
Defines functions get_query submit_query

Documented in get_query submit_query

#' Submits a ClassyFire query in a JSON format.
#' @param label a string the label of the query.
#' @param input a named list or vector of SMILES strings.
#' @param type a string the type of the query.
#' @return A list of tibbles named by input name.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' input <- c(MOL1 = 'CCCOCC', MOL2 = 'COCC=CCC')
#' submit_query(label = 'query_test', input = input, type = 'STRUCTURE')
#' }
submit_query <- function(label, input, type = 'STRUCTURE') {
  base_url <- 'http://classyfire.wishartlab.com/queries'
  query_input <-
    paste(names(input), input, sep = '\t', collapse = '\n')
  q <- rjson::toJSON(list(
    label = label,
    query_input = query_input,
    query_type = 'STRUCTURE'

  resp <- httr::POST(
    url = base_url,
    body = q,

  post_cont <- httr::content(resp)

  url <- paste0(base_url, '/', post_cont$id, ".json")

  resp <- httr::RETRY("GET",
                      url = url,
                      encode = "json",
                      times = 100)

  if (resp$status_code == 200) {
    json_res <- get_query(query_id = post_cont$id, format = 'json')

    json_parse <- json_res %>%
      tidyjson::enter_object(entities) %>%
      tidyjson::gather_array() %>%

    if(nrow(json_parse) == 0){
      return(message(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross, 'No Successful Classifications')))

    json_tib <- json_parse %>%
      dplyr::as_tibble() %>%

    json_list <- json_parse$..JSON

    object <- methods::new('Query')

    object@meta <-
      json_tib %>% dplyr::select(identifier, inchikey, smiles, classification_version)

    Classification <- json_tib %>%
      dplyr::select(inchikey, dplyr::ends_with(".name")) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(-inchikey, values_to = "Classification") %>%
      tidyr::separate(col = name,
                      into = c("Level", "TYPE"),
                      sep = "\\.") %>%
      dplyr::select(-TYPE) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::left_join(object@meta, ., by = 'inchikey') %>%

    object@classification <- Classification

    CHEMONT <- json_tib %>%
      dplyr::select(inchikey, dplyr::ends_with(".chemont_id")) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(-inchikey, values_to = "CHEMONT") %>%
      tidyr::separate(col = name,
                      into = c("Level", "TYPE"),
                      sep = "\\.") %>%

    DirectParents <- json_tib %>%
      dplyr::select(inchikey, dplyr::starts_with("direct_parent.")) %>%
        name = direct_parent.name,
        description = direct_parent.description,
        chemont_id = direct_parent.chemont_id,
        url = direct_parent.url
      ) %>% dplyr::ungroup()

    object@direct_parent <-
      DirectParents %>% dplyr::left_join(object@meta, ., by = 'inchikey') %>%
      dplyr::select(-smiles, -classification_version)

    AltParents <- purrr::map(json_list, ~ {

    AltParents_List <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(AltParents)) {
      AltParents_List[[i]] <-
        purrr::map(AltParents[[i]], dplyr::as_tibble) %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
        tibble::add_column(identifier = json_tib$identifier[i], .before = 'name')

    object@alternative_parents <-
      AltParents_List %>% dplyr::bind_rows()

    PredChebi <- purrr::map(json_list, ~ {

    names(PredChebi) <- object@meta$identifier

    object@predicted_chebi <- PredChebi

    Desc <- purrr::map(json_list, ~ {

    names(Desc) <- object@meta$identifier

    object@description <- Desc

    if(nrow(object@meta) == length(input)){
      unclassified <- input[which(!names(input) %in% object@meta$identifier)]
      object@unclassified <- unclassified



#'Retrieves the classification results for a given query.
#' @param query_id query_id a numeric value for the ID of the query.
#' @param format a string of the format of the query (either JSON, CSV, or SDF)
#' @return the parsed text output displaying the classification results for
#    the query's entities in the specified format.
#' @export
get_query <- function(query_id, format = c("json", "sdf", "csv")) {
  format <-
              choices =  c("json", "sdf", "csv"),
              several.ok = F)
  base_url <- 'http://classyfire.wishartlab.com/queries/'
  url <- paste0(base_url, query_id, ".", format)
  resp <- httr::GET(url = url, httr::accept_json())
  if (resp$status_code == 200) {
    cont <- httr::content(resp, 'text')
  } else {
    cont <- NA

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classyfireR documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:21 p.m.