
Defines functions foreman

Documented in foreman

#' Internal: Composite-based SEM
#' The central hub of the \pkg{cSEM} package. It acts like a 
#' foreman by collecting all (estimation) tasks, distributing them to lower 
#' level package functions, and eventually recollecting all of their results. 
#' It is called by [csem()] to manage the actual calculations.
#' It may be called directly by the user, however, in most cases it will likely
#' be more convenient to use [csem()] instead.
#' @usage foreman(
#'   .data                        = args_default()$.data,
#'   .model                       = args_default()$.model,
#'   .approach_cor_robust         = args_default()$.approach_cor_robust,
#'   .approach_nl                 = args_default()$.approach_nl,
#'   .approach_paths              = args_default()$.approach_paths,
#'   .approach_weights            = args_default()$.approach_weights,
#'   .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
#'   .disattenuate                = args_default()$.disattenuate,
#'   .dominant_indicators         = args_default()$.dominant_indicators,
#'   .estimate_structural         = args_default()$.estimate_structural,
#'   .id                          = args_default()$.id,
#'   .instruments                 = args_default()$.instruments,
#'   .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
#'   .normality                   = args_default()$.normality,
#'   .PLS_approach_cf             = args_default()$.PLS_approach_cf,
#'   .PLS_ignore_structural_model = args_default()$.PLS_ignore_structural_model,
#'   .PLS_modes                   = args_default()$.PLS_modes,
#'   .PLS_weight_scheme_inner     = args_default()$.PLS_weight_scheme_inner,
#'   .reliabilities               = args_default()$.reliabilities,
#'   .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
#'   .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
#'   )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @inherit csem_results return
#' @seealso [csem], [cSEMResults]
#' @keywords internal

foreman <- function(
  .data                        = args_default()$.data,
  .model                       = args_default()$.model,
  .approach_cor_robust         = args_default()$.approach_cor_robust,
  .approach_nl                 = args_default()$.approach_nl,
  .approach_paths              = args_default()$.approach_paths,
  .approach_weights            = args_default()$.approach_weights,
  .conv_criterion              = args_default()$.conv_criterion,
  .disattenuate                = args_default()$.disattenuate,
  .dominant_indicators         = args_default()$.dominant_indicators,
  .estimate_structural         = args_default()$.estimate_structural,
  .id                          = args_default()$.id,
  .instruments                 = args_default()$.instruments,
  .iter_max                    = args_default()$.iter_max,
  .normality                   = args_default()$.normality,
  .PLS_approach_cf             = args_default()$.PLS_approach_cf,
  .PLS_ignore_structural_model = args_default()$.PLS_ignore_structural_model,
  .PLS_modes                   = args_default()$.PLS_modes,
  .PLS_weight_scheme_inner     = args_default()$.PLS_weight_scheme_inner,
  .reliabilities               = args_default()$.reliabilities,
  .starting_values             = args_default()$.starting_values,
  .tolerance                   = args_default()$.tolerance
  ) {
  args_used <- c(as.list(environment(), all.names = TRUE))
  ### Preprocessing ============================================================
  ## Parse and order model to "cSEMModel" list
  csem_model <- parseModel(.model, .instruments = .instruments)

  ## Prepare, check, and clean data (a data.frame)
  X_cleaned <- processData(.data = .data, 
                           .model = csem_model,
                           .instruments = NULL)
  ### Computation ==============================================================
  ## Calculate empirical indicator covariance/correlation matrix
  Cor <- calculateIndicatorCor(.X_cleaned = X_cleaned,
                               .approach_cor_robust = .approach_cor_robust)

  # Extract the correlation matrix
  S <- Cor$S
  ## Standardize
  X <- scale(data.matrix(X_cleaned))
  ## Calculate weights
  if(.approach_weights == "PLS-PM") {
    W <- calculateWeightsPLS(
      .S                        = S,
      .csem_model               = csem_model,
      .iter_max                 = .iter_max,
      .PLS_modes                = .PLS_modes,
      # Arguments passed on to calculateInnerWeightsPLS
      .PLS_ignore_structural_model  = .PLS_ignore_structural_model,
      .PLS_weight_scheme_inner      = .PLS_weight_scheme_inner,
      # Arguments passed on to calcuateOuterWeightsPLS 
      .data                     = X,
      # Arguments passed to checkConvergence
      .conv_criterion           = .conv_criterion,
      .tolerance                = .tolerance,
      # starting values
      .starting_values          = .starting_values
  } else if(.approach_weights %in% c("SUMCORR", "MAXVAR", "SSQCORR", "MINVAR", "GENVAR")) {
    W <- calculateWeightsKettenring(
      .S                        = S,
      .csem_model               = csem_model,
      .approach_gcca            = .approach_weights
  } else if(.approach_weights == "GSCA") {
    if(csem_model$model_type == "Nonlinear") {
      stop2("cSEM currently does not support GSCA and GSCAm for models containing nonlinear terms.")
    if(.disattenuate & all(csem_model$construct_type == "Common factor")) {
      W <- calculateWeightsGSCAm(
        .X                        = X,
        .csem_model               = csem_model,
        .conv_criterion           = .conv_criterion,
        .iter_max                 = .iter_max,
        .tolerance                = .tolerance,
        .starting_values          = .starting_values
      # Weights need to be scaled s.t. the composite build using .X has
      # variance of one. Note that scaled GSCAm weights are identical
      # to PLS ModeA weights.
      W$W <- scaleWeights(S, W$W)
    } else {
      W <- calculateWeightsGSCA(
        .X                        = X,
        .S                        = S,
        .csem_model               = csem_model,
        .conv_criterion           = .conv_criterion,
        .iter_max                 = .iter_max,
        .tolerance                = .tolerance,
        .starting_values          = .starting_values

