# Generated by LaTeX DogWagger Version 4.0.5 from file <NCTLL_904.tex>
# Date: [2020-9-17 13:16:5]
# Do NOT edit this file. Edit the LaTeX source!!
# - <Section 5> -
#' Plot country deaths by week, with various adjustments:
#' Assumes the existence of the data frame stmf containing relevant iso_codes for countries.
#' The unusual codes GBRTENW and GBR_SCO represent England+Wales and Scotland.
#' You can obtain a list of countries by country_dead('?'), forcing a diagnostic error!
#' The columns in the frame stmf are just 'iso_code', 'Year', 'Week', and 'Deaths'.
#' Draws three graphs:
#' 1. Raw data with a linear regression line, over n years;
#' 2. Data with secular adjustment;
#' 3. Data adjusted for a 'summer baseline' using the "other n years of data" after
#' secular adjustment.
#' @param pdf default FALSE will not print to PDF
#' @param country Country name
#' @param save Do we save the data as a CSV
#' @keywords corona deaths
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @examples
#' country_dead( 'New Zealand' )
# - <Section 6> -
country_dead <- function ( country='England+Wales', pdf=FALSE, save=FALSE )
{ cc <- country_code(country, stmf);
mytitle <- paste(country , "Weekly Deaths");
ccname <- paste(cc, '_weekly', sep='');
PdfFilename <- paste(ccname, '_dead.pdf', sep='');
SecularFilename <- paste(ccname, '_secular.pdf', sep='');
AdjustedFilename <- paste(ccname, '_adjusted.pdf', sep='');
MYDEAD <- stmf[ stmf$iso_code==cc, ];
ccRows <- nrow(MYDEAD);
## For each row, WE NOW NEED TO insert a Date field based on year+month
MinYear <- min(MYDEAD$Year);
MaxYear <- max(MYDEAD$Year);
MYDEAD$Num <- seq(ccRows);
startDate <- as.Date(ISOdate(MinYear, 1, 1)); # assumes 1 January [explore, hmm] cf. 1st Monday or Sunday ?
MYDEAD$Date <- seq.Date(from=startDate, by=7, length.out=ccRows);
ccYears <- MaxYear - MinYear;
if(ccYears < 4) # pushing our luck, 5 might be better as minimum.
{ stop( paste("Too few years =", ccYears, "for country", cc) );
YearTop <- ccYears * 52; # assumes first year starts at week 1 [check, hmm]
# - <Section 7> -
lowstart <- cntry[ cntry$iso_code==cc, c('lowstart')]; # 'low' is 'summer'
lowend <- cntry[ cntry$iso_code==cc, c('lowend')]; # here might check sanity of lowstart, lowend.
print( paste('Low range for', country, '=', lowstart, '..', lowend) );
if(lowstart < lowend)
{ summer <- function (M, sStart, sEnd) # N hemisphere
{ M$summer <- as.integer(format(M$Date, '%m'));
M$summer <- (M$summer >= sStart) & (M$summer <= sEnd);
} else
{ summer <- function (M, sStart, sEnd)
{ M$summer <- as.integer(format(M$Date, '%m'));
M$summer <- (M$summer >= sStart) | (M$summer <= sEnd);
# - <Section 8> -
secular_fix <- function (F) # F is the frame.
{ mylm <- lm(F$Deaths ~ F$Num);
yint <- mylm$coefficients[1];
slp <- mylm$coefficients[2];
WTOT <- nrow(F);
F$secular <- F$Deaths * ( 1 + slp*(1+WTOT-F$Num)/yint );
MYDEAD <- secular_fix(MYDEAD);
# eye candy with regression line.
corona_pdf(PdfFilename, 12, 7, pdf);
myplot <- ggplot( MYDEAD, aes($Date,$Deaths)) +
labs(title=mytitle, x='Date', y='Deaths') +
geom_point() + geom_line() + geom_smooth(method='lm', colour='red', linetype='solid') +
scale_x_date(breaks="1 year", date_labels = "%Y") ;
corona_pdf_off(PdfFilename, pdf, waitline=TRUE);
# with secular adjustment:
corona_pdf(SecularFilename, 12, 7, pdf);
secplot <- ggplot( MYDEAD, aes($Date,$secular)) +
labs(title=mytitle, x='Date', y='Deaths(adj)') +
geom_point() + geom_line() + geom_smooth(method='lm', colour='red', linetype='solid') +
scale_x_date(breaks="1 year", date_labels = "%Y") ;
corona_pdf_off(PdfFilename, pdf, waitline=TRUE);
# - <Section 9> -
MYDEAD <- summer(MYDEAD, lowstart, lowend);
SumSecAvg <- mean( MYDEAD[ MYDEAD$summer, ]$secular );
MYDEAD$bm <- MYDEAD$Week %% 52;
weekmean <- tapply(MYDEAD$secular[1:YearTop], MYDEAD$bm[1:YearTop], mean);
MYDEAD$expected <- MYDEAD$adjust <- weekmean[ 1+MYDEAD$bm ];
qititle <- paste('Seasonally Adjusted Deaths:', country);
# next, remove own value from mean:
MYDEAD$adjust[1:YearTop] <- (ccYears*MYDEAD$adjust[1:YearTop]
- MYDEAD$secular[1:YearTop])/(ccYears-1);
## ^ do not adjust final values over YearTop i.e. in 2020, as they haven't been included!
# Now normalise to SumSecAvg, the summer secular average.
MYDEAD$adjust = MYDEAD$adjust/SumSecAvg;
MYDEAD$seasonal <- MYDEAD$secular/MYDEAD$adjust; # finally, adjust all.
corona_pdf(AdjustedFilename, 12, 7, pdf);
mychart <- qic(x=MYDEAD$Date, y=MYDEAD$seasonal, chart='i',
title=qititle, xlab='Year', ylab='Deaths');
# print(mychart);
corona_print(mychart, islegend=FALSE);
corona_pdf_off(AdjustedFilename, pdf);
{ CsvFilename <- paste(ccname, 'deaths.csv', sep='');
write.csv(MYDEAD, file=CsvFilename);
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