m_subgraph <- function(G,s){ #calculates the number of edges inside the subgraph induced by the edges in the list s
m_subgraph_w <- function(G,s){ #weight of edges inside the subgraph induced by s
degree_w <- function(G,v){ #weighted degree of vertex v
degree_s <- function(G,v,s){ #weighted degree of v over subgraph s (given by a list of vertices)
median_degree_w <- function(G){
M <- get.adjacency(G,attr="weight")
stats::median(apply(M,1,sum)) #computes the median of the degree sequence
cs_w <- function(G,s){ #sum of weight of edges connecting vertices of s to the rest of the graph
sum(G[s,-s]) #sum the elements of rows in s and columns not in s
#network metrics
internal_density_s <- function(G,s){
n <- length(s)
if (n<=1) return(0)
else return(2*m_subgraph_w(G,s)/(n*(n-1)))
average_degree <- function(G,s){
FOMD_old <- function(G,s,dm="default"){
if(dm=="default") dm <- median_degree_w(G) #if median degree has not been given, compute it
if (length(s)>=2)deg.seq <- apply(G[s,s],1,sum)
else deg.seq <- 0
expansion <- function(G,s){
cut_ratio <- function(G,s){
n <- length(s)
conductance <- function(G,s){
normalized_cut <- function(G,s){
cs <- cs_w(G,s)
ms <- m_subgraph_w(G,s)
m <- sum(M <- get.adjacency(G,attr="weight"))/2
max_odf <- function(G,s){
first <- TRUE
M <- 0
for (i in s){
out_degree <- sum(G[i,-s]) #out degree (sum of edges leaving s) of vertex i
odf <- out_degree/degree_w(G,i)
if ( next
if (first | (odf>M)) {
first <- FALSE
M <- odf
av_odf <- function(G,s){
sum_odf <- 0
for (i in s){
out_degree <- sum(G[i,-s]) #out degree (sum of edges leaving s) of vertex i
odf <- out_degree/degree_w(G,i)
sum_odf <- sum_odf + odf
flake_odf <- function(G,s){
x <- 0
for (i in s){ #x will count how many vertices of s have smaller edge weight sum pointing inside than outside
if ( sum(G[i,s]) < sum(G[i,-s]) ) {
x <- x+1
clustering_coef_w <- function(G, n_step=100, w_max=1){
#delete this in the future. Now replaced by the faster Rcpp implementation.
mean <-0
A <- get.adjacency(G,attr="weight")
if (is.null(w_max)){
w_max = max(A)
if (w_max==0)
for (i in 1:n_step){
t <- w_max*i/n_step
At <- A>=t
Gt <- graph.adjacency(At,mode="undirected") #unweighted graphs with edges where the weight is above the threshold t
if (ecount(Gt)>1) {
trans <- transitivity(Gt) #if there are no edge we consider the transitivity to be 0 (but igraphs transitivity function would return NaN)
if (trans!="NaN")mean <- mean+ trans
clustering_coef_subgraph <- function(G, s, w_max=w_max){
Gs <- induced_subgraph(G,s)
weighted_transitivity(Gs, upper_bound=w_max)
#' Triangle Participation Ratio (community-wise)
#' Computes the triangle participation ratio (proportion of vertices that belong
#' to a triangle). The computation is done to the subgraphs induced by each of
#' the communities in the given partition.
#' @param g The input graph (as an igraph object). Edge weights and directions are ignored.
#' @param com Community membership vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @return A vector containing the triangle participation ratio of each community.
triangle_participation_ratio_communities <- function(g, com){
if ("name" %in% vertex_attr_names(g)){
g <- delete_vertex_attr(g, "name")
TPR_coms_Rcpp(triangles(g), com)
triangle_participation_ratio <- function(G, s=NULL){
# computes triangle participation ratio (proportion of vertices that belong to a triangle)
# computation is done to the subgraph induced by the vertex list s, or to the whole graph if s
# isn't provided
# efficiency could be improved by not using the function that counts all triangles
if (!is.null(s))
G <- induced_subgraph(G,s)
a <- adjacent.triangles(G)
#' Coverage
#' Computes the coverage (fraction of internal edges with respect to the total
#' number of edges) of a graph and its communities
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object).
