getColorPalette: Get a color palette for clinical visualizations.

View source: R/plots-palettes.R

getColorPaletteR Documentation

Get a color palette for clinical visualizations.


Get a color palette of specified length, either from a vector of names for the palette, or from a specified length.


getColorPalette(n = NULL, x = NULL, includeNA = FALSE, palette = clinColors)



Integer of length 1, number of elements in palette.


Vector with elements used for palette. If factor, the levels are used, otherwise the unique elements of the vector. Missing values are automatically removed, excepted if includeNA is set to TRUE.


Logical (FALSE by default), should NA elements be retained in the palette in case x is specified?


A vector of custom colors, or a function returning this vector from a specific number of colors.
Default is the the colorblind viridis color palette.


Vector of colors, named with the elements in x if x is specified.


Laure Cougnaud and Michela Pasetto


# extract longest palette available
getColorPalette(n = 11)
# extract palette for a vector
getColorPalette(x = paste('treatment', 1:4))
# possibility to include missing values:
getColorPalette(x = c(NA_character_, "group1"), includeNA = FALSE)
getColorPalette(x = c(NA_character_, "group1"), includeNA = TRUE)
# change default settings
getColorPalette(n = 3, palette = c("red", "green", "grey"))

clinUtils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:01 a.m.