#' @title The Wald test and CI for a common difference between probabilities
#' @description The Wald test and CI for a common difference between
#' probabilities based on either the Mantel-Haenszel or inverse variance
#' estimate
#' Described in Chapter 10 "Stratified 2x2 Tables and Meta-Analysis"
#' @param n the observed table (a 2x2xk matrix, where k is the number of strata)
#' @param estimatetype Mantel-Haenszel or inverse variance estimate
#' ('MH' or 'IV')
#' @param alpha the nominal level, e.g. 0.05 for 95% CIs
#' @examples
#' # Smoking and lung cancer (Doll and Hill, 1950)
#' Wald_test_and_CI_common_diff_stratified_2x2(doll_hill_1950)
#' # Prophylactice use of Lidocaine in myocardial infarction (Hine et al., 1989)
#' Wald_test_and_CI_common_diff_stratified_2x2(hine_1989)
#' @export
#' @return An object of the [contingencytables_result] class,
#' basically a subclass of [base::list()]. Use the [utils::str()] function
#' to see the specific elements returned.
Wald_test_and_CI_common_diff_stratified_2x2 <- function(
n, estimatetype = "MH", alpha = 0.05
) {
n1pk <- apply(n[1, , ], 2, sum)
n2pk <- apply(n[2, , ], 2, sum)
nppk <- apply(n, 3, sum)
# Get the MH or IV overall estimates (and the weights for the IV)
if (identical(estimatetype, "MH")) {
deltahat <- MantelHaenszel_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "linear")[[1]]
} else if (identical(estimatetype, "IV")) {
tmp <- InverseVariance_estimate_stratified_2x2(n, "linear")
deltahat <- tmp[[1]]
v <- tmp[[3]]
# Estimate the standard error
if (identical(estimatetype, "MH")) {
A <- sum(
(n[1, 1, ] * n[1, 2, ] * n2pk^3 + n[2, 1, ] * n[2, 2, ] * n1pk^3) /
(n1pk * n2pk * nppk^2)
B <- sum(n1pk * n2pk / nppk)
SE <- sqrt(A / B^2)
} else if (identical(estimatetype, "IV")) {
SE <- 1 / sqrt(sum(v))
# The Wald test statistic
Z <- deltahat / SE
# The two-sided P-value (reference distribution: standard normal)
P <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(Z), 0, 1))
# The upper alpha / 2 percentile of the standard normal distribution
z_alpha <- qnorm(1 - alpha / 2, 0, 1)
# Calculate the confidence limits
L <- deltahat - z_alpha * SE
U <- deltahat + z_alpha * SE
printresults <- function() {
sprintf("The Wald test (%s): P = %7.5f, Z = %6.3f\n", estimatetype, P, Z)
"The Wald CI (%s): deltahat = %6.4f (%g%% CI %6.4f to %6.4f)",
estimatetype, deltahat, 100 * (1 - alpha), L, U
"Pvalue" = P, "Z" = Z, "lower" = L, "upper" = U, "deltahat" = deltahat
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