
Defines functions get_color_contrast rename2 separate_arguments any_unnamed names2 dropNulls add_class register_runtime_package_check is_shiny_runtime is_hosted_app is_shiny_app path_lib path_inst get_exact_version switch_version

# @staticimports pkg:staticimports
#  is_installed get_package_version system_file
#  register_upgrade_message
#  %||% is_string
#  read_utf8

switch_version <- function(version, five = default, four = default, three = default, default = NULL) {
  if (is_bs_theme(version)) {
    version <- theme_version(version)
  version <- as.character(version)
  if (isTRUE(version %in% c("4-3", "4+3"))) {
    warning("Version ", version, " has been renamed to 4. Please use 4 instead")
    version <- "4"
    version, `5` = five, `4` = four, `3` = three,
    stop("Didn't recognize Bootstrap version: ", version, call. = FALSE)

get_exact_version <- function(version) {
  switch_version(version, five = version_bs5, four = version_bs4, three = version_bs3)

path_inst <- function(...) {
  files <- system_file(..., package = "bslib")
  files_found <- files != ""
  if (all(files_found)) return(files)

  files_not_found <- file.path(...)[!files_found]
    "bslib file not found: '", files_not_found, "'",
    call. = FALSE

path_lib <- function(...) path_inst("lib", ...)

is_shiny_app <- function() {
  # Make sure to not load shiny as a side-effect of calling this function.
  isNamespaceLoaded("shiny") && shiny::isRunning()

is_hosted_app <- function() {
  nzchar(Sys.getenv("SHINY_SERVER_VERSION")) && is_shiny_app()

is_shiny_runtime <- function() {
  if (!is_installed("knitr")) return(FALSE)
  isTRUE(grepl("^shiny", knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.runtime")))

register_runtime_package_check <- function(feature, pkg, version) {
  msg <- sprintf(
    "%s is designed to work with %s %s or higher",
    feature, pkg, version

  if (isNamespaceLoaded(pkg) && !is_installed(pkg, version)) {
    warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

    packageEvent(pkg, "onLoad"),
    function(...) {
      if (!is_installed(pkg, version)) warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

add_class <- function(x, y) {
  class(x) <- unique(c(y, oldClass(x)))

dropNulls <- function(x) {
  x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]

names2 <- function(x) {
  names(x) %||% rep.int("", length(x))

any_unnamed <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0) return(FALSE)
  nms <- names(x)
  is.null(nms) || !all(nzchar(nms))

separate_arguments <- function(...) {
  x <- rlang::list2(...)
  x_names <- rlang::names2(x)
  is_named <- nzchar(x_names)

  if (all(is_named)) {
    return(list(attribs = x, children = list()))

  if (!any(is_named)) {
    return(list(attribs = list(), children = x))

  list(attribs = x[is_named], children = unname(dropNulls(x[!is_named])))

#' Rename a named list
#' @param x a named list to be renamed
#' @param nms a named character vector defining the renaming
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' rename2(list(a=1, b=3, c=4, a=2), b="z", f="w", a="y")
#' #> list(y = 1, z = 3, c = 4, y = 2)
#' rename2(c("a", "b", "c", "a"), b="z", f="w", a="y")
#' #> c("y", "z", "c", "y")
rename2 <- function(x, ...) {
  defs <- rlang::list2(...)
  nms <- names(x) %||% as.character(x)
  matches <- intersect(nms, names(defs))
  map <- match(nms, names(defs))
  mapidxNA <- is.na(map)
  replacement <- as.character(defs)[map[!mapidxNA]]
  if (is.null(names(x))) {
    x[!mapidxNA] <- replacement
  } else {
    names(x)[!mapidxNA] <- replacement

# Get an accessible color contrast for a specified bg_color
# (and return NULL+warn on failure)
get_color_contrast <- function(bg_color) {
  # Use a specific name that won't clash with other variables
  nm <- "__bslib-custom-bg-color__"
  theme <- bs_add_variables(bs_theme(), !!nm := bg_color)
    bs_get_contrast(theme, nm)[[1]],
    error = function(e) {
      warning("Failed to compute a contrasting color for '", bg_color, "'", call. = FALSE)

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bslib documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:31 a.m.