
## ----basic-page, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
#  library(shiny)
#  library(bs4Dash)
#  shinyApp(
#    ui = dashboardPage(
#      title = "Basic Dashboard",
#      header = dashboardHeader(),
#      sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
#      controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
#      footer = dashboardFooter(),
#      body = dashboardBody()
#    ),
#    server = function(input, output) {}
#  )

## ----basic-page-image, echo=FALSE, fig.cap='Basic page template', fig.align = 'center', out.width='100%'----

## ----page, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
#  dashboardPage(
#    header,
#    sidebar,
#    body,
#    controlbar = NULL,
#    footer = NULL,
#    title = NULL,
#    freshTheme = NULL,
#    preloader = NULL,
#    options = NULL,
#    fullscreen = FALSE,
#    help = FALSE,
#    dark = FALSE,
#    scrollToTop = FALSE
#  )

## ----loading, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  preloader <- list(html = tagList(spin_1(), "Loading ..."), color = "#343a40")

## ----sidebar, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#  dashboardSidebar(
#    disable = FALSE,
#    width = NULL,
#    skin = "dark",
#    status = "primary",
#    elevation = 4,
#    collapsed = FALSE,
#    minified = TRUE,
#    expandOnHover = TRUE,
#    fixed = TRUE,
#    id = "sidebar",
#    customArea = NULL,
#    ...
#  )

## ----sidebar-items, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------
#  sidebarUserPanel(
#      image = "",
#      name = "Welcome Onboard!"
#  )
#  sidebarMenu(
#    id = "sidebarmenu",
#    sidebarHeader("Header 1"),
#    menuItem(
#      "Item 1",
#      tabName = "item1",
#      icon = icon("sliders")
#    ),
#    menuItem(
#      "Item 2",
#      tabName = "item2",
#      icon = icon("id-card")
#    )
#  )

## ----subitems, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
#  menuItem(
#      text = "Item List 1",
#      icon = icon("bars"),
#      startExpanded = TRUE,
#      menuSubItem(
#          text = "Item 3",
#          tabName = "tab3",
#          icon = icon("circle-thin")
#      ),
#      menuSubItem(
#          text = "Item 4",
#          tabName = "tab4",
#          icon = icon("circle-thin")
#      )
#  )

## ----navbar, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  dashboardHeader(
#    title = NULL,
#    titleWidth = NULL,
#    disable = FALSE,
#    .list = NULL,
#    skin = "light",
#    status = "white",
#    border = TRUE,
#    compact = FALSE,
#    sidebarIcon = shiny::icon("bars"),
#    controlbarIcon = shiny::icon("th"),
#    fixed = FALSE,
#    leftUi = NULL,
#    rightUi = NULL
#  )

## ----brand, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
#  title <- dashboardBrand(
#      title = "My dashboard",
#      color = "primary",
#      href = "",
#      image = ""
#  )

## ----controlbar, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
#  dashboardControlbar(
#      id = NULL,
#      disable = FALSE,
#      width = 250,
#      collapsed = TRUE,
#      overlay = TRUE,
#      skin = "dark",
#      pinned = NULL
#  )

## ----controlbarmenu, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------
#  controlbarMenu(
#      ...,
#      id = NULL,
#      selected = NULL,
#      type = c("tabs", "pills"),
#      position = NULL,
#      vertical = FALSE,
#      side = "left",
#      .list = NULL
#  )

## ----controlbar-without-menu, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------
#  dashboardControlbar(
#      div(
#          class = "p-3",
#          # any content
#      )
#  )

## ----footer, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
#  dashboardFooter(
#    left = a(
#      href = "",
#      target = "_blank", "@DivadNojnarg"
#    ),
#    right = "2020"
#  )

## ----body, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
#  dashboardBody(
#    tabItems(
#      tabItem(
#        tabName = "item1",
#        fluidRow(
#          lapply(1:3, FUN = function(i) {
#            sortable(
#              width = 4,
#              p(class = "text-center", paste("Column", i)),
#              lapply(1:2, FUN = function(j) {
#                box(
#                  title = paste0("I am the ", j, "-th card of the ", i, "-th column"),
#                  width = 12,
#                  "Click on my header"
#                )
#              })
#            )
#          })
#        )
#      ),
#      tabItem(
#        tabName = "item2",
#        box(
#          title = "Card with messages",
#          width = 9,
#          userMessages(
#            width = 12,
#            status = "success",
#            userMessage(
#              author = "Alexander Pierce",
#              date = "20 Jan 2:00 pm",
#              image = "",
#              type = "received",
#              "Is this template really for free? That's unbelievable!"
#            ),
#            userMessage(
#              author = "Dana Pierce",
#              date = "21 Jan 4:00 pm",
#              image = "",
#              type = "sent",
#              "Indeed, that's unbelievable!"
#            )
#          )
#        )
#      )
#    )
#  )

