## All generic S3 methods
#' Plot RTM return spectra vs. wavelength
#' @param x predictions from an RTM
#' @param \dots additional plot arguments
#' @return plots to the device a ccrtm standard spectra plot based on
#' the function call returned from fRTM.
#' @export
plot.rtm.spectra <- function(x, ...) {
wl <- attr(x,"wavelength")
main <- attr(x,"main")
models <- attr(x,"models")
specnums <- sapply(c("rho","tau"), grepl, x=main)
if(!is.null(ncol(specnums))) {
specnums <- apply(specnums,2,which)
specnames <- c("reflectance", "transmission")[specnums]
if (is.null(ncol(x))) {
plot(x = wl, y = as.numeric(x),
xlab="wavelength (nm)", ...)
} else{
if(ncol(x)>2) specnames <- colnames(x)
matplot(x = wl, y = x,
xlab="wavelength (nm)",
pos <- ifelse(max(wl)<1500,"topleft", "topright")
legend(pos, legend=specnames,
#' Plot RTM return spectra vs. wavelength
#' @param x predictions from an RTM
#' @param \dots additional plot arguments
#' @return prints the standard information from a simulated
#' ccrtm spectra plot
#' @export
print.rtm.spectra <- function(x, ...) {
wl <- attr(x,"wavelength")
main <- attr(x,"main")
models <- attr(x,"models")
specnums <- sapply(c("rho","tau"), grepl, x=main)
if(!is.null(ncol(specnums))) {
specnums <- apply(specnums,2,which)
specnames <- c("reflectance", "transmission")[specnums]
if(length(models)>1) models <- paste(models,collapse=", ")
specnames <- paste(specnames, collapse=" and ")
cat("RTM predicted spectra: ",specnames, "\n")
cat("Generating model(s): ",models, "\n")
cat("Wavelength range ",paste(range(wl),collapse="-"), "(nm) \n")
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