
Defines functions Accumulation ContCurve HitCurve

HitCurve <- function(phat.list, y, max.select = NA, phat.labels = NA,
                     title = "") {
  # Order the cases by decreasing phat values, and plot the expected
  # number and actual number of hits as cases are selected.
  # Cases with tied phat values are grouped together.
  # phat       - list of estimated probabilities of a hit for test cases from
  #              some models
  # y          - numeric 0/1 indicator for the same cases giving the
  #              actual class (1 = hit)
  # max.select - maximum number of cases to be selected
  #  modified from code originally written by
  #  William J. Welch 2001-2002{

  if (missing(phat.labels))
    phat.labels <- names(phat.list)

  list.index <- 1
  palette(c("black", "grey", rainbow(20)[c(1, 6, 11, 16, 2, 12, 17, 3, 13, 4, 19,
                                           10, 15, 1, 6, 11, 16, 2, 12, 17, 3,
                                           13, 4, 19, 10, 15)]))
  ch.list <- c(45, 3, 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 12, 14)
  layout(matrix(c(1, 2), 1, 2), c(3.5, 1))

  # change any non-zero responses to 1
  y <- as.integer(y != 0)

  # if max.select not specified use min(300,#compounds/4)
  if (missing(max.select))
    max.select <- min(300, (length(y)/4))

  while (list.index <= length(phat.labels)) {
    if (length(phat.labels) == 1)
      phat <- unlist(phat.list)
    else phat <- unlist(phat.list[list.index])

      # Unique phat's, sorted with largest first.
      uniq.phat <- rev(sort(unique(phat)))

      select <- vector("numeric", length(uniq.phat))
      nhits <- vector("numeric", length(uniq.phat))

      for (i in 1:length(uniq.phat)) {
        cases.sel <- (phat == uniq.phat[i])
        select[i] <- sum(cases.sel)
        nhits[i] <- sum(y[cases.sel])
        if (sum(select[1:i]) >= max.select || i == length(uniq.phat)) {
          i.max <- i

      uniq.phat <- uniq.phat[1:i.max]
      nhits <- nhits[1:i.max]
      select <- select[1:i.max]
      # Plot ideal HitCurve & random expectation the first time through
      if (list.index == 1) {
        x.max <- min(sum(select), max.select)
        # [Changed 4/16]
        # y.max = sum(y) was different from the y.max used for 
        # continuous models treated as classfication models - 
        # see ContCurve
        # y.max <- sum(y)
        y.max <- max(cumsum(rev(sort(y)))[1:x.max])
        par(mar = c(3, 3, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(3, 0.5, 0))
        plot(0:x.max, c(0, cumsum(rev(sort(y))))[1:(x.max + 1)], type = "l",
             xlim = c(0, x.max), ylim = c(0, y.max), xlab = "", ylab = "",
             pch = "-")
        mtext(text = "Number of compounds selected", side = 1, line = 1.5)
        mtext(text = "Number of actual hits", side = 2, line = 1.5)
        title(title, cex = 0.8)
        lines(0:x.max, c(0, cumsum(rep(sum(y)/length(y), x.max))), lty = 1, col = 2)

      # Plot the cumulative number of hits.
      cum.select.last <- 0
      cum.nhits.last <- 0
      for (i in 1:i.max) {
        cum.select <- cum.select.last + select[i]
        cum.nhits <- cum.nhits.last + nhits[i]
        # plot points and connect with lines
        # if(cum.select <= max.select){
          points(cum.select, cum.nhits, pch = ch.list[list.index + 1], cex = 0.3,
                 col = (list.index + 2))
          # }
        # if(cum.select <= max.select){
          lines(c(cum.select.last, cum.select), c(cum.nhits.last, cum.nhits),
                lty = 1, col = (list.index + 2))
          # }
        cum.select.last <- cum.select
        cum.nhits.last <- cum.nhits

      list.index <- list.index + 1
  par(mar = c(3, 0, 2, 0))

  plot(1, 1, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
  legend("topright", c("Ideal", phat.labels, "Random"), cex = .75,
         bty = "n", title = "Classification",
         pch = c(ch.list[1:(list.index)], ch.list[1]),
         col = c(1, 3:(list.index + 1), 2),
         text.col = c(1, 3:(list.index + 1), 2))


ContCurve <- function(yhat.list, y, max.select = NA, yhat.labels = NA, title = "",
                      curves.only = FALSE, start.col = 0) {
  if (missing(yhat.labels))
    yhat.labels <- names(yhat.list)

