
Defines functions local_max_cmps get_ccp get_ccr_peaks

Documented in get_ccp get_ccr_peaks local_max_cmps

#' Identify peaks of a cross correlation curve
#' Given a comparison profile and a segment, `get_ccr_peaks` computes the 
#' cross correlation curve and finds peaks of the curve.
#' @param comp a nueric vector, vector of the bullet comparison profile
#' @param segments list with basis segments and their corresponding indices in the original profile, obtianed by `get_segs()`
#' @param seg_outlength length of the enlarged segment
#' @param nseg integer. `nseg` = 3: the third segment in `segments`
#' @param npeaks integer. the number of peaks to be identified.
#' @return a list consisting of:
#' * `ccr`: the cross correlation curve
#' * `adj_pos`: indices of the curve
#' * `peaks_pos`: position of the identified peaks
#' * `peaks_heights`: the cross correlation value (height of the curve) of the peaks
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @examples
#' data("bullets")
#' land2_3 <- bullets$sigs[bullets$bulletland == "2-3"][[1]]
#' land1_2 <- bullets$sigs[bullets$bulletland == "1-2"][[1]]
#' x <- land2_3$sig
#' y <- land1_2$sig
#' segments <- get_segs(x, len = 50)
#' # compute ccf based on y and segment 7 with scale 1, then identify 5 highest peaks
#' ccrpeaks <- get_ccr_peaks(y, segments = segments, seg_outlength = 50,
#'                           nseg = 7, npeaks = 5)
get_ccr_peaks <- function(comp, segments, seg_outlength, nseg = 1, npeaks = 5){

    is.numeric(comp), is.numeric(seg_outlength), is.numeric(nseg), is.numeric(npeaks)
  tt <- get_seg_scale(segments, nseg, out_length = seg_outlength)
  min.overlap <- min(
  ccr <- get_ccf4(comp, tt$aug_seg, min.overlap = min.overlap)
  tmp_pos <- tt$aug_idx[1]
  peaks <- local_max_cmps(ccr$ccf)
  od <- order(ccr$ccf[peaks], decreasing = TRUE)[1:npeaks]
  # adjust the position
  adj_pos <- ccr$lag - tmp_pos + 1
  peaks_heights <- ccr$ccf[peaks][od]
  peaks_pos <- adj_pos[peaks][od]
  return(list(ccr = ccr, adj_pos = adj_pos,
              peaks_pos = peaks_pos, peaks_heights = peaks_heights))

#' Identify at most one consistent correlation peak (ccp) 
#' If multi segment lengths strategy is being used, at most one consistent correlation
#' peak (ccp) will be found for the corresponding basis segment. If the ccp cannot be identified, 
#' return `NULL`
#' @param ccr_list list, obtained by `get_ccr_peaks`
#' @param Tx integer, the tolerance zone is `+/- Tx`
#' @return integer, the position of the ccp if it is identified; `NULL` otherwise. 
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @examples
#' data("bullets")
#' land2_3 <- bullets$sigs[bullets$bulletland == "2-3"][[1]]
#' land1_2 <- bullets$sigs[bullets$bulletland == "1-2"][[1]]
#' x <- land2_3$sig
#' y <- land1_2$sig
#' segments <- get_segs(x, len = 50)
#' # identify the consistent correlation peak when ccf curves are computed
#' # based on y and segment 7 in 3 different scales;
#' # the number of peaks identified in each scale are 5, 3, and 1, respectively.
#' seg_scale_max <- 3
#' npeaks_set <- c(5,3,1)
#' outlength <- c(50, 100, 200)
#' ccr_list <- lapply(1:seg_scale_max, function(seg_scale) {
#'   get_ccr_peaks(y, segments, seg_outlength = outlength[seg_scale], nseg = 7, 
#'   npeaks = npeaks_set[seg_scale])
#' })
#' get_ccp(ccr_list, Tx = 25)
get_ccp <- function(ccr_list, Tx = 25){
  # the number of different scales we have
  seg_level <- length(ccr_list)
  # the highest level has only one position, 
  # set it as a basis
  basis <- ccr_list[[seg_level]]$peaks_pos
  # if the entire basis segment is NA 
  if(length(basis) == 0 & all(is.na(ccr_list[[seg_level]]$ccr$ccf))) { return(NULL) }
  rr <- lapply(seq_along(basis), function(idx) {
    ccp <- lapply(1:(seg_level), function(level) {
      ck.tmp <- abs(ccr_list[[level]]$peaks_pos - basis[idx]) <= Tx
      if((all(!ck.tmp)) | (all(is.na(ck.tmp)))) { return(NULL) }
      else {
    if(length(unlist(ccp)) == seg_level) { 
      # if every level has a peak, we have a ccp
    } else {
      # else, return NULL

#' find local maximums
#' @useDynLib cmpsR, .registration=TRUE
#' @param x numeric vector, the input sequence
#' @param find_max a numeric scalor, the function finds maximums if `find_max = 0`
#' finds minimums if overwise.
local_max_cmps <- function(x, find_max = 0) {
  if(all(is.na(x))) {
  tmp.x <- x
  idx <- seq_along(tmp.x)
  notna.idx <- !is.na(tmp.x)
  peak.idx <- .Call(local_max_c, tmp.x[notna.idx], find_max)
  peaks <- idx[notna.idx][peak.idx]

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cmpsR documentation built on July 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.