
Defines functions sdmc

Documented in sdmc

#' Sheltered Duff Moisture Code
#' @description \code{sdmc} is used to calculate
#' sheltered DMC (sDMC, Wotton et al., 2005) based on daily noon weather
#' observations of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, 24-hour rainfall,
#' and a previous day's calculated or estimated value of sDMC. This function
#' calculates sDMC for either one weather station or for multiple weather
#' stations over the duration of the daily weather data set, typically over a
#' fire season.
#' The Duff Moisture Code (DMC) component of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather
#' Index (FWI) System tracks moisture content of the forest floor away from the
#' sheltering influences of overstory trees.  This sheltered Duff Moisture Code
#' (sDMC) was developed to track moisture in the upper 5 cm of the organic
#' layer in the rain sheltered areas near (<0.5 m) the boles of overstory trees
#' (Wotton et al. 2005), an area where lightning strikes usually ignite the
#' forest floor when they run to ground. The sDMC is very similar in structure
#' (and identical in data requirements) to the DMC.  The sDMC, like all the FWI
#' System moisture codes, is a bookkeeping system that tracks gain and loss of
#' moisture from day-to-day; thus an estimate of the previous day's sDMC value
#' is needed to provide a starting point for each day's moisture calculation.
#' Like the other moisture codes in the FWI System the sDMC is converted from a
#' moisture content value to an outputted CODE value which increases in value
#' with decreasing moisture content.
#' @param input A data.frame containing input variables of daily noon weather
#' observations. Variable names have to be the same as in the following list,
#' but they are case insensitive. The order in which the input variables are
#' entered is not important either.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \var{temp} \tab (required) \tab Temperature (centigrade)\cr
#' \var{rh} \tab (required) \tab Relative humidity (\%)\cr
#' \var{ws} \tab (required) \tab 10-m height wind speed (km/h)\cr
#' \var{prec} \tab (required) \tab 1-hour rainfall (mm)\cr
#' \var{mon} \tab (recommended) \tab Month of the observations (integer 1-12)\cr
#' \var{day} \tab (optional) \tab Day of the observations (integer)\cr }
#' @param sdmc_old Previous day's value of SDMC. At the start of calculations,
#' when there is no calculated previous day's SDMC value to use, the user must
#' specify an estimate of this value.  Where \code{sdmc_old=NULL}, the function
#' will calculate the initial SDMC values based on the initial DMC. The
#' \code{sdmc_old} argument can accept a single initial value for multiple
#' weather stations, and also accept a vector of initial values for multiple
#' weather stations.
#' @param batch Whether the computation is iterative or single step, default is
#' TRUE. When \code{batch=TRUE}, the function will calculate daily SDMC for one
#' weather station over a period of time iteratively. If multiple weather
#' stations are processed, an additional "id" column is required in the input
#' to label different stations, and the data needs to be sorted by date/time
#' and "id".  If \code{batch=FALSE}, the function calculates only one time step
#' base on either the previous day's SDMC or the initial start value.
#' @return \code{sdmc} returns either a single value or
#'    a vector of SDMC values.
#' @author Xianli Wang, Mike Wotton, Alan Cantin, and Mike Flannigan
#' @seealso \code{\link{fwi}}
#' @references Wotton, B.M., B.J. Stocks, and D.L. Martell. 2005. An index for
#' tracking sheltered forest floor moisture within the Canadian Forest Fire
#' Weather Index System. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 14, 169-182.
#' @keywords methods
#' @examples
#' library(cffdrs)
#' data("test_sdmc")
#' # order the data:
#' test_sdmc <- test_sdmc[with(test_sdmc, order(yr, mon, day)), ]
#' # (1)Default of sdmc, calculate sdmc for a chronical period of time.
#' # Because sdmc_old is better to be calculated, we normally
#' # ignore this option:
#' test_sdmc$SDMC <- sdmc(test_sdmc)
#' # (2) multiple weather stations:
#' # Batch process with multiple stations (2 stations) assuming
#' # they are from the same month:
#' test_sdmc$mon <- 7
#' test_sdmc$day <- rep(1:24, 2)
#' test_sdmc$id <- rep(1:2, each = 24)
#' # Sort the data by date and weather station id:
#' test_sdmc <- test_sdmc[with(test_sdmc, order(yr, mon, day, id)), ]
#' # Apply the function
#' test_sdmc$SDMC_mult_stn <- sdmc(test_sdmc, batch = TRUE)
#' # Assuming each record is from a different weather station, and
#' # calculate only one time step:
#' foo <- sdmc(test_sdmc, batch = FALSE)
#' @export sdmc
sdmc <- function(
    sdmc_old = NULL,
    batch = TRUE) {
  # Description: Calculate the sheltered Duff Moisture Code (sDMC) based on
  #              noon weather observations of temp, rh, ws, 24-hour rain and
  #              previous day's sDMC. Equations being referenced are from
  #              Wotton et. al. (2005) or Van Wagner & Pickett (1985).
  #              Wotton, B.M., B.J. Stocks, and D.L. Martell. 2005. An index for
  #              tracking sheltered forest floor moisture within the Canadian
  #              Forest Fire Weather Index System. International Journal of
  #              Wildland Fire, 14, 169-182.
  #              Equations and FORTRAN program for the Canadian Forest Fire
  #              Weather Index System. 1985. Van Wagner, C.E.; Pickett, T.L.
  #              Canadian Forestry Service, Petawawa National Forestry
  #              Institute, Chalk River, Ontario. Forestry Technical Report 33.
  #              18 p.
  # Args:
  #       input:  View Documentation (sdmc.Rd) for full
  #               description of input data frame
  #    sdmc_old:  previous day's calculated sDMC value
  #       batch:  Function can be run in a batch mode, where multiple
  #               weather stations or points can be calculated at once.
  #               (TRUE/FALSE, default TRUE)
  # Returns: sdmc single or vector of SDMC value(s)
  # Quite often users will have a data frame called "input" already attached
  #  to the workspace. To mitigate this, we remove that if it exists, and warn
  #  the user of this case.
  if (!is.na(charmatch("input", search()))) {
  names(input) <- tolower(names(input))
  # order dataset
  input <- input[with(input, order(mon, day)), ]
  # enable batch mode
  if (batch) {
    # if id is set, then multiple stations is correct
    if ("id" %in% names(input)) {
      input <- input[with(input, order(mon, day, id)), ]
      n <- length(unique(input$id))
      if (length(unique(input[1:n, "id"])) != n) {
          "Multiple stations have to start and end at the same dates,and",
          " input data must be sorted by date/time and id"
    } else {
      n <- 1
    # not batch mode
  } else {
    n <- nrow(input)
  # set local scope variables
  temp <- input$temp
  prec <- input$prec
  ws <- input$ws
  rh <- input$rh
  mon <- input$mon
  dmc <- input$dmc
  # set some warnings if data not setup appropriately
  if (!exists("dmc") | is.null(dmc)) {
    warning("dmc is missing!")
  if (!exists("temp") | is.null(temp)) {
    warning("temperature (temp) is missing!")
  if (!exists("prec") | is.null(prec)) {
    warning("precipitation (prec) is missing!")
  if (!exists("ws") | is.null(ws)) {
    warning("wind speed (ws) is missing!")
  if (!exists("rh") | is.null(rh)) {
    warning("relative humidity (rh) is missing!")
  #   if (!exists("mon") | is.null(mon))
  #     warning("month (mon) is missing!")
  if (length(temp) %% n != 0) {
    warning("Input data do not match with number of weather stations")

