_lhs <- switch(this_brick$piece,
w1 = c(7, 8),
w2 = c(6, 8),
w3 = c(5, 6),
w4 = c(5, 7))
w_rhs <- switch(this_brick$piece,
w1 = c(3, 4),
w2 = c(2, 4),
w3 = c(1, 2),
w4 = c(1, 3))
w_ratio = 1.2/4
brk_fill$vb[, w_lhs] <- brk_fill$vb[, w_rhs] * (1-w_ratio) + brk_fill$vb[, w_lhs] * w_ratio
brk_fill$vb[4,] <- brk_fill$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
brk_fill2 <- brk_fill %>%
rgl::scale3d(this_brick$width, this_brick$length, height_scale * 2/3) %>% #Increase height
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y,
this_brick$z * height_scale - height_scale*(1-2/3)/2)
# Brick Outline ----
brk_out <- rgl::cube3d(col = if(this_brick$trans){colorspace::lighten(this_brick$color)}
#Turn it into a wedge
brk_out$vb[, w_lhs] <- brk_out$vb[, w_rhs] * (1-w_ratio) + brk_out$vb[, w_lhs] * w_ratio
brk_out$vb[4,] <- brk_out$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
brk_out$material$lwd <- 1
brk_out$material$front <- 'line'
brk_out$material$back <- 'line'
brk_out2 <- brk_out %>%
rgl::scale3d(this_brick$width, this_brick$length, height_scale * 2/3) %>% #Increase height
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y,
this_brick$z * height_scale - height_scale*(1-2/3)/2)
out_list <- list(brk_fill2, brk_out2)
} else {
brk_out2 <- NULL
out_list <- list(brk_fill2, brk_out2)
#Save ----
}) %>%
purrr::discard(is.null) %>%
rgl_bricks_cyln_list <- rgl_bricks_base %>%
if(!(this_brick$piece %in% c("c", paste0("c", 1:2)))){return(NULL)}
this_piece = tolower(this_brick$piece)
bottom_diameter = 12/16
bottom_gap = height_scale/6
cyl_scale = 2
#Solid brick ----
# Base
# Between c/c1 (cylinder) and c2 (cone), only base is different
cyl_base_diameter = switch(
c = brick_diameter,
c1 = brick_diameter,
c2 = c(brick_diameter, (brick_diameter+knob_diameter)/2, knob_diameter)
cyl_base <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/cyl_scale, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = cyl_base_diameter,
closed = -2)
cyl_base$material$color <- this_brick$color
cyl_base$material$alpha <- if(this_brick$trans){trans_alpha}else{1}
cyl_base$vb[4,] <- cyl_base$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
cyl_base2 <- cyl_base %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, height_scale - bottom_gap) %>%
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, -height_scale + bottom_gap*1.5) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y,
this_brick$z * height_scale)
# Knob
cyl_knob <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/cyl_scale, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = knob_diameter,
closed = -2)
cyl_knob$material$color <- this_brick$color
cyl_knob$material$alpha <- if(this_brick$trans){trans_alpha}else{1}
cyl_knob$vb[4,] <- cyl_knob$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
cyl_knob2 <- cyl_knob %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, height_scale) %>%
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, -height_scale + bottom_gap - 0.02 + (1.7/9.6)/2 - 0.02) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale)
# Bottom
cyl_bttm <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/cyl_scale, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = bottom_diameter,
closed = -2)
cyl_bttm$material$color <- this_brick$color
cyl_bttm$material$alpha <- if(this_brick$trans){trans_alpha}else{1}
cyl_bttm$vb[4,] <- cyl_bttm$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
cyl_bttm2 <- cyl_bttm %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, bottom_gap) %>%
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, -bottom_gap*3.5) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale)
#Outlines ----
cyl_ot_diameter = switch(
c = brick_diameter,
c1 = brick_diameter,
c2 = knob_diameter
# These are 2-dimensional cylinders
#Base, top ----
cyl_base_ot_prep <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = cyl_ot_diameter*1.015) #Conditional on cone or cylinder
cyl_base_ot_prep$vb[4,] <- cyl_base_ot_prep$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
cyl_base_ot_prep$material$color <- if(this_brick$trans){colorspace::lighten(this_brick$color)}
cyl_base_ot <- cyl_base_ot_prep %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, 0.01) %>% #Make the height super short
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, height_scale/2 - 0.02) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale)
#Base, bottom ---
cyl_bttm_ot_prep <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = brick_diameter*1.015)
cyl_bttm_ot_prep$vb[4,] <- cyl_bttm_ot_prep$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
cyl_bttm_ot_prep$material$color <- if(this_brick$trans){colorspace::lighten(this_brick$color)}
cyl_bttm_ot <- cyl_bttm_ot_prep %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, 0.01) %>% #Make the height super short
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, height_scale/2) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale) %>%
rgl::translate3d(0, 0, -1*(height_scale - bottom_gap))
#Knob ----
cyl_knob_ot_prep <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = knob_diameter*1.015)
