#' @templateVar class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @template title_desc_tidy
#' @description Note that the `sf` package now defines tidy spatial objects
#' and is the recommended approach to spatial data. `sp` tidiers are now
#' deprecated in favor of `sf::st_as_sf()` and coercion methods found in
#' other packages. See
#' \url{} for more on
#' migration from retiring spatial packages.
#' @param x A `SpatialPolygonsDataFrame`, `SpatialPolygons`, `Polygons`,
#' `Polygon`, `SpatialLinesDataFrame`, `Lines` or `Line` object.
#' @param region name of variable used to split up regions
#' @param ... not used by this method
#' @name sp_tidiers
#' @rdname sp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @method tidy SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
tidy.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame <- function(x, region = NULL, ...) {
when = "1.0.4",
what = "tidy.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame()",
details = "Please use functions from the sf package, namely `sf::st_as_sf()`, in favor of sp tidiers."
#' @rdname sp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @method tidy SpatialPolygons
tidy.SpatialPolygons <- function(x, ...) {
when = "1.0.4",
what = "tidy.SpatialPolygons()",
details = "Please use functions from the sf package, namely `sf::st_as_sf()`, in favor of sp tidiers."
#' @rdname sp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @method tidy Polygons
tidy.Polygons <- function(x, ...) {
when = "1.0.4",
what = "tidy.Polygons()",
details = "Please use functions from the sf package, namely `sf::st_as_sf()`, in favor of sp tidiers."
#' @rdname sp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @method tidy Polygon
tidy.Polygon <- function(x, ...) {
when = "1.0.4",
what = "tidy.Polygon()",
details = "Please use functions from the sf package, namely `sf::st_as_sf()`, in favor of sp tidiers."
#' @rdname sp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @method tidy SpatialLinesDataFrame
tidy.SpatialLinesDataFrame <- function(x, ...) {
when = "1.0.4",
what = "tidy.SpatialLinesDataFrame()",
details = "Please use functions from the sf package, namely `sf::st_as_sf()`, in favor of sp tidiers."
#' @rdname sp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @method tidy Lines
tidy.Lines <- function(x, ...) {
when = "1.0.4",
what = "tidy.Lines()",
details = "Please use functions from the sf package, namely `sf::st_as_sf()`, in favor of sp tidiers."
#' @rdname sp_tidiers
#' @export
#' @method tidy Line
tidy.Line <- function(x, ...) {
when = "1.0.4",
what = "tidy.Line()",
details = "Please use functions from the sf package, namely `sf::st_as_sf()`, in favor of sp tidiers."
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