Man pages for cghRA
Array CGH Data Analysis and Visualization

biasWACA bias computation for a probe series
cghRA.arraycghRA.array class constructor
cghRA.array-classClass '"cghRA.array"'
cghRA.copiescghRA.copies class constructor
cghRA.copies-classClass '"cghRA.copies"' class constructor '""'
cghRA.probescghRA.probes class constructor
cghRA.probes-classClass '"cghRA.probes"'
cghRA.regionscghRA.regions class constructor
cghRA.regions-classClass '"cghRA.regions"'
cghRA.seriescghRA.series class constructor
cghRA.series-classClass '"cghRA.series"'
cnvScorePolymorphism likelihood score for a genomic segment
copiesLogRatio to copies conversion
Design_file_parserDesign file parser
drawableFromClass.cghRA.probesExtend Rgb compatibility to cghRA.probes
fillGapsFill gaps between consecutive segments
GEDIGene Expression and Dosage Integrator
localizeLocalize CGH probes in a genome
map2designUpdate a track coordinates to match a distinct CGH design
model.applyComputes copy number for a set of CGH segments
model.autoAutomatic generation of copy number model
model.testCopy number model quality assessment
parallelizeReshapes a list of segments
parseKaryoParses a karyotype-like formula
penetrancePenetrance computation from a series of segments
Probe_file_parserProbe file parser
processcghRA array processing
segmentMap-classClass '"segmentMap"'
STEPSSelective Trends Evidenced by Penetrance Surge
tk.annotateInteractive cghRA track annotation
tk.cghRAcghRA Tcl-Tk launcher
tk.designInteractive cghRA design processing
tk.modelizeInteractive copy number modelization
tk.seriesInteractive cghRA series processing
tk.valueTk interface utilities
trace2trackConverts cnvScore traces to a drawable track
track.CNV.DGVsuppDGV supporting variant parser
WACAWaves aCGH Correction Algorithm
xRAShort/Long Recurrent Abnormalities detection
cghRA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:34 a.m.