  } else if(.approach_weights == "unit") {
    W <- calculateWeightsUnit(
      .S                        = S,
      .csem_model               = csem_model,
      .starting_values          = .starting_values
  } else if(.approach_weights %in% c("bartlett", "regression")) {
    # Note:  1. "bartlett" and "regression" weights are calculated later in the 
    #        calculateReliabilities() function. Here only placeholders for
    #        the weights are set in order to keep the list structure of W.
    W <- list("W" = csem_model$measurement, "E" = NULL, "Modes" = NULL, 
              "Conv_status" = NULL, "Iterations" = 0)
  } else if(.approach_weights == "PCA") {
    W <- calculateWeightsPCA(
      .S                        = S,
      .csem_model               = csem_model

  ## Dominant indicators:
  if(!is.null(.dominant_indicators)) {
    W$W <- setDominantIndicator(
      .W = W$W, 
      .dominant_indicators = .dominant_indicators,
      .S = S)

  LambdaQ2W <- calculateReliabilities(
    .X                = X,
    .S                = S,
    .W                = W,
    .approach_weights = .approach_weights,
    .csem_model       = csem_model,
    .disattenuate     = .disattenuate,
    .PLS_approach_cf  = .PLS_approach_cf,
    .reliabilities    = .reliabilities

  Weights <- LambdaQ2W$W 
  Lambda  <- LambdaQ2W$Lambda
  Q       <- sqrt(LambdaQ2W$Q2)
  # Overwrite the .disattenuate argument 
  # The .disattenuate argument can changed in the calcualte Reliabilities function 
  # in the case that reliabilities are
  # given by the user or that the two stage approach is used. 
  args_used$.disattenuate <- LambdaQ2W$.disattenuate
  ## Calculate measurement error correlation
  # Compute theta
  Theta <- S - t(Lambda) %*% Lambda
  ## Calculate proxies/scores
  H <- X %*% t(Weights)
  ## Calculate proxy covariance matrix
  C <- calculateCompositeVCV(.S = S, .W = Weights)
  ## Calculate construct correlation matrix
  P <- calculateConstructVCV(.C = C, .Q = Q)
  ## Estimate structural coef
  if(sum(rowSums(csem_model$structural)) == 0) {.estimate_structural <- FALSE}
  if(.estimate_structural) {
    estim_results <- estimatePath(
      .approach_nl    = .approach_nl,
      .approach_paths = .approach_paths,
      .csem_model     = csem_model,
      .H              = H,
      .normality      = .normality,
      .P              = P,
      .Q              = Q
  } else {
    estim_results <- NULL

  ### Output -------------------------------------------------------------------
  out <- list(
    "Estimates"   = list(
      "Path_estimates"         = if(.estimate_structural) {
      } else {
      "Loading_estimates"      = Lambda,
      "Weight_estimates"       = Weights,
      "Inner_weight_estimates" = W$E,
      "Residual_correlation"   = Theta,
      "Construct_scores"       = H,
      "Indicator_VCV"          = S,
      "Proxy_VCV"              = C,
      "Construct_VCV"          = P,
      "Reliabilities"          = Q^2,
      "R2"                     = if(.estimate_structural) {
      } else {
      "R2adj"                  = if(.estimate_structural) {
      } else {
      "VIF"                    = if(.estimate_structural) {
      } else {
      "SE"                    = if(.estimate_structural) {
      } else {
    "Information" = list(
      "Data"          = X,
      "Model"         = csem_model,
      "Arguments"     = args_used,
      "Type_of_indicator_correlation" = Cor$cor_type,
      "Threshold_parameter_estimates" = Cor$thres_est,
      "Weight_info"   = list(
        "Modes"              = W$Modes,
        "Number_iterations"  = W$Iterations,
        "Convergence_status" = W$Conv_status
      "Approach_2ndorder"  = NA
  class(out) <- c("cSEMResults", "cSEMResults_default")
  ### For maintenance: ---------------------------------------------------------
  # X (N x K)   := Matrix of indicator values (=data)
  # S (K x K)   := Empirical indicator covariance/correlation matrix
  # W$W (J x K) := (Block-)diagonal matrix of weights with the same dimension as
  #                .modellist$measurement
  # H (N x J)   := Matrix of proxy values for the J constructs
  # Lambda (K x J) := Blockdiagonal matrix of factor loadings.
  # Q (1 x J)   := Vector of estimated construct-proxy correlations: Q := R(eta; eta_bar)
  # C (J x J)   := Proxy covariance matrix: R(eta_bar, eta_bar)
  # P (J x J)   := Construct correlation matrix (possibly disattenuated)

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cSEM documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 1:05 a.m.