

# Define Replay Bandit
OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = Bandit,
  private = list(
    S = NULL
  public = list(
    class_name = "OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit",
    initialize   = function(offline_data, k, d) {
      self$k <- k                 # Number of arms
      self$d <- d                 # Context feature vector dimensions
      private$S <- offline_data   # Logged events
    get_context = function(index) {
      context <- list(
        k = self$k,
        d = self$d,
        X = private$S$context[[index]]
    get_reward = function(index, context, action) {
      if (private$S$choice[[index]] == action$choice) {
          reward = as.double(private$S$reward[[index]])
      } else {

# Import personalization data-set
url         <- ""
datafile    <- fread(url)

# Clean up datafile
datafile[, context := as.list([, 3:102])))]
datafile[, (3:102) := NULL]
datafile[, t := .I]
datafile[, sim := 1]
datafile[, agent := "linucb"]
setnames(datafile, c("V1", "V2"), c("choice", "reward"))

# Set simulation parameters.
simulations <- 1
horizon     <- nrow(datafile)

# Initiate Replay bandit with 10 arms and 100 context dimensions
log_S       <- datafile
bandit      <- OfflineReplayEvaluatorBandit$new(log_S, k = 10, d = 100)

# Define agents.
agents      <-
  list(Agent$new(LinUCBDisjointOptimizedPolicy$new(0.01), bandit, "alpha = 0.01"),
       Agent$new(LinUCBDisjointOptimizedPolicy$new(0.05), bandit, "alpha = 0.05"),
       Agent$new(LinUCBDisjointOptimizedPolicy$new(0.1), bandit, "alpha = 0.1"),
       Agent$new(LinUCBDisjointOptimizedPolicy$new(1.0), bandit, "alpha = 1.0"))

# Initialize the simulation.
simulation  <-
    agents           = agents,
    simulations      = simulations,
    horizon          = horizon,
    save_context     = TRUE

# Run the simulation.
linucb_sim  <- simulation$run()

# plot the results
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(4, 4, 0.5, 1), cex=1.3)
plot(linucb_sim, type = "cumulative", regret = FALSE, legend_title = "LinUCB",
     rate = TRUE, legend_position = "bottomright")

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