Man pages for cati
Community Assembly by Traits: Individuals and Beyond

AbToIndInternal function. Transform abundance data matrix into...
as.listofindexTransform index results in a list of index
Auxiliary.functionsAuxiliary functions
ComIndexComputing metrics to test and quantify the non-random...
ComIndexMultiComputing multitraits metrics to test and quantify the...
CVNNDCoefficient of variation, mean, minimum and standard...
decompCTREVariance partitioning for multiple traits
finch.indFinch morphological data
FredFunctional richness, evenness and divergence following...
IndexByGroupsApply metrics to groups.
MinMaxMSTRatio of the shortest distance to the longest distance in a...
partvarVariance partitioning accross nested scales
plotCorTstatsPlot the bivariate relationships between T-statistics
plotDistriPlot function to represent density of trait values
plot.listofindexPlot community assembly index
plotRandtestPlot result of observed indices values against null...
plotSESvarPlot SES values against a variable
plotSpPopPlot populations values against species values
plotSpVarPlot populations values against species values
PvalCalcul of p-value for object of class Tstats, ComIndex,...
RandComToy model to simulate internal and/or external filtering
RaoRelAlpha, gamma and beta-components for taxonomic, functional...
samplingSubsetDataSampling subset of data.
sesStandardized effect size and confidence interval for a matrix...
ses.listofindexStandardized effect size for a list of index.
SumBLSum of branch length of a classification dendrogram (Petchey...
traitflex.anovaVariance decomposition for a given trait used in decompCTRE
TstatsComputing observed T-statistics (T for Traits) and null...
cati documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:43 p.m.