mergeDiffWithData: Merge the '' object from 'compareDiff' with the...

View source: R/compareTables.R

mergeDiffWithDataR Documentation

Merge the '' object from compareDiff with the original newData or oldData.


The newData/oldData are merged with diffData based on the columns of diffData excepted 'Comparison type' and 'Version'.


mergeDiffWithData(diffData, newData, oldData)



Object of class '' containing differences between datasets, as returned by the compareDiff function.


data.frame object representing the new data


data.frame object representing the old data


The newData or oldData (as a data frame object) with the extra column 'Comparison type' specifying the type of change, either:

  • 'Change': record present in both dataset based on the reference variables, but with changes in the changeable variables

  • 'Addition': records present in new but not in old data

  • 'Removal': records present in old but not in new data

  • 'Identical': records identical in the old and new datasets (on both the reference and changeable variables)

clinUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:01 a.m.