#' @include transformations.R
#' Binary Contingency Table for Linked Pairs
#' @description Compute the binary contingency table for a set of _predicted_
#' coreferent (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent pairs.
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param num_pairs the total number of coreferent and non-coreferent pairs,
#' excluding equivalent pairs with reversed ids. If not provided,
#' the true negative cell will be set to `NA`.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @return Returns a \eqn{2 \times 2}{2×2} contingency table of the form:
#' \preformatted{
#' Truth
#' Prediction TRUE FALSE
#' }
#' @seealso
#' The [`membership_to_pairs`] and [`clusters_to_pairs`] functions can be
#' used to transform other clustering representations into lists of pairs,
#' as required by this function.
#' The [`eval_report_pairs`] function computes common evaluation measures
#' derived from binary contingency matrices, like the ones output by this
#' function.
#' @examples
#' ### Example where pairs/edges are undirected
#' # ground truth is 3-clique
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3))
#' # prediction misses one edge
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3))
#' # total number of pairs assuming 3 elements
#' num_pairs <- 3 * (3 - 1) / 2
#' eval_report_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' ### Example where pairs/edges are directed
#' # ground truth is a 3-star
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(2,1), c(3,1), c(4,1))
#' # prediction gets direction of one edge incorrect
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(2,1), c(3,1), c(1,4))
#' # total number of pairs assuming 4 elements
#' num_pairs <- 4 * 4
#' eval_report_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs, ordered = TRUE)
#' @export
contingency_table_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs=NULL, ordered=FALSE) {
if (!is.null(num_pairs)) {
if (length(num_pairs) != 1 | num_pairs <= 0)
stop("num_pairs must be a positive scalar or NULL")
# Binding pairs ensures that they are coerced to the same type
comb_pairs <- rbind(true_pairs, pred_pairs)
true_pairs <- comb_pairs[seq_len(nrow(true_pairs)),]
pred_pairs <- comb_pairs[nrow(true_pairs) + seq_len(nrow(pred_pairs)),]
# Canonicalize pairs
pred_pairs <-, ordered = ordered))
true_pairs <-, ordered = ordered))
# Standardize column names
colnames(pred_pairs) <- c("ID.x", "ID.y")
colnames(true_pairs) <- c("ID.x", "ID.y")
# Allow for empty data frames
pred_pairs[["PRED_MATCH"]] <- rep(TRUE, times=nrow(pred_pairs))
true_pairs[["MATCH"]] <- rep(TRUE, times=nrow(true_pairs))
# Perform a full outer join on the two data frames.
merged_pairs <- merge(pred_pairs, true_pairs, by=c("ID.x", "ID.y"), all=TRUE)
# An NA in PRED_MATCH or MATCH represents 'FALSE'
merged_pairs$PRED_MATCH[$PRED_MATCH)] <- FALSE
merged_pairs$MATCH[$MATCH)] <- FALSE
# Convert to factors so we can use built-in table function
prediction = factor(merged_pairs$PRED_MATCH, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
truth = factor(merged_pairs$MATCH, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
ct <- table(prediction, truth, dnn = c("Prediction", "Truth"))
if (is.null(num_pairs)) {
ct[2,2] <- NA # number of true negatives is unknown since links are incomplete
} else {
ct[2,2] <- num_pairs - nrow(merged_pairs)
#' Evaluation Report for Linked Pairs
#' @description Compute various evaluation measures for a set of _predicted_
#' coreferent (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent pairs.
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param num_pairs the total number of coreferent and non-coreferent pairs,
#' excluding equivalent pairs with reversed ids. If not provided,
#' measures that depend on the number of true negatives will be returned
#' as `NA`.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @return Returns a list containing the following measures:
#' \describe{
#' \item{precision}{see [`precision_pairs`]}
#' \item{recall}{see [`recall_pairs`]}
#' \item{specificity}{see [`specificity_pairs`]}
#' \item{sensitivity}{see [`sensitivity_pairs`]}
#' \item{f1score}{see [`f_measure_pairs`]}
#' \item{accuracy}{see [`accuracy_pairs`]}
#' \item{balanced_accuracy}{see [`balanced_accuracy_pairs`]}
#' \item{fowlkes_mallows}{see [`fowlkes_mallows_pairs`]}
#' }
#' @seealso The [`contingency_table_pairs`] function can be used to compute
#' the contingency table for entity resolution or record linkage problems.
