
Defines functions assert_global_theme bs_global_bundle bs_global_add_rules bs_global_add_variables bs_global_clear bs_global_get bs_global_set bs_global_theme

Documented in bs_global_add_rules bs_global_add_variables bs_global_bundle bs_global_clear bs_global_get bs_global_set bs_global_theme

#' Global theming
#' `bs_global_theme()` creates and sets the global Bootstrap Sass theme. This
#' theme is typically found by [bs_theme_dependencies()] in the app or document
#' where the global theme is being used. You can obtain the current global theme
#' with [bs_global_get()] or directly set the global theme with
#' [bs_global_set()].
#' @inheritParams bs_theme
#' @return Functions that modify the global theme (e.g., `bs_global_set()`)
#'   invisibly return the previously set theme. `bs_global_get()` returns the
#'   current global theme.
#' @family Bootstrap theme functions
#' @examples
#' # Remember the global state now (so we can restore later)
#' theme <- bs_global_get()
#' # Use Bootstrap 3 (globally) with some theme customization
#' bs_global_theme(3, bg = "#444", fg = "#e4e4e4", primary = "#e39777")
#' if (rlang::is_interactive()) {
#'   bs_theme_preview(with_themer = FALSE)
#' }
#' # If no global theme is active, bs_global_get() returns NULL
#' bs_global_clear()
#' bs_global_get()
#' # Restore the original state
#' bs_global_set(theme)
#' @export
bs_global_theme <- function(
  version = version_default(),
  preset = NULL,
  bg = NULL,
  fg = NULL,
  primary = NULL,
  secondary = NULL,
  success = NULL,
  info = NULL,
  warning = NULL,
  danger = NULL,
  base_font = NULL,
  code_font = NULL,
  heading_font = NULL,
  bootswatch = NULL
) {
    preset = preset,
    bootswatch = bootswatch,
    bg = bg,
    fg = fg,
    primary = primary,
    secondary = secondary,
    success = success,
    info = info,
    warning = warning,
    danger = danger,
    base_font = base_font,
    code_font = code_font,
    heading_font = heading_font,

#' @rdname bs_global_theme
#' @inheritParams bs_theme_update
#' @export
bs_global_set <- function(theme = bs_theme()) {
  if (!is.null(theme)) {
  # In addition to setting a bslib global option, also set shiny's
  # current theme if this code is running in an `runtime: shiny` doc
  if (is_shiny_runtime() && is_installed("shiny", "1.6")) {
      "bs_global_set() may not work as expected inside runtime: shiny documents. ",
      "To update the document's theme, use `session$setCurrentTheme()` instead.",
      call. = FALSE
  old_theme <- options(bslib_theme = theme)

#' @rdname bs_global_theme
#' @export
bs_global_get <- function() {

#' @rdname bs_global_theme
#' @export
bs_global_clear <- function() {
  old_theme <- options(bslib_theme = NULL)

#' @rdname bs_global_theme
#' @inheritParams bs_add_variables
#' @export
bs_global_add_variables <- function(..., .where = "defaults",
                                    .default_flag = identical(.where, "defaults")) {
  theme <- assert_global_theme("bs_global_add_variables()")
  theme <- bs_add_variables(theme, ..., .where = .where, .default_flag = .default_flag)

#' @rdname bs_global_theme
#' @export
bs_global_add_rules <- function(...) {
  theme <- assert_global_theme("bs_global_add_rules()")
  theme <- bs_add_rules(theme, ...)

#' @rdname bs_global_theme
#' @export
bs_global_bundle <- function(...) {
  theme <- assert_global_theme("bs_global_bundle()")
  theme <- bs_bundle(theme, ...)

assert_global_theme <- function(calling_func) {
  theme <- bs_global_get()
  if (is.null(theme)) {
    stop("`", calling_func, "` requires that a global theme is first set (do you want to call `bs_global_theme()`?)")

Try the bslib package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bslib documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:31 a.m.