cyl_knob_ot_prep$vb[4,] <- cyl_knob_ot_prep$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
cyl_knob_ot_prep$material$color <- if(this_brick$trans){colorspace::lighten(this_brick$color)}
cyl_knob_ot <- cyl_knob_ot_prep %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, 0.01) %>% #Make the height super short
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, height_scale/2) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale) %>%
rgl::translate3d(0, 0, 0.22)
} else {
cyl_base_ot <- NULL
cyl_bttm_ot <- NULL
cyl_knob_ot <- NULL
out_list <- list(cyl_base2, cyl_bttm2, cyl_knob2,
cyl_base_ot, cyl_bttm_ot, cyl_knob_ot)
#Save ----
}) %>%
purrr::discard(is.null) %>%
#Bricks knobs ----
img_lego <- img_lego %>%
dplyr::mutate(temp_level = Level*3 + mid_level,
piece_type = tolower(piece_type)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(x, y) %>%
#Bricks: Keep knobs when next level is not right above it, 3 1-height units
((dplyr::lead(temp_level, order_by = temp_level) > (temp_level + 3)) & piece_type == "b") |
#Plates: Keep knobs when next level is not right above it, 1 1-height unit
((dplyr::lead(temp_level, order_by = temp_level) > (temp_level + 1)) & piece_type %in% c("p", "s")) |
#Or next level is na, order_by = temp_level)) |
# Or this or next level is transparent
dplyr::lead(Trans_lego, order_by = temp_level) | Trans_lego
) %>%
rgl_bricks_knobs <- list(
x = img_lego$x,
y = img_lego$y,
z = img_lego$Level + (img_lego$mid_level/3),
color = img_lego$Lego_color,
trans = img_lego$Trans_lego,
lum = img_lego$lum,
piece = tolower(img_lego$piece_type)
) %>%
rgl_bricks_knobs_list <- rgl_bricks_knobs %>%
if(!(this_brick$piece %in% pieces_knobbed)){return(NULL)}
adj_height = switch(this_brick$piece,
b = 1,
p = 1/3
z_drop = switch(this_brick$piece,
b = 0,
p = 1/3
cap_drop = switch(this_brick$piece,
b = 0,
p = -2/3
# Brick knob ----
brk_knob <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = knob_diameter,
closed = -2)
brk_knob$vb[4,] <- brk_knob$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
#Knob side color
if(contrast_knobs & !this_brick$trans){
if(this_brick$lum <= contrast_lum){
brk_knob$material$color <- colorspace::lighten(this_brick$color)
} else {
brk_knob$material$color <- colorspace::darken(this_brick$color)
} else{
brk_knob$material$color <- this_brick$color
brk_knob$material$alpha <- if(this_brick$trans){trans_alpha}else{1}
this_brick$x <- this_brick$x + 0.5
this_brick$y <- this_brick$y + 0.5
brk_knob2 <- brk_knob %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, (height_scale*adj_height) + 1.7/9.6) %>%
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, -height_scale-0.02) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale + z_drop*height_scale)
# Brick knob outlines ----
# These are 2-dimensional cylinders
brk_knob_ot_prep <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = knob_diameter*1.015)
brk_knob_ot_prep$vb[4,] <- brk_knob_ot_prep$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
brk_knob_ot_prep$material$color <- if(this_brick$trans){colorspace::lighten(this_brick$color)}
#Base of the knob
brk_knob_ot <- brk_knob_ot_prep %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, 0.01) %>% #Make the height super short
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, height_scale/2) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale + cap_drop*height_scale)
#Top of the knob
brk_knob_ot2 <- brk_knob_ot %>%
rgl::translate3d(0, 0, 0.22)
out_list <- list(brk_knob2, brk_knob_ot, brk_knob_ot2)
} else {
brk_knob_ot <- NULL
brk_knob_ot2 <- NULL
out_list <- list(brk_knob2, brk_knob_ot, brk_knob_ot2)
#Brick knob cap ----
# This uses the bricks color if the knob has contrasting sides
# Only use if the knob side is contrasted
brk_knob_top <- rgl::cylinder3d(matrix(c(rep(1, 3), rep(1, 3))/2, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE),
sides = 32,
radius = knob_diameter*.99,
closed = -2)
brk_knob_top$vb[4,] <- brk_knob_top$vb[4,]/scale*2 + nudge
brk_knob_top$material$color <- this_brick$color
brk_knob_top$material$alpha <- if(this_brick$trans){trans_alpha}else{1}
#A 2-dimensional filled circle on the top the knob
brk_knob_top2 <- brk_knob_top %>%
rgl::rotate3d(pi/2, 0, 1, 0) %>%
rgl::scale3d(1, 1, 0.01) %>%
rgl::translate3d(0.25, -0.25, height_scale/2+0.22+0.01) %>%
rgl::translate3d(this_brick$x, this_brick$y, this_brick$z * height_scale + cap_drop*height_scale)
out_list[[4]] <- brk_knob_top2
} else{
brk_knob_top2 <- NULL
out_list[[4]] <- brk_knob_top2
#Save ----
}) %>%
purrr::discard(is.null) %>%
shapelist <- c( purrr::flatten(rgl_bricks_base_list)
, purrr::flatten(rgl_bricks_wedge_list)
, purrr::flatten(rgl_bricks_cyln_list)
, purrr::flatten(rgl_bricks_knobs_list)
shapelist[sapply(shapelist, is.null)] <- NULL
shapelist %>%
rgl::shapelist3d(lit=rgl_lit, shininess = 100, specular = "black")
rgl::bg3d(color = background_color)
rgl::rgl.viewpoint(userMatrix = rgl::rotate3d(rgl::par3d("userMatrix"), 0, 0, 0 ,1) ,
fov=0) #All bricks, regardless of Z, are perceived as same size
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