
Defines functions check_response check_type check_pane save_col_wh save_col save_jp_wh juxtapose_wh juxtapose_animate_s juxtapose_animate_u juxtapose_split_d juxtapose_split_v juxtapose_split_h juxtapose_focus_v juxtapose_focus_h juxtapose_focus_c juxtapose_stacked juxtapose_sbs show_colorized print_img plot_img colorize_wh

#' @importFrom httr POST upload_file add_headers status_code content
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @noRd
colorize_wh <- function(img, key, pane) {

  # Prepare body for request
  if (file.exists(img)) {

    body <- list("image" = httr::upload_file(img))

  } else {

    body <- list("image" = img)


  # API call
  response <- httr::POST(
    url = "https://api.deepai.org/api/colorizer",
    httr::add_headers("api-key" = key),
    body = body

  # Display image and return response
  if (httr::status_code(response) == 200) {

    show_colorized(response = httr::content(response)[["output_url"]], pane = pane)

    response <- tibble::tibble(
      request = img,
      response = httr::content(response)[["output_url"]]

  } else {

    if (is.null(httr::content(response)[["status"]])) warning("No valid image found.")
    if (!is.null(httr::content(response)[["status"]])) warning(httr::content(response)[["status"]])

    response <- tibble::tibble(
      request = img,
      response = NA




#' @importFrom magick image_read
#' @noRd
plot_img <- function(img) {

  cl <- magick::image_read(img)


#' @importFrom magick image_read
#' @noRd
print_img <- function(img) {

  cl <- magick::image_read(img)


#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @noRd
show_colorized <- function(response, pane) {

  # Read and display
  if (pane == "plot") plot_img(response)
  if (pane == "view") print_img(response)


#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append
#' @noRd
juxtapose_sbs <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, magick::image_info(cl)[["width"]])
  jp <- magick::image_append(c(bw, cl), stack = F)


#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append
#' @noRd
juxtapose_stacked <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, magick::image_info(cl)[["width"]])
  jp <- magick::image_append(c(bw, cl), stack = T)

#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append image_crop geometry_area
#' @noRd
juxtapose_focus_c <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  upper_bw <- round(cli$height / 6)
  lower_bw <- round(cli$height / 6)
  middle_cl1 <- cli$height - upper_bw - lower_bw

  left_bw <- round(cli$width / 6)
  right_bw <- round(cli$width / 6)
  middle_cl2 <- cli$width - left_bw - right_bw

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = upper_bw))

  p2a <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = left_bw, height = middle_cl1, y_off = upper_bw))
  p2b <- magick::image_crop(cl, magick::geometry_area(width = middle_cl2, height = middle_cl1, x_off = left_bw, y_off = upper_bw))
  p2c <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = right_bw, height = middle_cl1, x_off = left_bw + middle_cl2, y_off = upper_bw))
  p2 <- magick::image_append(c(p2a, p2b, p2c), stack = F)

  p3 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = lower_bw, y_off = (upper_bw + middle_cl1)))

  jp <- magick::image_append(c(p1, p2, p3), stack = T)



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append image_crop geometry_area
#' @noRd
juxtapose_focus_h <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  upper_bw <- round(cli$height / 6)
  lower_bw <- round(cli$height / 6)
  middle_cl <- cli$height - upper_bw - lower_bw

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = upper_bw))
  p2 <- magick::image_crop(cl, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = middle_cl, y_off = upper_bw))
  p3 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = lower_bw, y_off = (upper_bw + middle_cl)))
  jp <- magick::image_append(c(p1, p2, p3), stack = T)



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append image_crop geometry_area
#' @noRd
juxtapose_focus_v <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  left_bw <- round(cli$width / 6)
  right_bw <- round(cli$width / 6)
  middle_cl <- cli$width - left_bw - right_bw

