Man pages for cansim
Accessing Statistics Canada Data Table and Vectors

add_provincial_abbreviationsAdd provincial abbreviations as factor
cansim_old_to_newTranslate deprecated CANSIM table number into new NDM-format...
categories_for_levelUse metadata to extract categories for column of specific...
collect_and_normalizeCollect data from connection and normalize cansim table...
correspondenceThe correspondence file for old to new StatCan table numbers...
create_indexcreate database index
csv2sqliteconvert csv to sqlite adapted from...
disconnect_cansim_sqliteDisconnect from a cansim database connection
fold_in_metadata_for_columnsFold in metadata and for selected columns
get_cansimRetrieve a Statistics Canada data table using NDM catalogue...
get_cansim_changed_tablesRetrieve a list of modified tables since a given date
get_cansim_code_setGet NDM code sets
get_cansim_column_categoriesRetrieve Statistics Canada data table categories for a...
get_cansim_column_listRetrieve Statistics Canada data table column list
get_cansim_cube_metadataRetrieve table metadata from Statistics Canada API
get_cansim_data_for_table_coord_periodsRetrieve data for specified Statistics Canada data product...
get_cansim_key_release_scheduleMajor economic indicator release schedule
get_cansim_ndmRetrieves a Statistics Canada data table using CANSIM code or...
get_cansim_sqliteRetrieve a Statistics Canada data table using NDM catalogue...
get_cansim_table_infoRetrieve Statistics Canada data table information
get_cansim_table_last_release_dateGet the latest release data for a StatCan table, if available
get_cansim_table_listRetrieve list of all Statistics Canada data tables
get_cansim_table_list_pageAn internal method to get page of Statistics Canada data...
get_cansim_table_notesRetrieve Statistics Canada data table notes and column...
get_cansim_table_overviewRetrieve Statistics Canada data table overview text
get_cansim_table_short_notesRetrieve Statistics Canada data table short notes
get_cansim_table_subjectRetrieve Statistics Canada data table subject detail
get_cansim_table_surveyRetrieve Statistics Canada data table survey detail
get_cansim_table_urlRetrieve a Statistics Canada data table URL given a table...
get_cansim_vectorRetrieve data for a Statistics Canada data vector released...
get_cansim_vector_for_latest_periodsRetrieve data for specified Statistics Canada data vector(s)...
get_cansim_vector_infoRetrieve metadata for specified Statistics Canada data...
list_cansim_cubesGet overview list for all Statistics Canada data cubes
list_cansim_sqlite_cached_tablesList cached cansim SQLite database
list_cansim_tablesGet overview list for all Statistics Canada data tables...
normalize_cansim_valuesNormalize retrieved data table values to appropriate scales
parse_metadataParse metadata
remove_cansim_sqlite_cached_tableRemove cached cansim SQLite database
search_cansim_cubesSearch through Statistics Canada data cubes
search_cansim_tablesSearch through Statistics Canada data tables (deprecated)
view_cansim_webpageView CANSIM table information in browser
cansim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:46 a.m.