
Defines functions .rename .aggregate_results_data_table .aggregate_experiment .parse_raw_data_table .unnest_raw_list .parse_model

#' Parse raw model results
#' @param raw A list with raw model results as returned by model functions
#' @param experience A data.frame containing the model experience
#'  (from CalmrExperiment)
#' @param model A model name string.
#' @param outputs A character vector specifying the model outputs to parse.
#' @return A list with each parsed model output
#' @noRd
#' @import data.table
.parse_model <- function(raw, experience, model, outputs) {
  sapply(outputs, function(o) {
      type = o,
      experience = experience,
      model = model
  }, simplify = FALSE)

.unnest_raw_list <- function(raw) {
  dims <- lapply(raw, dim)
  udims <- unique(dims)
  matches <- lapply(udims, function(u) {
    which(unlist(lapply(dims, function(d) all(d == u))))
  raw <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(matches, function(m) {
    data.table::as.data.table(aperm(simplify2array(raw[m]), c(3, 1, 2)))
  # now need to put the trials back
  raw[, "V1" := rep(unlist(matches), sapply(dims, prod))]
  names(raw)[names(raw) == "V1"] <- "tie"

.parse_raw_data_table <- function(raw, type, experience, model) {
  # local bindings
  tie <- NULL

  # outputs containing three dimensional arrays (trial, s, s)
  threes <- c(
    "es", "vs", "eivs",
    "acts", "heidi_acts", "relacts", "rs", "os",
    "m_ij", "ncs", "anccrs", "cws",
    "psrcs", "das", "qs", "ps"
  # get general data
  gen_dat <- data.table::as.data.table(experience)
  # necessary for join
  gen_dat[, "tie" := seq_len(nrow(gen_dat))]
  if (!is.list(raw)) {
    raw2d <- data.table::as.data.table(raw)
    if (length(dim(raw)) > 2) {
      raw2d[, "tie" := rep(seq_len(nrow(gen_dat)),
        each = prod(dim(raw)[-1])
  } else {
    # special treatment for ragged arrays
    if (type == "heidi_acts") {
      raw2d <- data.table::rbindlist(
        sapply(names(raw), function(r) {
          hold <- .unnest_raw_list(raw[[r]])
          hold[, "type" := r]
        }, simplify = FALSE)
    } else {
      raw2d <- data.table::rbindlist(
        sapply(names(raw), function(r) {
          hold <- data.table::as.data.table(raw[[r]])
          hold[, "type" := r]
          if (length(dim(raw[[r]]) > 3)) {
            hold[, "tie" := rep(seq_len(nrow(gen_dat)),
              each = prod(dim(raw[[r]])[-1])
        }, simplify = FALSE)
  if (type %in% threes) {
    # now join
    full_dat <- gen_dat[raw2d, on = list(tie)]
    # renaming
    if (type %in% c("os")) {
      # the only model output that does not follow Var1 = s1, Var2 = s2
      full_dat <- .rename(full_dat, c("V2", "V3", "V4"), c("s1", "comp", "s2"))
    } else {
      full_dat <- .rename(full_dat, c("V2", "V3"), c("s1", "s2"))
  } else {
    # need to melt, but no need to name
    full_dat <- cbind(gen_dat, raw2d)
    full_dat <- data.table::melt(full_dat,
      id.vars = names(gen_dat),
      measure.vars = names(raw),
      variable.name = "s1"
  # renaming
  full_dat <- .rename(full_dat, "tn", "trial_type")
  # get rid of tie columns
  full_dat <- full_dat[, -c("tie")]
  # get rid of V1 if around
  if ("V1" %in% names(full_dat)) {
    full_dat <- full_dat[, -c("V1")]


#' Aggregate CalmrExperiment results
#' @param experiment A CalmrExperiment object
#' @param outputs A character vector specifying which outputs to aggregate
#' @param .callback_fn A function to call on each succesful aggregation.
#' @return A CalmrExperiment object
#' @noRd
.aggregate_experiment <- function(
    experiment, outputs,
    .callback_fn = NULL) {
  # throw error if outputs requested are not in parsed_results
  # or if parsed_results do not exist
  res <- experiment@results@parsed_results
  if (
      function(i) all(outputs %in% names(i))
    )) ||
      is.null(res)) {
      "Cannot aggregate requested outputs ",
      "because some do not exist in object@results@parsed_results. ",
      "Use `parse` on your object with the appropriate outputs first."

  pb <- progressr::progressor(length(outputs))
  agg_dat <- list()
  agg_dat[[experiment@model]] <- sapply(outputs, function(o) {
    pb(message = sprintf("Aggregating model %s", experiment@model))
    if (!is.null(.callback_fn)) .callback_fn() # nocov
    # put data together
    big_dat <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(res, "[[", o))
    # aggregate
    agg_dat <- .aggregate_results_data_table(big_dat, type = o)
    agg_dat$model <- experiment@model
  }, simplify = FALSE)

# type is the type of data
.aggregate_results_data_table <- function(dat, type) {
  value <- NULL # local binding
  dat <- data.table::data.table(dat)
  # define base terms for aggregation formula
  no_s2 <- c("as", "e_ij", "e_i", "m_i", "delta")
  terms <- c(
    "group", "phase", "trial_type",
    "trial", "s1", "s2", "block_size"
  if ("time" %in% names(dat)) {
    terms <- c(terms, "time")
  if (type %in% no_s2) {
    terms <- terms[!(terms == "s2")]
  if ("type" %in% names(dat)) {
    terms <- c(terms, "type")
  if (type %in% c("os")) {
    terms <- c(terms, "comp")
  form <- paste0(terms, collapse = ",")
  data.table::setDT(dat)[, list("value" = mean(value)), by = form]

.rename <- function(x, from, to) {
  onames <- names(x)
  onames[onames %in% from] <- to
  names(x) <- onames

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