#' @examples
#' ### Example where pairs/edges are undirected
#' # ground truth is 3-clique
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3))
#' # prediction misses one edge
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3))
#' # total number of pairs assuming 3 elements
#' num_pairs <- 3 * (3 - 1) / 2
#' eval_report_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' ### Example where pairs/edges are directed
#' # ground truth is a 3-star
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(2,1), c(3,1), c(4,1))
#' # prediction gets direction of one edge incorrect
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(2,1), c(3,1), c(1,4))
#' # total number of pairs assuming 4 elements
#' num_pairs <- 4 * 4
#' eval_report_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs, ordered = TRUE)
#' @export
eval_report_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs = NULL, ordered=FALSE)
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs = num_pairs, ordered = ordered)
list("precision" = precision_pairs_ct(ct),
"recall" = recall_pairs_ct(ct),
"specificity" = specificity_pairs_ct(ct),
"sensitivity" = recall_pairs_ct(ct),
"f1score" = f_measure_pairs_ct(ct),
"accuracy" = accuracy_pairs_ct(ct),
"balanced_accuracy" = balanced_accuracy_pairs_ct(ct))
#' Precision of Linked Pairs
#' @description Computes the precision of a set of _predicted_ coreferent
#' (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent pairs.
#' @details The precision is defined as:
#' \deqn{\frac{|T \cap P|}{|P|}}{|T ∩ P|/|P|}
#' where \eqn{T} is the set of true coreferent pairs and \eqn{P} is the
#' set of predicted coreferent pairs.
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @examples
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3)) # ground truth is 3-clique
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3)) # prediction misses one edge
#' num_pairs <- 3 # assuming 3 elements
#' precision_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' @export
precision_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered=FALSE) {
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered = ordered)
#' Recall of Linked Pairs
#' @description Computes the precision of a set of _predicted_ coreferent
#' (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent pairs.
#' @details The recall is defined as:
#' \deqn{\frac{|T \cap P|}{|T|}}{|T ∩ P|/|T|}
#' where \eqn{T} is the set of true coreferent pairs and \eqn{P} is the
#' set of predicted coreferent pairs.
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @examples
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3)) # ground truth is 3-clique
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3)) # prediction misses one edge
#' num_pairs <- 3 # assuming 3 elements
#' recall_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' @rdname recall_pairs
#' @export
recall_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered=FALSE) {
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered = ordered)
#' @note `sensitivity_pairs` is an alias for `recall_pairs`.
#' @rdname recall_pairs
#' @export
sensitivity_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered=FALSE) {
recall_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs)
#' F-measure of Linked Pairs
#' @description Computes the F-measure (a.k.a. F-score) of a set of
#' _predicted_ coreferent (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_
#' coreferent pairs.
#' @details The \eqn{\beta}{β}-weighted F-measure is defined as the weighted
#' harmonic mean of precision \eqn{P} and recall \eqn{R}:
#' \deqn{(1 + \beta^2)\frac{P \cdot R}{\beta^2 \cdot P + R}.}{(1 + β^2)·P·R/(β^2·P + R).}
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param beta non-negative weight. A value of 0 assigns no weight to recall
#' (i.e. the measure reduces to precision), while larger values assign
#' increasing weight to recall. A value of 1 weights precision and recall
#' equally.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @references
#' Van Rijsbergen, C. J. "Information Retrieval." (2nd ed.).
#' Butterworth-Heinemann, USA, (1979).
#' @examples
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3)) # ground truth is 3-clique
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3)) # prediction misses one edge
#' num_pairs <- 3 # assuming 3 elements
#' f_measure_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' @export
f_measure_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, beta=1, ordered=FALSE) {
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered = ordered)
f_measure_pairs_ct(ct, beta)
#' Specificity of Linked Pairs
#' @description Computes the specificity of a set of _predicted_ coreferent
#' (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent pairs.
#' @details The specificity is defined as:
#' \deqn{\frac{|P' \cap T'|}{|P'|}}{|P' ∩ T'|/|P'|}
#' where \eqn{T'} is the set of true non-coreferent pairs, \eqn{P} is the
#' set of predicted non-coreferent pairs.
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param num_pairs the total number of coreferent and non-coreferent pairs,
#' excluding equivalent pairs with reversed ids.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @examples
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3)) # ground truth is 3-clique
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3)) # prediction misses one edge
#' num_pairs <- 3 # assuming 3 elements
#' specificity_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' @export
specificity_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs, ordered=FALSE) {
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs = num_pairs, ordered = ordered)
#' Accuracy of Linked Pairs
#' @description Computes the accuracy of a set of _predicted_ coreferent
#' (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent pairs.
#' @details The accuracy is defined as:
#' \deqn{\frac{|T \cap P| + |T' \cap P'|}{N}}{(|T ∩ P| + |T' ∩ P'|)/N}
#' where:
#' * \eqn{T} is the set of true coreferent pairs,
#' * \eqn{P} is the set of predicted coreferent pairs,
#' * \eqn{T'} is the set of true non-coreferent pairs,
#' * \eqn{P'} is the set of predicted non-coreferent pairs, and
#' * \eqn{N} is the total number of coreferent and non-coreferent pairs.