## ----wrapup-intro, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
#  shinyApp(
#    ui = dashboardPage(
#      title = "Basic Dashboard",
#      fullscreen = TRUE,
#      header = dashboardHeader(
#        title = dashboardBrand(
#          title = "bs4Dash",
#          color = "primary",
#          href = "",
#          image = "",
#        ),
#        skin = "light",
#        status = "white",
#        border = TRUE,
#        sidebarIcon = icon("bars"),
#        controlbarIcon = icon("th"),
#        fixed = FALSE,
#        leftUi = tagList(
#          dropdownMenu(
#            badgeStatus = "info",
#            type = "notifications",
#            notificationItem(
#              inputId = "triggerAction2",
#              text = "Error!",
#              status = "danger"
#            )
#          ),
#          dropdownMenu(
#            badgeStatus = "info",
#            type = "tasks",
#            taskItem(
#              inputId = "triggerAction3",
#              text = "My progress",
#              color = "orange",
#              value = 10
#            )
#          )
#        ),
#        rightUi = dropdownMenu(
#          badgeStatus = "danger",
#          type = "messages",
#          messageItem(
#            inputId = "triggerAction1",
#            message = "message 1",
#            from = "Divad Nojnarg",
#            image = "",
#            time = "today",
#            color = "lime"
#          )
#        )
#      ),
#      sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
#        skin = "light",
#        status = "primary",
#        elevation = 3,
#        sidebarUserPanel(
#          image = "",
#          name = "Welcome Onboard!"
#        ),
#        sidebarMenu(
#          sidebarHeader("Header 1"),
#          menuItem(
#            "Item 1",
#            tabName = "item1",
#            icon = icon("sliders")
#          ),
#          menuItem(
#            "Item 2",
#            tabName = "item2",
#            icon = icon("id-card")
#          )
#        )
#      ),
#      controlbar = dashboardControlbar(
#        skin = "light",
#        pinned = TRUE,
#        collapsed = FALSE,
#        overlay = FALSE,
#        controlbarMenu(
#          id = "controlbarmenu",
#          controlbarItem(
#            title = "Item 1",
#            sliderInput(
#              inputId = "obs",
#              label = "Number of observations:",
#              min = 0,
#              max = 1000,
#              value = 500
#            ),
#            column(
#              width = 12,
#              align = "center",
#              radioButtons(
#                inputId = "dist",
#                label = "Distribution type:",
#                c(
#                  "Normal" = "norm",
#                  "Uniform" = "unif",
#                  "Log-normal" = "lnorm",
#                  "Exponential" = "exp"
#                )
#              )
#            )
#          ),
#          controlbarItem(
#            "Item 2",
#            "Simple text"
#          )
#        )
#      ),
#      footer = dashboardFooter(
#        left = a(
#          href = "",
#          target = "_blank", "@DivadNojnarg"
#        ),
#        right = "2018"
#      ),
#      body = dashboardBody(
#        tabItems(
#          tabItem(
#            tabName = "item1",
#            fluidRow(
#              lapply(1:3, FUN = function(i) {
#                sortable(
#                  width = 4,
#                  p(class = "text-center", paste("Column", i)),
#                  lapply(1:2, FUN = function(j) {
#                    box(
#                      title = paste0("I am the ", j, "-th card of the ", i, "-th column"),
#                      width = 12,
#                      "Click on my header"
#                    )
#                  })
#                )
#              })
#            )
#          ),
#          tabItem(
#            tabName = "item2",
#            box(
#              title = "Card with messages",
#              width = 9,
#              userMessages(
#                width = 12,
#                status = "success",
#                userMessage(
#                  author = "Alexander Pierce",
#                  date = "20 Jan 2:00 pm",
#                  image = "",
#                  type = "received",
#                  "Is this template really for free? That's unbelievable!"
#                ),
#                userMessage(
#                  author = "Dana Pierce",
#                  date = "21 Jan 4:00 pm",
#                  image = "",
#                  type = "sent",
#                  "Indeed, that's unbelievable!"
#                )
#              )
#            )
#          )
#        )
#      )
#    ),
#    server = function(input, output) {}
#  )

Try the bs4Dash package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bs4Dash documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:54 a.m.