#' Internal: Helper for infer()
#' Collection of various functions that compute an inferential quantity.
#' Implementation and terminology of the confidence intervals is based on
#' \insertCite{Hesterberg2015;textual}{cSEM} and
#' \insertCite{Davison1997;textual}{cSEM}.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name inference_helper
#' @rdname inference_helper
#' @keywords internal
MeanResample <- function(.first_resample) {
lapply(.first_resample, function(x) {
out <- colMeans(x$Resampled)
names(out) <- names(x$Original)
#' @rdname inference_helper
SdResample <- function(.first_resample, .resample_method, .n) {
lapply(.first_resample, function(x) {
out <- matrixStats::colSds(x$Resampled)
names(out) <- names(x$Original)
if(.resample_method == "jackknife") {
out <- out * (.n - 1)/sqrt(.n)
#' @rdname inference_helper
BiasResample <- function(.first_resample, .resample_method, .n) {
lapply(.first_resample, function(x) {
out <- colMeans(x$Resampled) - x$Original
names(out) <- names(x$Original)
if(.resample_method == "jackknife") {
out <- out * (.n - 1)
#' @rdname inference_helper
# Computes the *Standard CI with bootstrap SE's*.
# Critical quantiles can be based on both the `t`- or the
# standard normal distribution (`z`). The former may perform better in
# small samples but there is no clear consenus on what the degrees of freedom
# should be. We use N - 1 ("type1").
StandardCIResample <- function(
.dist = c("z", "t"),
.df = c("type1", "type2"),
) {
# Standard CI with bootstrap SE's
# Critical quantiles can be based on both the t- or the
# standard normal distribution (z). The former may perform better in
# small samples but there is no clear consenus on what the degrees of freedom
# should be.
# CI: [theta_hat + c(alpha/2)*boot_sd ; theta_hat + c(1 - alpha/2)*boot_sd]
# = [theta_hat - c(1 - alpha/2)*boot_sd ; theta_hat + c(1 - alpha/2)*boot_sd]
# if c() is based on a symmetric distribution.
## Compute standard deviation
boot_sd <- SdResample(.first_resample, .resample_method = .resample_method, .n = .n)
## confidence level (for rownames)
cl <- 1 - .probs[seq(1, length(.probs), by = 2)]*2
## Compute intervals
# Notation:
# w = .first_resample := the list containing the estimated values based on .R resamples
# and the original values
# y := the estimated standard errors (based on .R resamples)
# z := a vector of probabilities
out <- mapply(function(w, y) {
lapply(.probs, function(z) {
theta_star <- if(.bias_corrected) {
2*w$Original - colMeans(w$Resampled)
# theta_hat - Bias = 2*theta_hat - mean_theta_hat_star
} else {
if(.dist == "t") {
df <- switch(.df,
"type1" = .n - 1,
"type2" = nrow(w) - 1
theta_star + qt(z, df = df) * y
} else {
theta_star + qnorm(z) * y
}, w = .first_resample, y = boot_sd, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) %>%
lapply(function(x), x)) %>%
lapply(function(x) {
# rownames(x) <- paste0(c("L_", "U_"), rep(cl, each = 2))
rownames(x) <- unlist(lapply(100*cl, function(x)
c(sprintf("%.6g%%L", x), sprintf("%.6g%%U", x))))
#' @rdname inference_helper
#The function takes the distribution F* (the CDF) of the resamples as an estimator for
#the true distribution F of the statistic/estimator of interest.
#Quantiles of the estimated distribution are then used as lower and upper bound.
PercentilCIResample <- function(.first_resample, .probs) {
# Percentile CI
# Take the bootstrap distribution F* (the CDF) as an estimator for
# the true distribution F. Use the quantiles of the estimated distribution
# to estimate the CI for theta.
# CI: [F*^-1(alpha/2) ; F*^-1(1 - alpha/2)]
## confidence level (for rownames)
cl <- 1 - .probs[seq(1, length(.probs), by = 2)]*2
lapply(.first_resample, function(x) {
out <- t(matrixStats::colQuantiles(x$Resampled, probs = .probs, drop = FALSE))
colnames(out) <- names(x$Original)
# rownames(out) <- paste0(c("L_", "U_"), rep(cl, each = 2))
rownames(out) <- unlist(lapply(100*cl, function(x)
c(sprintf("%.6g%%L", x), sprintf("%.6g%%U", x))))
