Man pages for clinUtils
General Utility Functions for Analysis of Clinical Data

checkVarInDataCheck if specified variables are in the data. If they are...
clinColorsColors of 'clinUtils'
clinLinetypesLinetypes of 'clinUtils'
clinShapesShapes of 'clinUtils'
clinShapesTextShapes of 'clinUtils' as text
clinUtils-paletteParameters for all palette functions for clinical...
colorPaletteNRINDColor palette for a standard CDISC Normal/Reference Range...
compareDiffGet differences between two data.frames
compareTablesCompare tables
comparisonTables-common-argsGeneral parameters used for the comparison table...
convertToDatatableConvert to data.table
convertToDateTimeConvert character vector to date/time object
dataADaMCDISCP01Example of ADaM datasets from the CDISC original Pilot 01...
dataSDTMCDISCP01Example of SDTM datasets from the CDISC original Pilot 01...
exportDiffDataExport the '' object from 'compareDiff' to a...
formatDetailsComparisonFormat details comparison
formatDTBarVarFormat a variable in a 'datatable' as a barplot.
formatLabelConcatenate and format text strings to a label
formatLabelChunkConcatenate and format text strings to a chunk label
formatLongLabelFormat a variable with long labels
formatTableLabelConcatenate and format text strings to a label of a table
formatVarForPlotLabelFormat parameter variable to be displayed in the labels of a...
getClinDTCreate an interactive table to display clinical data
getClinDTButtonsGet a default set of buttons to be included in the...
getColorPaletteGet a color palette for clinical visualizations.
getLabelParamcdGet label for a parameter code
getLabelVarGet label for a variable of the dataset
getLabelVarsGet label of the variables in SAS dataset(s)
getLinetypePaletteGet a linetype palette for clinical visualizations.
getPaletteCDISCGet standard palette for typical CDISC variables.
getSetDiffGet additions/removals
getShapePaletteGet a shape palette for clinical visualizations.
knitPrintListObjectsInclude a list of objects in a knitr document
knitPrintListPlotsInclude a list of plots in a knitr document
loadDataADaMSDTMLoad data from ADaM/SDTM file(s).
mergeDiffWithDataMerge the '' object from 'compareDiff' with the...
mergeInputDiffCustom merge of difference data with input data
reorderColumnsFunction for reordering columns
roundHalfUpRound a number with 'rounding up' strategy for rounding off a...
roundHalfUpTextFormatRound a number with 'round-up' strategy for rounding off a 5...
shapePaletteNRINDShape palette for a standard CDISC Normal/Reference Range...
simpleCapCapitalize the first letter of a word/sentence.
clinUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:01 a.m.