kuiper.test: Kuiper's Test

View source: R/kuiper.test.R

kuiper.testR Documentation

Kuiper's Test


Performs Kuiper's one-sample test of uniformity on the circle.


kuiper.test(x, alpha=0)
## S3 method for class 'kuiper.test'
print(x, digits = 4, ...)



a vector. The object is coerced to class circular.


significance level of the test. Possible levels are 0.15, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01. Alpha may be omitted or set to zero, in which case a range for the p-value of the test will be printed.


integer indicating the precision to be used.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Kuiper's test statistic is a rotation-invariant Kolmogorov-type test statistic. The critical values of a modified Kuiper's test statistic are used according to the tabulation given in Stephens (1970).


A list with the statistic and alpha value.


Kuiper's one-sample test of uniformity is performed, and the results are printed to the screen. If alpha is specified and non-zero, the test statistic is printed along with the critical value and decision. If alpha is omitted, the test statistic is printed and a range for the p-value of the test is given.


Claudio Agostinelli and Ulric Lund


Jammalamadaka, S. Rao and SenGupta, A. (2001). Topics in Circular Statistics, Section 7.2, World Scientific Press, Singapore.

Stephens, M. (1970). Use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises and related statistics without extensive tables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B32, 115-122.

See Also

range.circular, rao.spacing.test, rayleigh.test and watson.test


# Generate data from the uniform distribution on the circle.
data <- circular(runif(100, 0, 2*pi))
# Generate data from the von Mises distribution.
data <- rvonmises(n=100, mu=circular(0), kappa=3)
kuiper.test(data, alpha=0.01)

circular documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:21 p.m.