
Defines functions clgeo_Clean

Documented in clgeo_Clean

# clgeo_Clean.R
# -------------
# Author: Emmanuel Blondel <emmanuel.blondel1 at gmail.com>
# Created: 2014-09-23
#' @title clgeo_Clean
#' @description
#' Function to clean a spatial data collection 
#' @author
#' Emmanuel Blondel \email{emmanuel.blondel1@@gmail.com}
#' @param sp object extending the \code{\link[sp]{Spatial-class}}
#' as defined in \pkg{sp}
#' @param errors.only an object of class \code{vector} giving the types of errors
#' for which the output should bounded. Default value is NULL (\emph{i.e.} the output
#' will include features for which both errors and errors were raised.).
#' @param strategy advanced strategy to clean geometries. Default is "SF",
#'        alternate values are "POLYGONATION, "BUFFER" (old methods).
#' @param verbose Indicates wether the clean logs have to be printed. Default 
#' value is FALSE.
#' @return an object extending the \code{\link[sp]{Spatial-class}}
#' as defined in \pkg{sp}, with cleaned geometries.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'  require(sf)
#'  file <- system.file("extdata", "example.shp", package = "cleangeo")
#'  sf <- sf::st_read(file)
#'  sp <- as(sf, "Spatial")
#'  sp.clean <- clgeo_Clean(sp)
#'  report.clean <- clgeo_CollectionReport(sp.clean)
#'  clgeo_SummaryReport(report.clean)
#' }
#' @aliases clgeo_Clean
#' @keywords geometry validity summary clean
#' @note About cleaning strategy:
#' The polygonation method is a tentative alternate method to triangulation to clean
#' geometries and to the classical often used 'buffer' approach. In the polygonation
#' method, triangulation is skipped and a re-polygonation intuitive algorithm is 
#' applied to rebuild the source invalid geometry into one or more valid polygonal
#' geometries.
#' With the progress done on validating geometries, especially with \pkg{sf}, the default
#' method in cleangeo has now been switched to the use of \code{sf::st_make_valid}
clgeo_Clean <- function(sp, errors.only = NULL,
                        strategy = "SF",
                        verbose = FALSE){
  if(!(strategy %in% c("SF", "POLYGONATION", "BUFFER")))
    stop("Unknown advanced cleaning method. Accepted values: 'SF', 'POLYGONATION', 'BUFFER'")
  if(strategy == "SF"){
    sf = sf::st_as_sf(sp)
    sftype = sf::st_geometry_type(sf)
    fixed.sf = sf::st_make_valid(sf)
    type <- switch(as(sftype[1], "character"),
    fixed.sf = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:nrow(fixed.sf), function(i){
      feat = fixed.sf[i,]
        feat = sf::st_collection_extract(feat, type = type)
    fixed.sp = as(fixed.sf, "Spatial")
  report <- clgeo_CollectionReport(sp)
  nv <- clgeo_SuspiciousFeatures(report, errors.only)
  applyHandler <- if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE))
    pbapply::pblapply else lapply
  fixed.sp.list <- applyHandler(1:length(sp), function(x){
    polygon <- slot(sp, "polygons")[[x]]
    ID <- slot(polygon, "ID")
      if(x %in% nv){          
        polygons <- slot(polygon, "Polygons")
        poly.nb <- length(polygons)
        removedHoles <- vector()
        if(poly.nb > 0){
          newpolygons <- list()
          for(i in 1:poly.nb){
            #if we found an orphaned hole, we remove it
            if(slot(polygons[[i]], "hole")){
              if(dim(unique(slot(polygons[[i]], "coords")))[1] < 3){
                if(length(removedHoles) == 0 & verbose){
                  logger.info(sprintf("Cleaning orphaned holes at index %s", x))
                removedHoles <- c(removedHoles, i)
                newpolygon <- polygons[[i]]
                slot(newpolygon, "hole") <- TRUE
                newpolygons <- c(newpolygons, newpolygon)
              newpolygon <- polygons[[i]]
              slot(newpolygon, "hole") <- FALSE
              newpolygons <- c(newpolygons, newpolygon)
          slot(polygon, "Polygons") <- newpolygons
        polygon <- SpatialPolygons(Srl = list(polygon))
        #testing validity after removing holes
        isValid <- report[x,]$valid
        if(length(removedHoles) > 0){
            logger.info(sprintf("Checking geometry validity at index %s", x))
          #  slot(polygon, "polygons") <<- lapply(slot(polygon, "polygons"), checkPolygonsHoles)
          #}, warning = function(msg){
          #  if(verbose) logger.info(sprintf("Catched MAPTOOLS warning '%s'",msg))
          #}, error = function(err){
          #  if(verbose) logger.info(sprintf("Catched MAPTOOLS error '%s'",err))
          isValid <<- clgeo_IsValid(polygon, verbose)
        #test clean geometry validity
        if(is.null(errors.only) & !isValid){
            report.msg <- NULL
              report.msg <- report[x,"msg"]
            logger.info(sprintf("Cleaning geometry at index %s (%s)", x, report.msg))
          if(strategy == "POLYGONATION"){
            #run polygonation algorithm
            polygon <- clgeo_CleanByPolygonation.SpatialPolygons(polygon, verbose)
          }else if(strategy == "BUFFER"){
            #try applying buffer attempts
            attempt <- 1
  		      polygon.sf <- sf::st_buffer(sf::st_as_sf(polygon), dist = 0)
  		      polygon <- as(polygon.sf, "Spatial")
  		      while(attempt < 3){
  			      if(!clgeo_IsValid(polygon, verbose)){
  				      attempt <- attempt + 1
        				polygon.Sf <- sf::st_buffer(sf::st_as_sf(polygon), dist = 0)
          polygon <- polygon@polygons[[1]]
          slot(polygon, "ID") <- ID #index integrity
            logger.info(sprintf("Removing false polygon at index %s", x))
  if(!is.list(fixed.sp.list)) fixed.sp.list <- as.list(fixed.sp.list)
  fixed.sp.list <- fixed.sp.list[!sapply(fixed.sp.list, is.null)]
  fixed.sp <- NULL
  if(length(fixed.sp.list) > 0){
    fixed.sp <- SpatialPolygons(
      Srl = fixed.sp.list,
      proj4string = CRS(proj4string(sp))
    if(is(sp, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")){
      sp.df <- as(sp, "data.frame")
      ids <- sapply(slot(fixed.sp,"polygons"), slot, "ID")
      if(nrow(sp.df) != length(ids)){
        sp.df <- sp.df[ids,]
      row.names(sp.df) <- ids
      fixed.sp <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = fixed.sp, data = sp.df)

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cleangeo documentation built on Sept. 1, 2023, 5:08 p.m.