
Defines functions file_extension output_config render_report

Documented in file_extension output_config render_report

#' Render the report using all objects from the global environment
#' @param report Character string containing all the R Markdown chunks previously added (through chronicle::add_* functions.) Default is '', an empty report.
#' @param output_format The format of the R Markdown file. Default is prettydoc. Currently supported: 'bookdown', 'github_document', 'html_document', 'html_notebook', 'ioslides', 'pagedown', 'powerpoint_presentation', 'pdf', 'prettydoc', 'rmdformats', 'rolldown', 'rticles', 'slidy_presentation', 'tufte_handout', 'tufte_html', 'word_document'. Also 'felxdashboard' and 'xaringan' technically compile, but the layout is stiff in flexdashborad and altogether incorrect in xaringan.
#' @param filename The name of the .html file(s) created. If NULL (default), no author will be added.
#' @param title Title of the report. If NULL (default), no title will be added.
#' @param author Author of the report. If NULL (default), no author will be added.
#' @param include_date Whether or not to include the date as part of the header. Default is TRUE.
#' @param directory The directory in which to render the .html report
#' @param keep_rmd Whether or not to keep the .Rmd file. Default is false.
#' @param render_reports Whether or not to render the reports. Default is TRUE. Set render_reports = FALSE and keep_rmd = TRUE to only build the R Markdown files
#' @param number_sections Whether or not to number the sections and subsections fo the report.
#' @param table_of_content Whether or not to include a table fo content at the beginning of the report. Some formats does not allow overriding this.
#' @param table_of_content_depth The depth of sections and subsections to be displayed on the table of content.
#' @param fig_width Set the global figure width or the rmarkdown file.
#' @param fig_height Set the global figure height or the rmarkdown file.
#' @param plot_palette Character vector of hex codes to use on plots.
#' @param plot_palette_generator Palette from the [viridis](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/viridis/vignettes/intro-to-viridis.html#the-color-scales) package used in case plot_palette is unspecified (or insufficient for the number of colors required.) Default value is 'plasma', and possible values are 'viridis', 'inferno', 'magma', 'plasma', 'cividis', 'mako', 'rocket', and 'turbo'.
#' @param rmdformats_theme The theme to be used for [rmdformats](https://github.com/juba/rmdformats) outputs. Default is "downcute", and possible values are "downcute", "robobook", "material", "readthedown", "html_clean", "html_docco".
#' @param prettydoc_theme Name of the theme used on [prettydoc](https://prettydoc.statr.me/themes.html). Default is "leonids", and ossible values are "cayman", "tactile", "architect", "leonids", "hpstr".
#' @param docx_reference_file The path for a blank Microsoft Word document to use as template for the 'word_document' output.
#' @param pptx_reference_file The path for a blank Microsoft PowerPoint document to use as template for the 'powerpoint_presentation' output.
#' @param html_theme The theme to be used for [hmtl_document](https://www.datadreaming.org/post/r-markdown-theme-gallery/) outputs. Default is "simplex".
#' @param rticles_template The theme to be used fo [rticles](https://github.com/rstudio/rticles). Default is "arxiv_article"

#' @param custom_output [Experimental] A custom element for a yaml structure to specify as the output format of the R Markdown file. This is to get output formats not currently supported.#'
#' @return Renders the report as an HTML file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # report_demo <- add_title(title = 'This is how a chronicle report looks', title_level = 1) %>%
#' # add_density(dt = iris, groups = 'Species', value = 'Sepal.Length', faceted = F) %>%
#' #   add_boxplot(dt = iris, groups = 'Species', value = 'Sepal.Length') %>%
#' #   add_barplot(dt = iris, bars = 'Species', value = 'Sepal.Length')
#' #   add_table(table = iris,
#' #             table_title = 'This is the iris dataset. Smells good!',
#' #             html_table_type = 'kable') %>%
#' #   add_table(table = mpg,
#' #             table_title = 'And this is mpg',
#' #             html_table_type = 'DT')
#' # render_report(report = report_demo,
#' #              title = 'Demo Output',
#' #              author = 'This is the author',
#' #              filename = 'demo_output',
#' #              output_format = 'prettydoc',
#' #              keep_rmd = TRUE)
render_report <- function(report = '',
                          output_format = 'rmdformats',
                          filename = paste('report',
                                           gsub(x = Sys.Date(),
                                                pattern = '-',
                                                replacement = ''),
                                           sep = '_'),
                          title = NULL,
                          author = NULL,
                          include_date = TRUE,
                          directory = getwd(),
                          keep_rmd = FALSE,
                          render_reports = TRUE,
                          number_sections = FALSE,
                          table_of_content = FALSE,
                          table_of_content_depth = 1,
                          fig_width = 9,
                          fig_height = 5,
                          plot_palette = NULL,
                          plot_palette_generator = 'plasma',
                          rmdformats_theme = 'downcute',
                          prettydoc_theme = 'leonids',
                          docx_reference_file = NULL,
                          pptx_reference_file = NULL,
                          rticles_template = 'arxiv_article',
                          html_theme = 'simplex',
                          custom_output = NULL

