clinDataReview-common-args-report: Common parameters for the clinical data reporting function

clinDataReview-common-args-reportR Documentation

Common parameters for the clinical data reporting function


Common parameters for the clinical data reporting function



String with path to the index file, by default 'index.Rmd' in inputDir.


String with directory with config files, by default a 'config' folder in inputDir.
It should contain a general 'config.yml' file and dedicated 'config-[X].yml' for each chapter. The order of each chapter is specified in the 'config' slot in the general general 'config.yml'.


String with filename of the config file of interest in YAML format.


String with input directory, working directory by default.


String with output directory, ('report' by default).


String with intermediate directory ('interim' by default), where markdown files and rds file specifying Js libraries (with knit_meta) for each sub report are stored.


Character vector with extra directories required by the report, directory with external images. By default, the directories: 'figures', 'tables' and mentioned in the 'patientProfilePath' parameter of the general config file are included. All these folders should be available in inputDir.


String with path of the Markdown file


(optional) String with path to a log file, where output (also error/messages/warnings) should be stored. If specified, the entire output is re-directed to this file.


Integer containing the number of cores used to render the report (1 by default). If more than 1, two steps of the report creation are run in parallel across chapters:

  • the rendering of the Rmarkdown file to Markdown

  • the conversion from Markdown to HTML


Logical, if TRUE (FALSE by default) progress messages are printed during the report execution.


No return value, used for the documentation of the clinical data reporting functions of the package.

clinDataReview documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:13 p.m.