#' @rdname inference_helper
BasicCIResample <- function(.first_resample, .bias_corrected, .probs) {
# Basic CI
# Estimate the distribution of delta_hat = theta_hat - theta by the bootstrap
# distribution delta_hat_star = theta_hat_star - theta_hat.
# Since P(a <= theta_hat - theta <= b) = P(theta_hat - b <= theta <= theta_hat - a)
# (notice how the limits a and b switch places!!)
# Define q_p := p%-quantile of the bootstrap distribution of delta_hat_star
# and
# b = q_(1 - alpha/2)
# a = q_(alpha/2)
# then the CI is:
# CI: [theta_hat - q_(1 - alpha/2); theta_hat - q_(alpha/2)]
# Note that q_p is just the alpha percentile quantile shifted by theta_hat:
# q_p = Q_p - theta_hat, where Q_P = F*^-1(p) := the p% quantile of the
# distribution of theta_hat_star.
# Therefore:
# CI: [2*theta_hat - Q_(1 - alpha/2); 2*theta_hat - Q_(alpha/2)]
## confidence level (for rownames)
cl <- 1 - .probs[seq(1, length(.probs), by = 2)]*2
lapply(.first_resample, function(x) {
out <- t(matrixStats::colQuantiles(x$Resample, probs = .probs, drop = FALSE))
theta_star <- if(.bias_corrected) {
2*x$Original - colMeans(x$Resampled)
# theta_hat - Bias = 2*theta_hat - mean_theta_hat_star
} else {
out <- t(2*theta_star - t(out))
colnames(out) <- names(x$Original)
out <- out[1:nrow(out) + rep(c(1, -1), times = nrow(out)/2), , drop = FALSE]
# rownames(out) <- paste0(c("L_", "U_"), rep(cl, each = 2))
rownames(out) <- unlist(lapply(100*cl, function(x)
c(sprintf("%.6g%%L", x), sprintf("%.6g%%U", x))))
#' @rdname inference_helper
# The function computes a boostrap t-statisic (since it is roughly pivotal)
# and constructs the CI based on bootstraped t-values and bootstraped/jackknife
# SE's
TStatCIResample <- function(
) {
# Bootstraped t statistic
# Bootstrap the t-statisic (since it is roughly pivotal) and compute
# CI based on bootstraped t-values and bootstraped/jackknife SE
# CI: [F*^-1(alpha/2) ; F*^-1(1 - alpha/2)]
## confidence level (for rownames)
cl <- 1 - .probs[seq(1, length(.probs), by = 2)]*2
boot_sd_star <- lapply(.second_resample, SdResample, .resample_method = .resample_method2, .n = .n) %>%
purrr::transpose(.) %>%
lapply(function(y), y))
boot_sd <- SdResample(.first_resample, .resample_method = .resample_method, .n = .n)
boot_t_stat <- mapply(function(x, y) t(t(x$Resampled) - x$Original) / y,
x = .first_resample,
y = boot_sd_star)
i <- 1
y <- boot_sd[[1]]
z <- .probs[1]
out <- mapply(function(i, y) {
lapply(.probs, function(z) {
qt_boot <- t(matrixStats::colQuantiles(boot_t_stat[[i]], probs = z, drop = FALSE))
theta_star <- if(.bias_corrected) {
2*.first_resample[[i]]$Original - colMeans(.first_resample[[i]]$Resampled) # theta_hat - Bias = 2*theta_hat - mean_theta_hat_star
} else {
## Confidence interval
theta_star - qt_boot * y
}, i = seq_along(.first_resample), y = boot_sd, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) %>%
lapply(function(x), x)) %>%
lapply(function(x) {
x <- x[1:nrow(x) + rep(c(1, -1), times = nrow(x)/2), , drop = FALSE]
# rownames(x) <- paste0(c("L_", "U_"), rep(cl, each = 2))
rownames(x) <- unlist(lapply(100*cl, function(x)
c(sprintf("%.6g%%L", x), sprintf("%.6g%%U", x))))
names(out) <- names(.first_resample)
#' @rdname inference_helper
BcCIResample <- function(.first_resample, .probs) {
## confidence level (for rownames)
cl <- 1 - .probs[seq(1, length(.probs), by = 2)]*2
out <- lapply(.first_resample, function(x) {
p0 <- colMeans(t(t(x$Resampled) <= x$Original))
z0 <- qnorm(p0)
bc <- lapply(1:length(z0), function(i) {
bc_quantiles <- c()
for(j in seq_along(.probs)) {
q <- pnorm(2*z0[i] + qnorm(.probs[j]))
bc_quantiles <- c(bc_quantiles, quantile(x$Resampled[, i], probs = q))
names(bc) <- names(x$Original)
}) %>%
lapply(function(x) t(, x))) %>%
lapply(function(x) {
# rownames(x) <- paste0(c("L_", "U_"), rep(cl, each = 2))
rownames(x) <- unlist(lapply(100*cl, function(x)
c(sprintf("%.6g%%L", x), sprintf("%.6g%%U", x))))
#' @rdname inference_helper
BcaCIResample <- function(.object, .first_resample, .probs) {
## confidence level (for rownames)
cl <- 1 - .probs[seq(1, length(.probs), by = 2)]*2
## influence values (estimated via jackknife)
# Delete resamples and cSEMResults_resampled class tag
# to be able to run resampling again.
# if(any(class(.object) == "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
# .object$Second_stage$Information$ResamplesEstimates$Estimates_resample <- NULL
# .object$Second_stage$Estimates$Information_resample <- NULL
# } else {
# .object$Estimates$Estimates_resample <- NULL
# .object$Estimates$Information_resample <- NULL
# }
class(.object) <- setdiff(class(.object), "cSEMResults_resampled")
jack <- resamplecSEMResults(
.object = .object,
.resample_method = "jackknife"
jack_estimates <- if(any(class(jack) == "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
} else {
aFun <- function(x) {
1/6 * (sum(x^3) / sum(x^2)^1.5)
a <- lapply(jack_estimates, function(x) t(x$Original - t(x$Resampled))) %>%
lapply(function(x) apply(x, 2, aFun))
p0 <- lapply(.first_resample, function(x) colMeans(t(t(x$Resampled) <= x$Original)))
z0 <- lapply(p0, qnorm)
out <- lapply(seq_along(.first_resample), function(i) {
bca <- lapply(1:length(z0[[i]]), function(j) {
q <- pnorm(z0[[i]][j] + (z0[[i]][j] + qnorm(.probs))/ (1 - a[[i]][j]*(z0[[i]][j] + qnorm(.probs))))
quantile(.first_resample[[i]]$Resampled[, j], probs = q)
names(bca) <- names(.first_resample[[i]]$Original)
lapply(function(x) t(, x))) %>%
lapply(function(x) {
# rownames(x) <- paste0(c("L_", "U_"), rep(cl, each = 2))
rownames(x) <- unlist(lapply(100*cl, function(x)
c(sprintf("%.6g%%L", x), sprintf("%.6g%%U", x))))
names(out) <- names(.first_resample)
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