  # if max.select not specified use min(300,#compounds/4)
  if (missing(max.select))
    max.select <- min(300, (length(y)/4))

  list.index <- 1
  palette(c("black", "grey", rainbow(20)[c(1, 6, 11, 16, 2, 12, 17, 3, 13, 4, 19,
                                           10, 15, 1, 6, 11, 16, 2, 12, 17, 3, 13,
                                           4, 19, 10, 15)]))
  x.max <- min(length(y), max.select)
  # [Changed 4/16]
  # y.max = max(cumsum(rev(sort(y)))[1:x.max]) is different 
  # from the y.max = sum(y) used for 
  # classfication models - see HitCurve
  y.max <- max(cumsum(rev(sort(y)))[1:x.max])
  y.min <- min(cumsum(rev(sort(y)))[1:x.max], 0)

  # # This function will modify graphical parameters
  # # Reset old parameters upon exiting
  # old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  # on.exit(par(old.par))

  if (curves.only) {
    layout(matrix(c(1, 2), 1, 2), c(3.5, 1))
    # draw plot on first figure in array
    par(mfg = c(1, 1))
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(3, 0.5, 0))
    plot((0:x.max), c(0, cumsum(rev(sort(y))))[1:(x.max + 1)], type = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "",
         xlim = c(0, x.max), ylim = c(y.min, y.max), axes = FALSE)
  } else {
    layout(matrix(c(1, 2), 1, 2), c(3.5, 1))
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(3, 0.5, 0))
    plot((0:x.max), c(0, cumsum(rev(sort(y))))[1:(x.max + 1)], type = "l", lty = 1,
         xlim = c(0, x.max), ylim = c(y.min, y.max), ylab = "", xlab = "")
    mtext(text = "Number of compounds selected", side = 1, line = 1.5)
    mtext(text = "Cumulative response", side = 2, line = 1.5)
    lines(0:x.max, c(0, cumsum(rep(sum(y)/length(y), x.max))), lty = 1, col = 2)
    title(title, cex = 0.8)

  while (list.index <= length(yhat.labels)) {
    if (length(yhat.labels) == 1){
      yhat <- unlist(yhat.list)
    } else {
      yhat <- unlist(yhat.list[list.index])
    # TODO if ties, then break tie by ordering according to negative y?
    order <- order(yhat, -y, decreasing = TRUE)
    ploty <- c(0, cumsum(y[order]))[1:(x.max + 1)]
    line_type <- (((list.index - 1)%%5) + 2)
    if (line_type == 3) {
      lines((0:x.max), ploty, lty = line_type, 
            col = list.index + 2 + start.col, lwd = 2)
    } else {
      lines((0:x.max), ploty, lty = line_type, 
            col = list.index + 2 + start.col, lwd = 1)
    list.index <- list.index + 1

  if (list.index > 1) {
    lty.list <- c(1)
    for (i in 1:(list.index - 1)) lty.list <- c(lty.list, (((i - 1)%%5) + 2))
    lty.list <- c(lty.list, 1)
    par(mar = c(3, 0, 2, 0))
    plot(1, 1, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
    legend("bottomright", c("Ideal", yhat.labels, "Random"), cex = .75, bty = "n",
           title = "Continuous", lty = lty.list,
           col = c(1, (3 + start.col):(list.index + 1 + start.col), 2),
           text.col = c(1, (3 + start.col):(list.index + 1 + start.col), 2))

Accumulation <- function(prob, y, at) {
  # Unique prob's, sorted with largest first.  if there are ties,
  # length(uniq.prob)<length(prob)
  uniq.prob <- sort(unique(prob), decreasing = TRUE)
  # select contains the number of cases at each unique prob nhits contains the
  # number of hits at each unique prob accpts contains the partial accumulation for
  # each prob (not unique)
  select <- vector("numeric", length(uniq.prob))
  nhits <- vector("numeric", length(uniq.prob))
  accpts <- vector("numeric", length(prob))
  accpts.index <- 1
  for (i in 1:length(uniq.prob)) {
    cases.sel <- (prob == uniq.prob[i])
    select[i] <- sum(cases.sel)
    nhits[i] <- sum(y[cases.sel])
    accpts[accpts.index:(accpts.index + select[i] - 1)] <- nhits[i]/select[i]
    accpts.index <- accpts.index + select[i]
  # return the accumulation for every point, or those specified by 'at'
  if (missing(at))
    return(cumsum(accpts)) else return(cumsum(accpts)[at])

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