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = left_bw, height = cli$height))
  p2 <- magick::image_crop(cl, magick::geometry_area(width = middle_cl, height = cli$height, x_off = left_bw))
  p3 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = right_bw, height = cli$height, x_off = (left_bw + middle_cl)))
  jp <- magick::image_append(c(p1, p2, p3), stack = F)



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append image_crop geometry_area
#' @noRd
juxtapose_split_h <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  upper_half <- round(cli$height / 2)
  lower_half <- cli$height - upper_half

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = upper_half))
  p2 <- magick::image_crop(cl, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = lower_half, y_off = upper_half))
  jp <- magick::image_append(c(p1, p2), stack = T)



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append image_crop geometry_area
#' @noRd
juxtapose_split_v <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  left_half <- round(cli$width / 2)
  right_half <- cli$width - left_half

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = left_half, height = cli$height))
  p2 <- magick::image_crop(cl, magick::geometry_area(width = right_half, height = cli$height, x_off = left_half))
  jp <- magick::image_append(c(p1, p2), stack = F)



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_crop geometry_area
#'     image_rotate image_append image_animate
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @noRd
juxtapose_split_d <- function(img_bw, img_cl) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  cl <- magick::image_border(cl, "black")
  bw <- magick::image_border(bw, "black")

  a <- cli$width / 2
  b <- cli$height / 2

  cl_rotated <- magick::image_rotate(cl, 180 * (asin(a / sqrt(a^2 + b^2)) / pi)) %>%

  clri <- magick::image_info(cl_rotated)
  width_left_half <- round(clri$width / 2)
  width_right_half <- clri$width - width_left_half

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(cl_rotated, magick::geometry_area(width = width_right_half, height = clri$height, x_off = width_left_half))
  bw_rotated <- magick::image_rotate(bw, 180 * (asin(a / sqrt(a^2 + b^2)) / pi)) %>%

  p2 <- magick::image_crop(bw_rotated, magick::geometry_area(width = width_left_half, height = clri$height))
  jp_rotated <- magick::image_append(c(p2, p1), stack = F)

  jp <- magick::image_rotate(jp_rotated, -180 * (asin(a / sqrt(a^2 + b^2)) / pi)) %>%

  jp_i <- magick::image_info(jp)

  jp <- magick::image_crop(
      width = cli$width,
      height = cli$height,
      x_off = (jp_i$width - cli$width) / 2,
      y_off = (jp_i$height - cli$height) / 2



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append
#'     image_crop geometry_area image_rotate
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @noRd
juxtapose_animate_u <- function(img_bw, img_cl, frames = 60) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  transition_cl <- round(seq(0, cli$height, (cli$height/frames))) - 1
  transition_cl[transition_cl < 0] <- 0
  transition_bw <- cli$height - transition_cl

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = transition_bw[1]))
  jps <- magick::image_append(p1)

  for (i in 2:(length(transition_cl))) {

    p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = transition_bw[i]))
    p2 <- magick::image_crop(cl, magick::geometry_area(width = cli$width, height = transition_cl[i], y_off = transition_bw[i]))
    jp <- magick::image_append(c(p1, p2), stack = T)
    jps <- c(jps, jp)

  jp <- magick::image_animate(jps, fps = 20)



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_info image_scale image_append
#'     image_crop geometry_area image_rotate
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @noRd
juxtapose_animate_s <- function(img_bw, img_cl, frames = 60) {

  bw <- magick::image_read(img_bw)
  cl <- magick::image_read(img_cl)
  cli <-  magick::image_info(cl)
  bw <- magick::image_scale(bw, cli[["width"]])

  transition_cl <- round(seq(0, cli$width, (cli$width/frames))) - 1
  transition_cl[transition_cl < 0] <- 0
  transition_bw <- cli$width - transition_cl

  p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = transition_bw[1], height = cli$height))
  jps <- magick::image_append(p1)

  for (i in 2:(length(transition_cl))) {

    p1 <- magick::image_crop(bw, magick::geometry_area(width = transition_bw[i], height = cli$height, x_off = transition_cl[i]))
    p2 <- magick::image_crop(cl, magick::geometry_area(width = transition_cl[i], height = cli$height))
    jp <- magick::image_append(c(p2, p1), stack = F)
    jps <- c(jps, jp)

  jp <- magick::image_animate(jps, fps = 20)