#' @param com Community membership integer vector. Each element corresponds to a vertex
#' of the graph, and contains the index of the community it belongs to.
#' @return Numeric value of the coverage of \code{g} and \code{com}.
#' @family cluster scoring functions
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' coverage(karate, membership(cluster_louvain(karate)))
#' @export
coverage <- function(g, com){
# percentage of internal edges respect to total number of edges
EL <- as_edgelist(g, names=FALSE)
n_internal <- 0
f_com <- function(i) com[i]
EL_com <- apply(EL, c(1,2), f_com)
internal <- EL_com[,1] == EL_com[,2]
# density_ratio <- function(G, com){
# # new scoring function
# internal_weight <- 0
# for (i in 1:max(com)){
# s <- which(com==i)
# internal_weight <- internal_weight + m_subgraph_w(G, s)
# }
# total_weight <- sum(G[,])/2
# sizes <- as.vector(table(com))
# n_total <- sum(sizes)
# potential_internal_n <- function(n) n*(n-1)/2
# potential_external_n <- function(n) n*(n_total-n)
# potential_internal <- sum(sapply(sizes, potential_internal_n))
# potential_external <- sum(sapply(sizes, potential_external_n))/2
# 1 - ((total_weight-internal_weight)/potential_external) / (internal_weight/potential_internal)
# }
#' Relabels membership vector
#' Takes a vector of vertex ids indicating community membership, and relabels the communities
#' to have consecutive values from 1 to the number of communities.
#' @param c numeric vector of vertex ids, not necessarily consecutive
#' @return A numeric vector of consecutive vertex ids starting from one
#' @export
relabel <- function(c){
c2 <- c
j <- 1
for (i in unique(c)){
c2[c==i] <- j
j <- j+1
weighted_mean_no_NA <- function(v, weights){
#weighted mean of all the non NA values (the weight corresponding NA values is ignored)
NA_index <-
v[NA_index] <- 0
weights[NA_index] <- 0
sum(v*weights) /sum(weights)
#' Applies function to each subgraph of a graph
#' @param g igraph graph
#' @param com vector of memberships that determines the subgraphs (i.e. all elements
#' with the same label will form a subgraph).
#' @param f Function to apply. Takes a graph as input and returns a scalar.
#' @return vector with the result of each subgraph
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' apply_subgraphs(g=karate, com=V(karate)$Faction, f=gorder)
#' @export
apply_subgraphs <- function(g, com, f, ...){
labels <- unique(com)
f_aux <- function(i) f(induced_subgraph(graph=g, vids=which(com==i)), ...)
