
Defines functions cff_write_citation cff_write_bib

Documented in cff_write_bib cff_write_citation

#' Export **R** objects to different file types
#' @description
#' Export **R** objects representing citations to specific file types:
#' - [cff_write_bib()] creates a `.bib` file.
#' - [cff_write_citation()] creates a **R** citation file as explained in
#'   Section 1.9 CITATION files of *Writing R Extensions* (R Core Team 2023).
#' @param x A [`bibentry`] or a [`cff`] object.
#' @param file Name of the file to be created. If `NULL` it would display the
#'   lines to be written.
#' @param append Whether to append the entries to an existing file or not.
#' @param verbose Display informative messages
#' @param ascii Whether to write the entries using ASCII characters only or not.
#' @inheritDotParams as_bibentry.cff what
#' @inheritDotParams as_bibentry.cff_ref
#' @inheritDotParams as_bibentry.cff_ref_lst
#' @references
#' - R Core Team (2023). _Writing R Extensions_.
#'   <https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html>
#' @export
#' @rdname cff_write_misc
#' @family bibtex
#' @family writing
#' @return
#' Writes the corresponding file specified on the `file` parameter.
#' @details
#' When `x` is a `cff` object it would be converted to `Bibtex` using
#' [toBibtex.cff()].
#' For security reasons, if the file already exists the function would create
#' a backup copy on the same directory.
#' @seealso
#' `vignette("bibtex_cff", "cffr")`, [knitr::write_bib()] and the
#' following packages:
#' - \CRANpkg{bibtex}.
#' - \CRANpkg{RefManageR}
#' - \CRANpkg{rbibutils}
#' @examples
#' bib <- bibentry("Misc",
#'   title = "My title",
#'   author = "Fran PĂ©rez"
#' )
#' my_temp_bib <- tempfile(fileext = ".bib")
#' cff_write_bib(bib, file = my_temp_bib)
#' cat(readLines(my_temp_bib), sep = "\n")
#' cff_write_bib(bib, file = my_temp_bib, ascii = TRUE, append = TRUE)
#' cat(readLines(my_temp_bib), sep = "\n")
cff_write_bib <- function(x, file = tempfile(fileext = ".bib"), append = FALSE,
                          verbose = TRUE, ascii = FALSE, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "cff")) {
    x <- as_bibentry(x, ...)

  if (!inherits(x, "bibentry")) {
        "{.arg x} should be a {.cls bibentry} object, not a ",
        "{.cls {class(x)}} object."

  btex <- toBibtex(x)

  if (ascii) {
    # Base encoding as per file()
    btex <- encoded_utf_to_latex(btex)
    class(btex) <- "Bibtex"
  } else {
    btex <- enc2utf8(btex)

  if (detect_x_source(file) != "bib") file <- paste0(file, ".bib")
  write_lines_msg(btex, file, verbose, append)

#' @export
#' @rdname cff_write_misc
#' @name cff_write_citation
#' @examples
#' # Create a CITATION file
#' # Use a system file
#' f <- system.file("examples/preferred-citation-book.cff", package = "cffr")
#' a_cff <- cff_read(f)
#' out <- file.path(tempdir(), "CITATION")
#' cff_write_citation(a_cff, file = out)
#' # Check by reading, use meta object
#' meta <- packageDescription("cffr")
#' meta$Encoding <- "UTF-8"
#' utils::readCitationFile(out, meta)
cff_write_citation <- function(x, file = tempfile("CITATION_"),
                               append = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "cff")) {
    x <- as_bibentry(x, ...)

  if (!inherits(x, "bibentry")) {
        "{.arg x} should be a {.cls bibentry} object, not a ",
        "{.cls {class(x)}} object."

  bentr <- format(x, style = "R")
  bentr <- c("", bentr)
  write_lines_msg(bentr, file, verbose, append)

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cffr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:41 p.m.