  # Reference latitude for DMC day length adjustment
  # Using the Canadian reference only
  el <- c(6.5, 7.5, 9.0, 12.8, 13.9, 13.9, 12.4, 10.9, 9.4, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0)
  # Constrain rh, ws and precipitation
  rh <- ifelse(rh > 99.9, 99.9, rh)
  rh <- ifelse(rh < 0.0, 10.0, rh)
  ws <- ifelse(ws < 0.0, 0.0, ws)
  prec <- ifelse(prec < 0.0, 0.0, prec)

  # Length of weather run
  n0 <- length(temp) %/% n
  # loop through all elements
  for (i in 1:n0) {
    # k is the data for all stations by day
    k <- (n * (i - 1) + 1):(n * i)
    # initialize sdmc if it does not exist
    if (is.null(sdmc_old)) {
      sdmc_old <- 2.6 + (1.7 * dmc[k])
      sdmc_old <- sdmc_old - 6.0
      sdmc_old <- ifelse(sdmc_old < 12, 12, sdmc_old)
    # Constrain temperature
    t0 <- ifelse(temp[k] < -1.1, -1.1, temp[k])
    # This is a modification multpliper at front
    rk <- 4.91 / 3.57 * 1.894 * (t0 + 1.1) * (100 - rh[k]) * el[mon[k]] * 0.0001
    # Eq.7 (Wotton et. al. 2005) calculates rain throughfall.
    rw <- ifelse(prec[k] < 7.69, 0.218 * prec[k] - 0.094, 0.83 * prec[k] - 4.8)
    # Alteration to Eq. 12 (Van Wagner & Pickett 1985)
    wmi <- 20.0 + 280.0 / exp(0.023 * sdmc_old)
    # Eqs. 13a, 13b, 13c (Van Wagner & Pickett 1985)
    b <- ifelse(
      sdmc_old <= 33,
      100.0 / (0.5 + 0.3 * sdmc_old),
      14.0 - 1.3 * log(sdmc_old)
    b <- ifelse(sdmc_old > 65, 6.2 * log(sdmc_old) - 17.2, b)
    # Eq. 14 (Van Wagner & Pickett 1985) - Moisture content after rain
    wmr <- wmi + 1000.0 * rw / (48.77 + b * rw)
    # Alteration to Eq. 15 (Van Wagner & Pickett 1985)
    pr <- ifelse(prec[k] <= 0.44, sdmc_old, 43.43 * (5.6348 - log(wmr - 20)))
    # Constrain p
    pr <- ifelse(pr < 0, 0, pr)
    # Calculate final SDMC
    SDMC0 <- pr + rk
    # Constrain result
    SDMC0 <- ifelse(SDMC0 < 0, 0, SDMC0)
    SDMC <- c(SDMC, SDMC0)
    sdmc_old <- SDMC0

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