
Defines functions new_vector new_vector_fn as_vector as_vector_fn

vec_types <- c(
as_vector_fn <- function(type) {
  if (!type %in% vec_types) {
    abort("`type` must be a vector type")
    logical = as.logical,
    integer = as.integer,
    double = as.double,
    complex = as.complex,
    # FIXME: explicit rlang::as_character() should serialise input
    character = as.character,
    raw = as.raw,
    # Rewrap lists - Workaround for #32
    list = list,
    abort("Internal error in `as_vector()`: unexpected type")
as_vector <- function(x, type) {

new_vector_fn <- function(type) {
  if (!type %in% vec_types) {
    abort("`type` must be a vector type")
    logical = new_logical,
    integer = new_integer,
    double = new_double,
    complex = new_complex,
    character = new_character,
    raw = new_raw,
    list = new_list,
    abort("Internal error in `new_vector()`: unexpected type")
new_vector <- function(type, length = 0L) {

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coro documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:53 p.m.