Man pages for cg
Compare Groups, Analytically and Graphically

anorexiaFTAnorexiaFT Data Set in the cg package
boxplot.cgOneFactorDataBox Plot Graph of Groups from a cgOneFactorData object
canineCanine Data Set in the cg package
canine.listfmtCanine Data Set in the cg package
cgInternalClassescg package Internal Virtual Classes
cgInternalUtilitiescg package Internal Utilities
cgLineColorsColor Choice order for Graph Lines
cg-packageCompare Groups, Analytically and Graphically
cgValiditycg package Validity Checks
comparisonsCreate a table of comparisons amongst groups
comparisonsgraphCreate an graph of comparisons
comparisonsGraph.cgOneFactorComparisonsTableCreate an graph of the comparisons in a...
comparisonsGraph.cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTableCreate an graph of the comparisons in a...
comparisonsGraphGenericGraph comparisons specified amongst groups
comparisonsTableCreate a Table of Comparisons amongst Groups
comparisonsTable.cgOneFactorFitCreate a table of comparisons amongst groups with the...
comparisonsTable.cgPairedDifferenceFitCreate a table of comparisons between two groups with the...
correlationTableCompute Correlations
correlationTable.cgPairedDifferenceDataCompute Correlations from a cgPairedDifferenceData object
descriptiveTableCompute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups
descriptiveTable.cgOneFactorDataCompute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a...
descriptiveTable.cgPairedDifferenceDataCompute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a...
diffGraphGraph Paired Differences
diffGraph.cgPairedDifferenceDataGraph Paired Differences from a cgPairedDifferenceData object
downweightedTableCreate a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant...
downweightedTable.cgOneFactorFitCreate a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant...
downweightedTable.cgPairedDifferenceFitCreate a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant...
errorbargraphCreate an error bar graph based on pairwise multiple...
errorBarGraph.cgOneFactorFitCreate an Error Bar graph amongst groups in a cgOneFactorFit...
errorBarGraphGenericCreate an Error Bar graph amongst groups
fitFit models to data
fit.cgOneFactorDataFit models to a cgOneFactorData object
fit.cgPairedDifferenceDataFit models to a cgPairedDifferenceData object
globalTestPerform a global test of significance
globalTest.cgOneFactorFitPerform a global Test of significance with cgOneFactorFit...
gmcsfcensGM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
gmcsfcens.listfmtGM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
grpSummaryTableCreate a table of estimated group means and variability
grpSummaryTable.cgOneFactorFitCreate a table of estimated group means and variability with...
kmGraphGraph Distribution Functions of Groups
kmGraph.cgOneFactorDataGraph Distribution Functions of Groups in a cgOneFactorData...
pointGraphGraph Individual Data Points of Groups
pointGraph.cgOneFactorDataGraph Individual Data Points in a cgOneFactorData object
preparePrepare a cg data object from a data frame
prepareCGOneFactorDataPrepare data object from a data frame for One Factor /...
prepareCGPairedDifferenceDataPrepare data object from a data frame for Paired Samples...
print.cgOneFactorComparisonsTablePrint One Factor Comparisons Table object with some format...
print.cgOneFactorDescriptiveTablePrint a One Factor Descriptive Table object with some format...
print.cgOneFactorDownweightedTablePrint Downweighted Observations Table object with some format...
print.cgOneFactorFitPrint One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorGlobalTestPrint One Factor Global F-test object with some format...
print.cgOneFactorGrpSummaryTablePrint One Factor Group Summary Table object with some format...
print.cgOneFactorSampleSizeTablePrint a One Factor Sample Size Table object with some format...
print.cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTablePrint Paired Difference Comparisons Table object with some...
print.cgPairedDifferenceCorrelationTablePrint a Paired Difference Correlation Table object with some...
print.cgPairedDifferenceDescriptiveTablePrint a Paired Difference Descriptive Table object with some...
print.cgPairedDifferenceDownweightedTablePrint Downweighted Observations Table object with some format...
print.cgPairedDifferenceFitPrint One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTablePrint a Paired Difference Sample Size Table object with some...
print.cgPairedDifferenceVarianceTablePrint a Paired Difference Variance Table object with some...
profileGraphGraph Profiles of Experimental Units
profileGraph.cgPairedDifferenceDataGraph Profiles of Experimental Unit Pairs in a...
qqGraphQuantile-Quantile Graphs
qqGraph.cgOneFactorFitQuantile-Quantile (QQ) Graphs of a cgOneFactorFit object
qqGraph.cgPairedDifferenceFitQuantile-Quantile (QQ) Graphs of a cgPairedDifferenceFit...
samplesizeGraphGraph Estimated Sample Sizes
samplesizeGraph.cgOneFactorSampleSizeTableGraph estimated sample sizes from a...
samplesizeGraph.cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTableGraph estimated sample sizes from a...
samplesizeTableEstimate Required Sample Sizes
samplesizeTable.cgOneFactorFitEstimate Sample Sizes based on a cgOneFactorFit object
samplesizeTable.cgPairedDifferenceFitEstimate Sample Sizes based on a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
show.cgOneFactorComparisonsTableShow a One Factor Comparisons Table object from the cg...
show.cgOneFactorDescriptiveTableShow a One Factor Descriptive Table object from the cg...
show.cgOneFactorDownweightedTableShow a One Factor Downweighted Table object from the cg...
show.cgOneFactorGlobalTestShow a Global Test object from the cg package
show.cgOneFactorGrpSummaryTableShow a One Factor Group Summary Table object from the cg...
show.cgOneFactorSampleSizeTableShow a One Factor Sample Size Table object from the cg...
show.cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTableShow a Paired Difference Data Comparisons Table object from...
show.cgPairedDifferenceCorrelationTableShow a Paired Difference Correlation Table object from the cg...
show.cgPairedDifferenceDescriptiveTableShow a Paired Difference Descriptive Table object from the cg...
show.cgPairedDifferenceDownweightedTableShow a Paired Difference Downweighted Table object from the...
show.cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTableShow a Paired Difference Sample Size Table object from the cg...
show.cgPairedDifferenceVarianceTableShow a Paired Difference Variance Table object from the cg...
showObjShow raw form of an object from the cg package
showObj.cgOneFactorFitShow a Fitted Model object from the cg package
showObj.cgPairedDifferenceFitShow a Fitted Model object from the cg package
summary.cgOneFactorFitSummary display of a One Factor Model Fit object with some...
summary.cgPairedDifferenceFitSummary display of a Paired Difference Model Fit object with...
varianceGraphVariance Graphs
varianceGraph.cgOneFactorFitEqual Variance Graphs assessment of cgOneFactorFit object
varianceTableCompute Variance Components
varianceTable.cgPairedDifferenceFitCompute Variances from a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
cg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:26 a.m.