  # build the yaml parameters of
  headers <- chronicle::output_config(output_format = output_format,
                                      title = title,
                                      author = author,
                                      include_date = include_date,
                                      number_sections = number_sections,
                                      table_of_content = table_of_content,
                                      table_of_content_depth = table_of_content_depth,
                                      fig_width = fig_width,
                                      fig_height = fig_height,
                                      plot_palette = plot_palette,
                                      plot_palette_generator = plot_palette_generator,
                                      rmdformats_theme = rmdformats_theme,
                                      prettydoc_theme = prettydoc_theme,
                                      docx_reference_file = docx_reference_file,
                                      pptx_reference_file = pptx_reference_file,
                                      html_theme = html_theme,
                                      rticles_template = rticles_template,
                                      custom_output = custom_output)

  reports <- paste(headers, report, sep = '\n')

  # write the report as an Rmarkdown file
  rmd_filenames <- paste0(glue::glue('{directory}/{filename}'),
                          if(length(c(output_format, custom_output)) > 1){
                            paste0('_', c(output_format, custom_output))

  purrr::walk2(.x = reports,
               .y = rmd_filenames,
               .f = readr::write_lines)

  # render the Rmarkdown file
   output_filenames <- paste0(filename,
                              if(length(output_format) > 1){paste0('_', output_format)},

    purrr::walk2(.x = rmd_filenames,
                 .y = output_filenames,
                 .f = ~rmarkdown::render(input = .x,
                                         output_file = .y,
                                         output_dir = directory,
                                         clean = TRUE,
                                         quiet = TRUE))

  if(!keep_rmd){purrr::walk(.x = rmd_filenames, .f = file.remove)}

#' Build the yaml output specification for an R Markdown
#' Currently supported: prettydoc, ioslides, tufte, flexdashboard, slidy_presentation,
#' html_document, html_notebook.
#' @param output_format The format of the R Markdown file.
#' @param number_sections Whether or not to number the sections and subsections of the report.
#' @param table_of_content Whether or not to include a table fo content at the beginning of the report.
#' @param table_of_content_depth The depth of sections and subsections to be displayed on the table of content.
#' @param fig_width Set the global figure width or the rmarkdown file.
#' @param fig_height Set the global figure height or the rmarkdown file.
#' @param plot_palette Character vector of hex codes to use on plots.
#' @param plot_palette_generator Palette from the viridis package used in case plot_palette is unspecified or insufficient for the number of colors required. Default value is 'plasma', and possible values are 'viridis', 'inferno', 'magma', 'plasma', 'cividis'.
#' @param title Title of the report. If NULL (default), no title will be added.
#' @param author Author of the report. If NULL (default), no author will be added.
#' @param include_date Whether or not to include the date as part of the header. Default is TRUE.
#' @param rmdformats_theme The theme to be used for [rmdformats](https://github.com/juba/rmdformats) outputs. Default is "downcute", and possible values are "downcute", "robobook", "material", "readthedown", "html_clean", "html_docco".
#' @param prettydoc_theme Name of the theme used on [prettydoc](https://prettydoc.statr.me/themes.html). Default is "leonids", and ossible values are "cayman", "tactile", "architect", "leonids", "hpstr".
#' @param docx_reference_file The path for a blank Microsoft Word document to use as template for the 'word_document' output.
#' @param pptx_reference_file The path for a blank Microsoft PowerPoint document to use as template for the 'powerpoint_presentation' output.
#' @param html_theme The theme to be used for [hmtl_document](https://www.datadreaming.org/post/r-markdown-theme-gallery/) outputs. Default is "simplex".
#' @param rticles_template The theme to be used fo [rticles](https://github.com/rstudio/rticles). Default is "arxiv_article"
#' @param custom_output [Experimental] This is to get output formats not currently supported. It should be a YAML element with the corresponding output
#' @return The lines needed in the yaml header of an R Markdown file to render as the specified output type.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cat(output_config('prettydoc'))
#' cat(output_config('ioslides'))
output_config <- function(output_format,
                          title = NULL,
                          author = NULL,
                          include_date = TRUE,
                          number_sections = FALSE,
                          table_of_content = FALSE,
                          table_of_content_depth = 1,
                          fig_width = 8,
                          fig_height = 5,
                          plot_palette = NULL,
                          plot_palette_generator = 'plasma',
                          rmdformats_theme = 'downcute',
                          prettydoc_theme = 'leonids',
                          docx_reference_file = NULL,
                          pptx_reference_file = NULL,
                          html_theme = 'simplex',
                          rticles_template = 'arxiv_article',
                          custom_output = NULL){

