as.listofindex: Transform index results in a list of index

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as.listofindexR Documentation

Transform index results in a list of index


Transform various results from functions Tstats, ComIndex or ComIndexMulti in a list of index. Useful to use the functions plot.listofindex (S3 method) and ses.listofindex.


	as.listofindex(x, namesindex = NULL)



A list of objects of class Tstats, ComIndex or ComIndexMulti


Optionnal, the names of index in the same order as in x.


A list of observed values and corresponding "null" values (i.e. produced by null models) in the form "list(index1, null model index1, index2, null model index2 ...)"


Adrien Taudiere

See Also

ses.listofindex; plot.listofindex



	res.finch <- Tstats(traits.finch, ind.plot = ind.plot.finch, 
	sp = sp.finch, nperm = 9, print = FALSE)

	## Not run: 
		#### Use a different regional pool than the binding of studied communities
		#create a random regional pool for the example
		reg.p <- rbind(traits.finch, traits.finch[sample(1:2000,300), ])
		res.finch2 <- Tstats(traits.finch, ind.plot = ind.plot.finch, 
	    sp = sp.finch, reg.pool=reg.p, nperm = 9, print = FALSE)	
	    #### Use a different regional pool for each communities
		#create a random regional pool for each communities for the example
		list.reg.p <- list(
		traits.finch[sample(1:290,200), ], traits.finch[sample(100:1200,300), ], 
		traits.finch[sample(100:1500, 1000), ], traits.finch[sample(300:800,300), ],
		traits.finch[sample(1000:2000, 500), ], traits.finch[sample(100:900, 700), ] )

		# Warning: the regional pool need to be larger than the observed communities
		# For exemple, the third community need a regional pool of more than 981 individuals
		res.finch3 <- Tstats(traits.finch, ind.plot = ind.plot.finch, 
	    sp = sp.finch, reg.pool=list.reg.p, nperm = 9, print = FALSE)	
	    plot(as.listofindex(list(res.finch, res.finch2, res.finch3)))	
## End(Not run)

cati documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:43 p.m.

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