
Defines functions censys_query censys_get_job_status censys_get_job_result censys_series censys_series_details

Documented in censys_get_job_result censys_get_job_status censys_query censys_series censys_series_details

#' Issue SQL Queries against the Censys API
#' The Query API allows executing SQL queries against our daily snapshots and raw data
#' analogous to the Query web interface. Queries are executed asynchronously. You must
#' first start a job, then check its status. Once a job has completed, you can view
#' paginated results using the get results endpoint. Jobs typically require 15-30
#' seconds to execute; results can be viewed for 24 hours after the job completed.
#' Ddefinition endpoints are also exposed where you can list the series and view series
#' details (i.e., list tables and schema).
#' You must have both \code{CENSYS_API_ID} and \code{CENSYS_API_SECRET} present in the
#' R environment for the functions in this package to work. It is highly suggested that
#' you place those in \code{~/.Renviron} at least for interactive work.
#' @param sql SQL query string
#' @references Censys SQL query syntax: \url{https://censys.io/query};
#'             API doc: \url{https://www.censys.io/api/v1/docs/search}
#' @export
#' @return API call result (invisibly)
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' q <- censys_query("SELECT p443.https.tls.cipher_suite.name, count(ip) FROM ipv4
#'                    WHERE p443.https.tls.validation.browser_trusted=true
#'                    GROUP BY p443.https.tls.cipher_suite.name;")
#' censys_get_job_status(q$job_id)
#' censys_get_job_result(q$job_id)
#' }
censys_query <- function(sql) {

  result <- httr::POST(CENSYS_API_URL %s+% "query",


  srs <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(result, as="text"), flatten=TRUE)

  class(srs) <- c("censys_query_res", class(srs))

  message(sprintf("Query: %s\nStatus: %s\nJob Id: %s",
                  srs$configuration$query, srs$status, srs$job_id))



#' Get status of a Censys SQL query job
#' The Get Job Status endpoint allows you to determine whether a job has completed. Once
#' it has successfully finished, you can then retrieved results with the Get Results
#' endpoint. Data should be posted as a JSON request document.
#' You must have both \code{CENSYS_API_ID} and \code{CENSYS_API_SECRET} present in the
#' R environment for the functions in this package to work. It is highly suggested that
#' you place those in \code{~/.Renviron} at least for interactive work.
#' @param job_id Censys job id (from calling \code{censys_query()})
#' @references Censys SQL query syntax: \url{https://censys.io/query};
#'             API doc: \url{https://www.censys.io/api/v1/docs/search}
#' @return API call result (invisibly)
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' q <- censys_query("SELECT p443.https.tls.cipher_suite.name, count(ip) FROM ipv4
#'                    WHERE p443.https.tls.validation.browser_trusted=true
#'                    GROUP BY p443.https.tls.cipher_suite.name;")
#' censys_get_job_status(q$job_id)
#' censys_get_job_result(q$job_id)
#' }
censys_get_job_status <- function(job_id) {

  result <- httr::GET(CENSYS_API_URL %s+% "query/" %s+% job_id,


  srs <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(result, as="text"), flatten=TRUE)

  class(srs) <- c("censys_job_status", class(srs))

  message(sprintf("Query: %s\nStatus: %s\nJob Id: %s",
                  srs$configuration$query, srs$status, srs$job_id))



#' Get results of completed Censys SQL query job
#' The Get Results endpoint allows you to retrieve results of a query after it has
#' completed successfully.
#' You must have both \code{CENSYS_API_ID} and \code{CENSYS_API_SECRET} present in the
#' R environment for the functions in this package to work. It is highly suggested that
#' you place those in \code{~/.Renviron} at least for interactive work.

#' @param job_id Censys job id (from calling \code{censys_query()})
#' @param page page number of paged results
#' @references Censys SQL query syntax: \url{https://censys.io/query};
#'             API doc: \url{https://www.censys.io/api/v1/docs/search}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' q <- censys_query("SELECT p443.https.tls.cipher_suite.name, count(ip) FROM ipv4
#'                    WHERE p443.https.tls.validation.browser_trusted=true
#'                    GROUP BY p443.https.tls.cipher_suite.name;")
#' censys_get_job_status(q$job_id)
#' censys_get_job_result(q$job_id)
#' }
censys_get_job_result <- function(job_id, page=1) {

  result <- httr::GET(CENSYS_API_URL %s+% "query/" %s+% job_id %s+% "/" %s+% page,


  srs <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(result, as="text"), flatten=TRUE)

  class(srs) <- c("censys_job_results", class(srs))



#' List all series that can be queried from the SQL interface
#' You must have both \code{CENSYS_API_ID} and \code{CENSYS_API_SECRET} present in the
#' R environment for the functions in this package to work. It is highly suggested that
#' you place those in \code{~/.Renviron} at least for interactive work.
#' @references Censys SQL query syntax: \url{https://censys.io/query};
#'             API doc: \url{https://www.censys.io/api/v1/docs/search}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' censys_series()
#' }
censys_series <- function() {

  result <- httr::GET(CENSYS_API_URL %s+% "query_definitions",


  srs <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(result, as="text"), flatten=TRUE)

  class(srs) <- c("censys_series", class(srs))



#' Get details about a series, including the list of tables and schema for the series
#' You must have both \code{CENSYS_API_ID} and \code{CENSYS_API_SECRET} present in the
#' R environment for the functions in this package to work. It is highly suggested that
#' you place those in \code{~/.Renviron} at least for interactive work.
#' @param series series name (call \code{censys_series() to see them all}). Defaults to \code{ipv4}.
#' @references Censys SQL query syntax: \url{https://censys.io/query};
#'             API doc: \url{https://www.censys.io/api/v1/docs/search}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' censys_series_details("ipv4")
#' }
censys_series_details <- function(series="ipv4") {

  result <- httr::GET(CENSYS_API_URL %s+% "query_definitions/" %s+% series,


  srs <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(result, as="text"), flatten=TRUE)

  class(srs) <- c("censys_series_details", class(srs))



Try the censys package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

censys documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:45 a.m.