  # remove non-supported formats
  supported <- output_format %in% c('bookdown',

    warning('"', paste(output_format[!supported], collapse = ', '),
            '" not supported as ouput_format, will be ignored and no output will be created.')
    output_format <- output_format[supported]

  # identify which outputs need static plots
  set_static <- output_format %in% c('pdf',

  # build the yaml entry for each output_format
  output_conf <- data.table::fcase(
    # rmdformats
    output_format == 'rmdformats',
  rmdformats::', rmdformats_theme),
    # prettydoc
    output_format == 'prettydoc',
    theme:', prettydoc_theme) %>%
      ifelse(number_sections, '    number_sections: true', '    number_sections: false'),
      ifelse(table_of_content, '    toc: true', '    toc: false'),
      sep = '\n'),
  # bookdown,
    output_format == 'bookdown',
    self_contained: true',
  # ioslides
  output_format == 'ioslides',
    widescreen: true',
  # tufte
  output_format == 'tufte_html',
  tufte::tufte_html: default',
  # tufte_variant: envisioned',
  # xaringan
    output_format == 'xaringan',
    lib_dir: libs
      countIncrementalSlides: false',
  # rolldown
  output_format == 'rolldown',
  # flexdashboard
  output_format == 'flexdashboard',
  # slidy_presentation
  output_format == 'slidy_presentation',
  # html_document
  output_format == 'html_document',
  html_theme:', html_theme) %>%
      ifelse(number_sections, '  number_sections: true', '  number_sections: false'),
      ifelse(table_of_content, '  toc: true', '  toc: false'),
      if(table_of_content){'  toc_float: true'},
      sep = '\n'),
  # html_notebook
  output_format == 'html_notebook',
  'output: html_notebook',
  # pagedown
  output_format == 'pagedown',
  # github_document
  output_format == 'github_document',
  # pdf
  output_format == 'pdf',
  'output: pdf_document',
  # word
  output_format == 'word_document',
  ifelse(test = is.null(docx_reference_file),
         yes = 'output: word_document',
         no = glue::glue('output:
    reference_doc: "{docx_reference_file}"', .trim = FALSE)),
  # powerpoint
  output_format == 'powerpoint_presentation',
  ifelse(test = is.null(docx_reference_file),
         yes = 'output: powerpoint_presentation',
         no = glue::glue('output:
    reference_doc: "{pptx_reference_file}"', .trim = FALSE)),
  # tufte_handout
  output_format == 'tufte_handout',
  'output: tufte::tufte_handout',
  # # rticles
  output_format == 'rticles',

  title_spec <- paste0(if(!is.null(title)){paste('title:', title, '\n')},
                       if(!is.null(author)){paste('author: ', author, '\n')},
                       if(include_date){'date: "`r Sys.Date()`" \n'})

  output_spec <- c(output_conf, custom_output)

  param_spec <- glue::glue(
  set_static: {set_static}
  figure_width: {fig_width}
  figure_height: {fig_height}
  plot_palette: !r c({chronicle::add_quotes(x = plot_palette, collapse = ', ')})
  plot_palette_generator: '{plot_palette_generator}'", .trim=FALSE)

  initial_chunk <-
'```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# If you want this report to be reproducible, add all the libraries, data
# loading and preprocessing code into this chunk before knitting.

  # build header
  header <- glue::glue(



#' Parse the file extension for each R Markdown output format
#' Currently supports:
#'  *  rmdformats
#'  *  prettydoc
#'  *  bookdown
#'  *  ioslides
#'  *  tufte_html
#'  *  xaringan
#'  *  rolldown
#'  *  flexdashboard
#'  *  slidy_presentation
#'  *  html_document
#'  *  html_notebook
#'  *  pagedown
#' @param file_type R Markdown output formats.
#' @return The file extension corresponding to the provided formats (".html", "pdf", ".md", ".docx", ".pptx")
#' @export
#' @examples file_extension(c('prettydoc', 'word_document', 'tufte_handout'))
file_extension <- function(file_type){
  data.table::fcase(file_type %in% c("rmdformats", "prettydoc", "bookdown",
                                     "ioslides", "tufte_html", "xaringan", "rolldown", "flexdashboard",
                                     "slidy_presentation", "html_document", "html_notebook", "pagedown"),
                    file_type %in% c('pdf', 'tufte_handout', 'rticles'),
                    file_type == 'github_document',
                    file_type == 'word_document',
                    file_type == 'powerpoint_presentation',

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

chronicle documentation built on June 25, 2021, 9:09 a.m.