roundHalfUp: Round a number with 'rounding up' strategy for rounding off a...

View source: R/roundHalfUp.R

roundHalfUpR Documentation

Round a number with 'rounding up' strategy for rounding off a 5


This function rounds a number for a specified number of digits. It rounds off to the highest number for a 5. The default R round function rounds to the 'even digit' in case of rounding off a 5 (see 'Details' section in ? round). This function instead rounds up to the nearest number for a 5. It mimics a similar rounding strategy used in SAS. See examples for the difference between round and 'roundHalfUp' below.


roundHalfUp(x, digits = 0)



Numeric vector to round.


Integer with number of digits to consider, 0 by default.


Rounded numeric vector.


stackoverflow question 6461209


# numbers are rounded to the closest even number in case of .5 
# with the round 'base' function
round(0.45, 1)
# 'roundHalfUp' always round to the next highest number in case of .5
roundHalfUp(0.45, 1)
# rounding is the same for uneven number:
round(0.55, 1)
# other examples
round(1.456e-2, digits = 3)
round(1.456e-2, digits = 2)
round(1.456e-2, digits = 1)

clinUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:01 a.m.