
Defines functions chest_glm

Documented in chest_glm

#' Assessing confounding effects using Generalized Linear regression models
#' Please note: \code{'chest_glm'} is used to assess confounding effects using
#' Generalized Linear Models, such as
#' logistic regression and Poisson regression with \code{'glm'}.
#' It presents \emph{odds ratios} or \emph{rate ratios} for the association
#' between exposure and outcome variables by adding other variables (potential
#' confounders) to the model sequentially. The order of variables to be added is
#' based on the magnitudes of the changes in effect estimates.
#' @export
#' @param crude An object of \emph{formula} for initial model, generally crude model.
#' However, any other variables can also be included here as the initial model.
#' @param xlist A \emph{vector} of characters with all variable names of potential confounders.
#' @param data \emph{Data frame}.
#' @param family Description of the error distribution. Default is "binomial".
#' @param method Method to detect for singularity.
#' @param na_omit Remove all missing values, default: 'na_omit = TRUE'.
#' @param plus Change the \code{+} sign before variable names.
#' @param indicate indicate progress.
#' @param ... Further optional arguments for forestplot.
#' @return A table with effect estimates and their changes at all steps.
#' @seealso \code{'glm'} \pkg{'stats'}
#' @examples
#' chest_glm(
#'   crude = "Endpoint ~ Diabetes", xlist = c("Age", "Sex", "Married"),
#'   na_omit = TRUE, data = diab_df
#' )
#' @name chest_glm
chest_glm <- function(
                      crude, xlist, data,
                      family = "binomial",
                      method = "glm.fit",
                      na_omit = TRUE,
                      indicate = FALSE,
                      plus = "  + ",
                      ...) {
  pick <- variables <- est <- se <- Change <- p <- lb <- ub <- n <- c()
  n_xlist <- length(xlist)
  data <- data.frame(c(data[all.vars(as.formula(crude))], data[xlist]))
  if (na_omit) {
    data <- na.omit(data)
  mod_crude <- glm(
    family = family,
    method = method,
    data = data,
  mod0 <- broom::tidy(
    exponentiate = TRUE,
    conf.int = TRUE
  n[1] <- stats::nobs(mod_crude)
  est[1] <- mod0$estimate[2]
  p[1] <- mod0$p.value[2]
  lb[1] <- mod0$conf.low[2]
  ub[1] <- mod0$conf.high[2]
  variables[1] <- c("Crude")
  initial_model <- crude
  for (i in 2:(n_xlist + 1)) {
    mod <- glm(as.formula(crude),
      family = family, method = method,
      data = data,
    hr_0 <- broom::tidy(mod, exponentiate = TRUE)$estimate[2]
    models <- lapply(xlist, function(x) {
      update(mod, as.formula(paste0(". ~ . +", x)))
    hr_1 <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) {
      broom::tidy(x, exponentiate = TRUE)$estimate[2]
    p_1 <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) {
    chg <- (hr_1 - hr_0) * 100 / hr_0
    lb_1 <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) {
        exponentiate = TRUE,
        conf.int = TRUE
    ub_1 <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) {
        exponentiate = TRUE,
        conf.int = TRUE
    n_1 <- unlist(lapply(models, function(x) {
    pick[i] <- xlist[which.max(abs(chg))]
    xlist <- xlist[-which(xlist %in% paste0(pick[i]))]
    crude <- paste0(crude, "+", paste0(pick[i]), collapse = " + ")
    variables[i] <- paste0(plus, pick[i])
    est[i] <- hr_1[which.max(abs(chg))]
    lb[i] <- lb_1[which.max(abs(chg))]
    ub[i] <- ub_1[which.max(abs(chg))]
    Change[i] <- chg[which.max(abs(chg))]
    p[i] <- p_1[which.max(abs(chg))]
    n[i] <- n_1[which.max(abs(chg))]
    if (indicate) {
      cat("\r", i, "out of", n_xlist + 1)
  cat(" ", "\n")
  out <- data.frame(variables, est, lb, ub, Change)
  tab_out <- data.frame(out, p, n)
  row.names(tab_out) <- NULL
  fun <- "chest_glm"
  family <- mod_crude$family$family
  lst_ret <- list(tab_out, fun, family)
  names(lst_ret) <- c("data", "fun", "family")

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chest documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:02 p.m.