#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @noRd
juxtapose_wh <- function(img_bw, img_cl, pane, type) {

  # Select display type
  if (length(type) > 1) {

    cli <- magick::image_read(img_cl) %>%

    if (cli$height >= cli$width) type <- "side-by-side"
    if (cli$height < cli$width) type <- "stacked"


  # Check type
  if (!type %in% c(
    "side-by-side", "stacked", "c-focus", "h-focus", "v-focus",
    "h-split", "v-split", "d-split", "u-animate", "s-animate"
    )) stop("type ", type, " not found")

  # Compose
  if (type == "side-by-side") jp <- juxtapose_sbs(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "stacked") jp <- juxtapose_stacked(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "c-focus") jp <- juxtapose_focus_c(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "h-focus") jp <- juxtapose_focus_h(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "v-focus") jp <- juxtapose_focus_v(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "h-split") jp <- juxtapose_split_h(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "v-split") jp <- juxtapose_split_v(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "d-split") jp <- juxtapose_split_d(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "u-animate") jp <- juxtapose_animate_u(img_bw, img_cl)
  if (type == "s-animate") jp <- juxtapose_animate_s(img_bw, img_cl)

  # Display
  if (pane == "plot") plot(jp)
  if (pane == "view" | type %in% c("u-animate", "s-animate")) print(jp)

  # Return
  djp <- tibble::tibble(
    jp_type = type,
    jp = list(jp)



#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_remove_all str_replace_all
#' @importFrom magick image_write
#' @noRd
save_jp_wh <- function(jp_type, jp, destfile, i) {

  if (stringr::str_detect(jp_type, "animate")) {

    if (destfile == "") {

      destfile <- paste0(
        Sys.time() %>%
          stringr::str_remove_all("[^ 0-9]") %>%
          stringr::str_replace_all(" ", "_"),

    cat("Saving gif... this may take a while. \n")
    magick::image_write_gif(jp, destfile)

    } else {

    if (destfile == "") {

      destfile <- paste0(
        Sys.time() %>%
          stringr::str_remove_all("[^ 0-9]") %>%
          stringr::str_replace_all(" ", "_"),

    magick::image_write(jp, destfile)



#' @importFrom magick image_read image_write
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @noRd
save_col <- function(url, destfile) {

  magick::image_read(url) %>%
    magick::image_write(path = destfile)


#' @importFrom magick image_read image_write
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @noRd
save_col_wh <- function(url, destfile, i) {

  if (destfile == "") {

    destfile <- paste0(
      Sys.time() %>%
        stringr::str_remove_all("[^ 0-9]") %>%
        stringr::str_replace_all(" ", "_"),
      "_Colorized_", i, ".jpg"


  save_col(url, destfile)


#' @noRd
check_pane <- function(pane) {

  if (is.null(pane)) stop("pane must not be NULL.")
  if (!pane[1] %in% c("plot", "view", "none")) stop("pane not specified correctly.")


#' @noRd
check_type <- function(type) {

  if (is.null(type)) stop("type must not be NULL.")
  if (!type[1] %in% c(
    "side-by-side", "stacked", "c-focus", "h-focus", "v-focus",
    "h-split", "v-split", "d-split", "u-animate", "s-animate")
    ) stop("type not specified correctly.")


#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @noRd
check_response <- function(response) {

  response2 <- response %>%
    dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(response, "https://api.deepai.org/job-view-file/"))

  if (nrow(response2) == 0) stop ("No URLs of colorized images found in response.")
  if (nrow(response2) < nrow(response)) warning ("Not all entries have valid URLs of colorized images.")


Try the colorizer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

colorizer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:39 p.m.