
#' SLURM scheduler functions
#' Derives from QSys to provide SLURM-specific functions
#' @keywords internal
SLURM = R6::R6Class("SLURM",
    inherit = QSys,

    public = list(
        initialize = function(addr, n_jobs, master, ..., template=getOption("clustermq.template", "SLURM"),
                              log_worker=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {
            super$initialize(addr=addr, master=master, template=template)

            opts = private$fill_options(n_jobs=n_jobs, ...)
            private$job_id = opts$job_name
            if (!is.null(opts$log_file))
                opts$log_file = normalizePath(opts$log_file, mustWork=FALSE)
            else if (log_worker)
                opts$log_file = paste0(private$job_id, "-%a.log")
            filled = fill_template(private$template, opts,
                                   required=c("master", "job_name", "n_jobs"))

            if (verbose)
                message("Submitting ", n_jobs, " worker jobs (ID: ", private$job_id, ") ...")

            success = system("sbatch", input=filled, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
            if (success != 0) {
                stop("Job submission failed with error code ", success)
            private$is_cleaned_up = FALSE

        cleanup = function() {
            private$is_cleaned_up = TRUE

    private = list(
        job_id = NULL,
        is_cleaned_up = NULL,

        finalize = function(quiet = TRUE) { # self$workers_running == 0
            if (!private$is_cleaned_up) {
                system(paste("scancel --name", private$job_id),
                       ignore.stdout=quiet, ignore.stderr=quiet, wait=FALSE)
                private$is_cleaned_up = TRUE

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clustermq documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 5:06 p.m.