prepareCGOneFactorData: Prepare data object from a data frame for One Factor /...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Note Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/p00ReadInOneFactorData.R


The function prepareCGOneFactorData reads in a data frame and settings in order to create a cgOneFactorData object. The created object is designed to have exploratory and fit methods applied to it.


prepareCGOneFactorData(dfr, format = "listed", analysisname = "",
 endptname = "", endptunits = "", logscale = TRUE, zeroscore = NULL,
 addconstant = NULL, rightcensor = NULL, leftcensor = NULL, digits = NULL,
 refgrp = NULL, stamps = FALSE)



A valid data frame, see the format argument.


Default value of "listed". Either "listed" or "groupcolumns" must be used. Abbreviations of "l" or "g", respectively, or otherwise sufficient matching values can be used:


At least two columns, with the factor levels in the first column and response values in the second column. If there is censored data, then two or three more columns are required, see the Details Input Data Frame section below.


Each column must represent a group. Each group is a unique level of the one factor, so the levels of the factor make up the column headers. The values in the data frame are for the response. If the groups have unequal sample sizes, the empty cells within the data frame can have NA's or be left blank. Censored values can be represented; see the Details Input Data Frame section below. Otherwise, any character data will be coerced to numeric data with possibly undesirable results.


Optional, a character text or math-valid expression that will be set for default use in graph title and table methods. The default value is the empty "".


Optional, a character text or math-valid expression that will be set for default use as the y-axis label of graph methods, and also used for table methods. The default value is the empty "".


Optional, a character text or math-valid expression that can be used in combination with the endptname argument. Parentheses are automatically added to this input, which will be added to the end of the endptname character value or expression. The default value is the empty "".


Apply a log-transformation to the data for evaluations. The default value is TRUE.


Optional, replace response values of zero with a derived or specified numeric value, as an approach to overcome the presence of zeroes when evaluation in the logarithmic scale (logscale=TRUE) is specified. The default value is NULL. To derive a score value to replace zero, "estimate" can be specified, see Details below on the algorithm used.


Optional, add a numeric constant to all response values, as an approach to overcome the presence of zeroes when evaluation in the logarithmic scale logscale=TRUE is desired. The default value is NULL. positive numeric value can be specified to be added, or a "simple" algorthm specified to estimate a value to add. See Details secion below on the algorithm used.


Optional, can be specified with a numeric value where any value equal to or greater will be regarded as right censored in the evaluation. The value of TRUE can be used to coerce a binary status variable in the data frame to be right censored for its values.The default value is NULL. See the Details Input Data Frame section below for specifications and consequences.


Optional, can be specified with a numeric value where any value equal to or lesser will be regarded as left censored in the evaluation. The value of TRUE can be used to coerce a binary status variable in the data frame to be right censored for its values. The default value is NULL. See the Details Input Data Frame section below for specifications and consequences.


Optional, for output display purposes in graphs and table methods, values will be rounded to this numeric value. Only the integers of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are accepted. No rounding is done during any calculations. The default value is NULL, which will examine each individual data value and choose the one that has the maximum number of digits after any trailing zeroes are ignored. The max number of digits will be 4.


Optional, specify one of the factor levels to be the “reference group”, such as a “control” group. The default value is NULL, which will just use the first level determined in the data frame.


Optional, specify a time stamp in graphs, along with cg package version identification. The default value is FALSE.


Input Data Frame

The input data frame dfr can be of the format "listed" or "groupcolumns". Another distinguishing characteristic is whether or not it contains censored data representations.

Censored observations can be represented by < for left-censoring and > for right-censoring. The < value refers to values less than or equal to a numeric value. For example, <0.76 denotes a left-censored value of 0.76 or less. Similarly, >2.02 denotes a value of 2.02 or greater for a right-censored value. There must be no space between the direction indicator and the numeric value. These representations can be used in either the listed or groupcolumns formats for dfr.

No interval-censored representations are currently handled when format="groupcolumns".

If format="groupcolumns" for dfr is specified, then the number of columns must equal the number of groups, and any censored values must follow the < and > representations. The individual group values are of mode character, since any censored values will be represented for example as <0.76 or >2.02. If any of the groups have less number of observations than any others, i.e. there are unequal sample sizes, then the corresponding "no data" cells in the data frame need to contain empty quote "" values.

