getClinDT: Create an interactive table to display clinical data

View source: R/table-getClinDT.R

getClinDTR Documentation

Create an interactive table to display clinical data


This function converts a data.frame from R into a datatable object with sensitive defaults.
Extra functionalities are available to:

  • have columns or cells of interest that are collapsible/expandable (see expandVar/expandIdx)

  • group rows based on a variable (see rowGroupVar)

  • display a variable as barplot (with specified range of threshold) (see barVar)

  • hide variable(s) (see nonVisibleVar)


  nonVisibleVar = NULL,
  nonVisible = NULL,
  percVar = NULL,
  barVar = NULL,
  barColorThr = NULL,
  barRange = NULL,
  filter = "top",
  searchBox = FALSE,
  fixedColumns = NULL,
  columnsWidth = NULL,
  options = list(),
  expandVar = NULL,
  expandIdx = NULL,
  escape = TRUE,
  rowGroup = NULL,
  rowGroupVar = NULL,
  vAlign = "top",
  callback = NULL,
  buttons = getClinDTButtons(),
  scrollX = TRUE,
  file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,



Data.frame, matrix or SharedData object with input data for the table.


Character vector with column(s) in data to hide in the output table (column is hidden).
The column(s) also get the extra attribute: className = 'noVis', to ensure they are not displayed in the button to show/hide column(s).


This parameter is deprecated, use the new interface with the nonVisibleVar parameter. Numeric vector with column(s) in data to not display in the output table (column is hidden), in Javascript unit: first column is 0, second column is 1, ...


Character vector with percentage columns. These columns should contain the percentage from 0 to 1. The content of these colunms will be rounded to 2 digits.


Character vector with numeric variable of data which should be represented as bar in the table.


Numeric vector with threshold to consider to color the bar, either:

  • a numeric vector of length 1, same threshold for all bars

  • named vector with threshold for each bar, named with the variable in barVar


(optional) range for the bars, either:

  • a numeric vector of length 2, same range for all bars

  • list with range for each bar, named with the variable in barVar

If not specified, the range of each barVar variable in data is used.


String with position of the filter boxes (filter parameter of the datatable function), 'top' by default. Set to 'none' to not included any filtering boxes.


Logical, if TRUE (FALSE by default) a general search box is included.


Numeric with number of records to include in one page, by default set to 10. Set to Inf to include all records.


List with fixed columns, see corresponding parameter in the options parameter of the datatable function.


Character vector with column width, of length 1 (used for all columns) or of length: ncol(data)


List with additional datatable options. This parameter overwrites the default options set internally in the function (an indicative message mentions it if that is the case).


Character vector with expandable variables of data. These columns won't be included in the table, but displayed for each row when the '+' icon in the first column of the table will be clicked on.


Matrix named with: 'row'/'column' containing row/column indices to expand.


Column(s) to escape in the table (e.g. containing raw HTML code), either character, numeric or logical of length 1. See corresponding parameter in the datatable function.


This parameter is deprecated, please use rowGroup instead.


Character vector with colname(s) of data containing variables to group rows by. This creates row header containing this column. Please note that the original row order in data is respected, so you might want to order rows based on the grouping variables upfront.


String with vertical alignment for the cells, 'top' by default.


String with custom Javascript callback function.


DataTable buttons (passed to the 'buttons' element of the options parameter of datatable). See getClinDTButtons for the default options. To remove all buttons, set this parameter to NULL.


Logical, if TRUE (by default) a horizontal scrolling bar is included. Note: this differs from the datatable default (FALSE), because required for bookdown::gitbook output if table is too wide.


(optional) String with name of html file to which the created DT should be exported.


Logical, if TRUE (by default) informative messages are displayed, e.g. if specified options overwrite the internal default.


Additional parameters for the datatable function, e.g table width.


A datatable object.


Laure Cougnaud


labelVars <- attr(dataADaMCDISCP01, "labelVars")

# example of simple adverse event table
dataAE <- dataADaMCDISCP01$ADAE
subjectsSafety <- subset(dataADaMCDISCP01$ADSL, SAFFL == "Y")$USUBJID

# compute counts of subjects presenting each AE
tableAE <- stats::aggregate(
	data = dataAE, 
	FUN = function(usubjid)	length(unique(usubjid))
colnames(tableAE)[colnames(tableAE) == "USUBJID"] <- "N"
# and percentages
tableAE$perc <- round(tableAE$N/length(subjectsSafety)*100, 3)
# sort records in decreasing percentage
tableAE <- tableAE[order(tableAE$perc, decreasing = TRUE), ]

# extract new variables labels
tableAELabels <- getLabelVar(
	var = colnames(tableAE),
	labelVars = labelVars,
	label = c(N = '# subjects', perc = "% subjects")
# 'colnames' for DT should be specified as c('new name' = 'old name', ...)
tableAELabelsDT <- setNames(names(tableAELabels), tableAELabels)

## create table with bar

# default:
	data = tableAE,
	barVar = "perc",
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT

# specify range for the bar
	data = tableAE,
	filter = "none",
	barVar = "perc",
	barRange = c(0, 100),
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT

# change color according to threshold
	data = tableAE,
	filter = "none",
	barVar = "perc",
	barColorThr = seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 25),
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT

## group per system organ class (and decreasing N):
tableAESOC <- aggregate(N ~ AESOC, data = tableAE, FUN = sum)
tableAE$AESOC <- factor(tableAE$AESOC,
	levels = tableAESOC[order(tableAESOC$N, decreasing = FALSE), "AESOC"]
tableAE <- tableAE[order(tableAE$AESOC, tableAE$perc, decreasing = TRUE), ]
	data = tableAE,
	filter = "none",
	barVar = "perc",
	barRange = c(0, 100),
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT,
	rowGroupVar = "AESOC",
	pageLength = Inf

# expand the subject ID column, will
# be accessible when clicking on the '+' button
# Format URL correctly with: 'escape',
# please note that indexing starts at 0!
	data = tableAE,
	barVar = "perc",
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT,
	expandVar = "USUBJID", 
	escape = grep("USUBJID", colnames(tableAE))-1

# fix size for columns
	data = tableAE,
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT,
	fixedColumns = list(leftColumns = 1),
	columnsWidth = c(0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1),
	width = "350px" # change dimension table

## Not run: # due to time constraint in CRAN

# change default buttons
	data = tableAE,
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT,
	# remove general filter
	filter = "none",
	# custom set of buttons
	buttons = getClinDTButtons(type = c("csv", "excel", "pdf"))
# add button to select columns
	data = tableAE,
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT,
	# custom set of buttons
	buttons = getClinDTButtons(typeExtra = "colvis")
# export pdf in landscape format
buttons <- getClinDTButtons(
	opts = list(pdf = list(orientation = "landscape"))
	data = tableAE,
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT,
	# custom set of buttons
	buttons = buttons

# hide the first column:
	data = tableAE,
	nonVisibleVar = "AESOC"

# with specific caption
caption <- tags$caption(
	"Number of subjects with adverse events grouped by system organ class.",
		"Percentages are based on the total number of patients having",
		"received a first study treatment."
	data = tableAE,
	filter = "none",
	barVar = "perc",
	barRange = c(0, 100),
	pageLength = Inf,
	colnames = tableAELabelsDT,
	rowGroupVar = "AESOC",
	caption = caption

## End(Not run)

clinUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:01 a.m.