return(vapply(labels, f_aux, FUN.VALUE=1))
#' #' Cluster scoring functions
#' #'
#' #'
#' scoring_functions <- function(G,com,fix_labels=TRUE, globals_only=TRUE, no_clustering_coef=TRUE,
#' ignore_NA=TRUE, w_max=1){
#' if (fix_labels) com <- relabel(com)
#' n_com <- max(com)
#' n <- length(V(G))
#' function_names <- c("internal density","edges inside","av degree","FOMD","expansion",
#' "cut ratio","conductance", "norm cut", "max ODF","average ODF","flake ODF","clustering coef","modularity")
#' D <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=n_com+1,ncol=length(function_names)))
#' colnames(D) <- function_names
#' rownames(D) <- c(1:n_com,"global")
#' for (i in 1:n_com){
#' s <- which(com==i) #s contains the indices of vertices belonging to cluster i
#' if (no_clustering_coef)
#' cc <- NaN
#' else
#' cc <- clustering_coef_subgraph(G, s, w_max=w_max)
#' D[i,]<- c(internal_density_s(G,s),m_subgraph_w(G,s),average_degree(G,s),FOMD(G,s),expansion(G,s),
#' cut_ratio(G,s),conductance(G,s),normalized_cut(G,s),max_odf(G,s),av_odf(G,s),flake_odf(G,s),
#' cc,0)
#' }
#' D[n_com+1,]<-colMeans(D[1:n_com,])
#' weights <- table(com)/n
#' if (ignore_NA){
#' D[n_com+1,1:12] <- apply (D[1:n_com,1:12], 2, weighted_mean_no_NA, weights=weights)
#' }
#' else{
#' w_mean <- function(v,weights) sum(v*weights)
#' D[n_com+1,1:12] <- apply (D[1:n_com,1:12],2,w_mean,weights=weights)
#' }
#' D["modularity"]<-NaN
#' D[n_com+1,"modularity"] <- modularity(G,com,weight=E(G)$weight)
#' #D[n_com+1,"clustering coef"]<- sum(D[1:n_com,"clustering coef"])/ sum(D[1:n_com,"clustering coef"]>0) #mean of non-zero elements
#' #D[n_com+1,"internal density"]<- sum(D[1:n_com,"internal density"])/ sum(D[1:n_com,"internal density"]>0)
#' #D[n_com+1,"edges inside"]<- sum(D[1:n_com,"edges inside"])/ sum(D[1:n_com,"edges inside"]>0)
#' #D[n_com+1,"av degree"]<- sum(D[1:n_com,"av degree"])/ sum(D[1:n_com,"av degree"]>0)
#' if (globals_only) {
#' result <- D[n_com+1,]
#' result["n_communities"] <- length(table(com))
#' return (result)
#' }
#' else return(D)
#' }
#' scoring_functions_df <- function(G,com, ignore_NA=TRUE, no_clustering_coef=TRUE, type="local", weighted=FALSE){
#' # type: can be "local" or "global", depending on whether we want a cluster-by cluster or a
#' # global analysis
#' if (!"weight" %in% names(edge.attributes(G)))
#' G <- set_edge_attr(G, "weight", value=1)
#' n_com <- max(com)
#' n <- length(V(G))
#' function_names <- c("size", "internal density","edges inside","av degree","FOMD","expansion",
#' "cut ratio","conductance", "norm cut", "max ODF","average ODF","flake ODF",
#' "TPR", "clustering coef","modularity")
#' D <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=n_com,ncol=length(function_names)))
#' colnames(D) <- function_names
#' rownames(D) <- c(1:n_com)
#' for (i in 1:n_com){
#' s <- which(com==i) #s contains the indices of vertices belonging to cluster i
#' size <- length(s)
#' Gs <- subgraph(G,s)
#' if (weighted){
#' if (no_clustering_coef)
#' cc <- NaN
#' else
#' cc <- clustering_coef_subgraph(G, s, w_max=w_max)
#' }
#' else{
#' cc <- transitivity(Gs)
#' }
#' D[i,]<- c(size, internal_density_s(G,s),m_subgraph_w(G,s),average_degree(G,s),FOMD(G,s),expansion(G,s),
#' cut_ratio(G,s),conductance(G,s),normalized_cut(G,s),max_odf(G,s),av_odf(G,s),flake_odf(G,s),
#' triangle_participation_ratio(Gs), cc, NaN)
#' }
#' if (type=="local"){
#' D[,"modularity"] <- modularity(G, com)
#' D$coverage <- coverage(G, com)
#' return(D)
#' }
#' # type=="global" from here
#' D_glob <- apply(D,2,weighted.mean, w=D$size)
#' D_glob["size"] <- NaN
#' D_glob["graph_size"] <- n
#' D_glob["n_clusters"] <- n_com
#' D_glob["mean_cluster_size"] <- mean(D$size)
#' D_glob["modularity"] <- modularity(G, com)
#' D_glob["coverage"] <- coverage(G, com)
#' D_glob["density ratio"] <- density_ratio(G, com)
#' return(t(as.matrix(D_glob)))
#' }
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