If format="listed" for dfr is specified, then there may be anywhere from two to four columns for an input data frame.

two columns

The first column has the group levels to define the factor, and the second column contains the response values. Censored representations of < and > can be used here. One or both of rightcensor or leftcensor may also be specified as a number. If a number is specified for rightcensor, then all values in the second column equal to this value will be processed as right-censored. Analogously, if a number is specified for leftcensor, then all values in the second column equal to this value will be processed as left-censored. WARNING: This should be used cautiously to make sure the equality occurs as desired. This convention is designed for simple Type I censoring scenarios.

three columns

Like the two column case, the first column has the group levels to define the factor, and the second column contains the response values, which will all be coerced to numeric. Any censoring information must be specified in the third column. Borrowing the convention of Surv from the survival package, 0=right censored, 1=no censoring, and 2=left censored. If rightcensor=NULL and leftcensor=NULL are left as defaults in the call, and values of 0, 1, and 2 are all represented, then the processing will create a suitable data frame dfru for modeling that the canonical survreg function understands.

However, if 0 and 1 are the only specified values in the third censoring status column, then one of rightcensor=TRUE or leftcensor=TRUE must be specified, but NOT both, or an error message will occur. A column of all 1's or all 0's will also raise an error message.

four columns

Like the two column case, the first column has the group levels to define the factor. The second and third columns need to have numeric response information, and the fourth column needs to have censoring status. This is the most general representation, where any combination of left-censoring, right-censoring, and interval-censoring is permitted. The rightcensor and leftcensor input arguments are ignored and set to NULL. IMPORTANT: The convention of Surv from the survival package, 0=right censored, 1=no censoring, and 2=left censored, 3=interval censored, and type="interval", is followed. For status=0, 1, and 2, the second and third columns match in value, so that the status variable in the fourth column distinguishes the lower and upper bounds for the right-censored (0) and left-censored (2) cases. For status=3, the two values differ to define the interval boundaries. The processing will create a suitable data frame dfru for modeling that the canonical survreg and survfit functions from the survival package understand.


If zeroscore="estimate" is specified, a number close to zero is derived to replace all zeroes for subsequent log-scale analyses. A spline fit (using spline and method="natural") of the log of the response vector on the original response vector is performed. The zeroscore is then derived from the log-scale value of the spline curve at the original scale value of zero. This approach comes from the concept of arithmetic-logarithmic scaling discussed in Tukey, Ciminera, and Heyse (1985).


If addconstant="simple" or addconstant="VR" is specified, a number is derived and added to all response values.


Taken from the "white" book on S (Chambers and Hastie, 1992), page 68. The range (max - min) of the response values is multiplied by 0.0001 to derive the number to add to all the response values.


Based on the logtrans function discussed in Venables and Ripley (2002), pages 171-172 and available in the MASS package. The algorithm applies a Box-Cox profile likelihood approach with a log scale translation model.


A cgOneFactorData object is returned, with the following slots:


The original input data frame that is the specified value of the dfr argument in the function call.


Processed version of the input data frame, which will be used for the various evaluation methods.


A list version of the input data frame, which will only differ from the dfr value if the input data frame was specified in the groupcolumns format.


Boolean TRUE or FALSE on whether there are any censored data observations.


A list of properties associated with the data frame:


Drawn from the input argument value of analysisname.


Drawn from the input argument value of endptname.


Drawn from the input argument value of endptunits.


Has the value of "log" if logscale=TRUE and "original" if logscale=FALSE.


Has the value of NULL if the input argument was NULL. Otherwise has the derived (from zeroscore="estimate") or specified numeric value.


Has the value of NULL if the input argument was NULL. Otherwise has the specified numeric value.


Has the value of the input argument rightcensor or is set to NULL if no censored observations are determined.


Has the value of the input argument leftcensor or is set to NULL if no censored observations are determined.


Has the value of the input argument digits or is set to the determined value of digits from the input data. Will be an integer of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.


Determined from the single factor identified of the group names. The order is determined by their first occurence in the input data frame dfr.


Drawn from the input argument of refgrp.


Drawn from the input argument of stamps.


Contact for bug reports, questions, concerns, and comments.


Bill Pikounis [aut, cre, cph], John Oleynick [aut], Eva Ye [ctb]


Tukey, J.W., Ciminera, J.L., and Heyse, J.F. (1985). "Testing the Statistical Certainty of a Response to Increasing Doses of a Drug," Biometrics, Volume 41, 295-301.

Chambers, J.M, and Hastie, T.R. (1992), Statistical Modeling in S. Chapman & Hall/CRC.

Venables, W. N., and Ripley, B. D. (2002), Modern Applied Statistics with S. Fourth edition. Springer.

See Also

Surv, canine, gmcsfcens, prepare


data(canine) <- prepareCGOneFactorData(canine, format="groupcolumns",
                                      endptname="Prostate Volume",
                                      digits=1, logscale=TRUE, refgrp="CC")

## Censored Data
data(gmcsfcens) <- prepareCGOneFactorData(gmcsfcens, format="groupcolumns",
                                         endptname="GM-CSF (pg/ml)",

cg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:26 a.m.