register_ccdr: Register a CTX API

View source: R/register_ctx.R

register_ccdrR Documentation

Register a CTX API


This page contains documentation tools related to enabling CTX API services in R.





register_ccdr(key, write = FALSE)

## S3 method for class 'ctx_credentials'





an API key


if TRUE, stores the secrets provided in the .Renviron file


a dumped formal argument to the generic print method


To obtain an API key and enable services, go to This documentation shows you how to obtain an API key to allow access to the CTX APIs.

To tell ccdR about your API key, use register_ccdr(), e.g. register_ccdr(key = 'grbwigbwoginrowgbwibgdibdvinrginiwgo') (that's a fake key). This will set your API key for the current session, but if you restart R, you'll need to do it again. You can set it permanently by setting write = TRUEm see the examples. If you set it permanently it will be stored in a local file, and that will be accessed by ccdR persistently across sessions.

Users should be aware that the API key, a string of garbled characters/numbers/symbols, is a PRIVATE key - it uniquely identifies and authenticates you to CTX's services. If anyone gets your API key, they can use it to masquerade as you to CTX. To mitigate against users inadvertently sharing their keys, by default ccdR never displays a user's key in messages displayed to the console.

Users should be aware that ccdR has no mechanism with which to safeguard the private key once registered with R. That is to say, once you register your API key, any R function will have access to it. As a consequence, ccdR will not know if another function, potentially from a compromised package, accesses the key and uploads it to a third party. For this reason, when using ccdR we recommend a heightened sense of security and self-awareness: only use trusted packages, do not save the API keys in script files, etc.


  • showing_key returns a Boolean.

  • ccdr_show_api_key() has no return value but has the side effect of changing the display settings of the API key.

  • ccdr_hide_api_key() has no return value but has the side effect of changing the display settings of the API key.

  • register_ccdr() has no return value but has the side effect of storing the API key.

  • print.ctx_credentials() has no return value and is an S3 method for printing the ctx_credentials class.

  • ctx_key() returns a string, either the stored API key or NA_character_.

  • has_ctx_key() returns a Boolean.


# Check if API key is showing

# Toggle API key to display

# Toggle API key to be hidden

# Register key for this session
register_ccdr(key = 'YOUR API KEY')
# Register key over sessions
register_ccdr(key = 'YOUR API KEY', write = TRUE)

# Print function for ctx_credentials class

# Display ctx API key

# Check whether API key is registered

ccdR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:57 p.m.