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param num_pairs the total number of coreferent and non-coreferent pairs,
#' excluding equivalent pairs with reversed ids.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @examples
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3)) # ground truth is 3-clique
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3)) # prediction misses one edge
#' num_pairs <- 3 # assuming 3 elements
#' accuracy_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' @export
accuracy_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs, ordered=FALSE) {
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs = num_pairs, ordered = ordered)
#' Balanced Accuracy of Linked Pairs
#' @description Computes the balanced accuracy of a set of _predicted_
#' coreferent (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent
#' pairs.
#' @details The balanced accuracy is defined as:
#' \deqn{\frac{\frac{|T \cap P|}{|P|} + \frac{|T' \cap P'|}{|P'|}}{2}}{|T ∩ P|/(2|P|) + |T' ∩ P'|/(2|P'|)}
#' where:
#' * \eqn{T} is the set of true coreferent pairs,
#' * \eqn{P} is the set of predicted coreferent pairs,
#' * \eqn{T'} is the set of true non-coreferent pairs, and
#' * \eqn{P'} is the set of predicted non-coreferent pairs.
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param num_pairs the total number of coreferent and non-coreferent pairs,
#' excluding equivalent pairs with reversed ids.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @examples
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3)) # ground truth is 3-clique
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3)) # prediction misses one edge
#' num_pairs <- 3 # assuming 3 elements
#' balanced_accuracy_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' @export
balanced_accuracy_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs, ordered=FALSE) {
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs = num_pairs, ordered = ordered)
#' Fowlkes-Mallows Index of Linked Pairs
#' @description Computes the Fowlkes-Mallows index for a set of _predicted_
#' coreferent (linked) pairs given a set of _ground truth_ coreferent pairs.
#' @details The Fowlkes-Mallows index is defined as the geometric mean of
#' precision \eqn{P} and recall \eqn{R}:
#' \deqn{\sqrt{P R}.}{√(P·R).}
#' @param true_pairs set of true coreferent pairs stored in a matrix or
#' data.frame, where rows index pairs and columns index the ids of the
#' constituents. Any pairs not included are assumed to be _non-coreferent_.
#' Duplicate pairs (including equivalent pairs with reversed ids) are
#' automatically removed.
#' @param pred_pairs set of predicted coreferent pairs, following the same
#' specification as `true_pairs`.
#' @param ordered whether to treat the element pairs as ordered---i.e. whether
#' pair \eqn{(x, y)} is distinct from pair \eqn{(y, x)} for \eqn{x \neq y}.
#' Defaults to FALSE, which is appropriate for clustering, undirected link
#' prediction, record linkage etc.
#' @references
#' Fowlkes, E. B. and Mallows, C. L. "A Method for Comparing Two Hierarchical
#' Clusterings." _Journal of the American Statistical Association_ **78:383**,
#' 553-569, (1983). \doi{10.1080/01621459.1983.10478008}.
#' @examples
#' true_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(1,3)) # ground truth is 3-clique
#' pred_pairs <- rbind(c(1,2), c(2,3)) # prediction misses one edge
#' num_pairs <- 3 # assuming 3 elements
#' fowlkes_mallows_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, num_pairs)
#' @export
fowlkes_mallows_pairs <- function(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered=FALSE) {
ct <- contingency_table_pairs(true_pairs, pred_pairs, ordered = ordered)
# Definition of measures in terms of contingency table
precision_pairs_ct <- function(ct) {
tp <- ct["TRUE", "TRUE"]
fp <- ct["TRUE", "FALSE"]
pp <- tp + fp
return(tp / pp)
recall_pairs_ct <- function(ct) {
tp <- ct["TRUE", "TRUE"]
fn <- ct["FALSE", "TRUE"]
p <- tp + fn
return(tp / p)
f_measure_pairs_ct <- function(ct, beta=1.0) {
if (beta < 0)
stop("`beta` must be non-negative")
P <- precision_pairs_ct(ct)
R <- recall_pairs_ct(ct)
alpha <- 1/(1 + beta^2)
1 / (alpha / P + (1 - alpha) / R)
specificity_pairs_ct <- function(ct) {
fp <- ct["TRUE", "FALSE"]
tn <- ct["FALSE", "FALSE"]
n <- tn + fp
tn / n
accuracy_pairs_ct <- function(ct) {
tp <- ct["TRUE", "TRUE"]
fp <- ct["TRUE", "FALSE"]
fn <- ct["FALSE", "TRUE"]
tn <- ct["FALSE", "FALSE"]
correct <- tp + tn
total <- tp + fp + tn + fn
balanced_accuracy_pairs_ct <- function(ct) {
sensitivity <- recall_pairs_ct(ct)
specificity <- specificity_pairs_ct(ct)
(sensitivity + specificity) / 2
fowlkes_mallows_pairs_ct <- function(ct) {
P <- precision_pairs_ct(ct)
R <- recall_pairs_ct(ct)
sqrt(P) * sqrt(R)
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