

test_that("'text_tokens' splits according to UAX #29", {
    text <- paste0("The quick (\u201cbrown\u201d) fox can\u2019t",
                   " jump 32.3 feet, right?")

    f <- text_filter(map_case = FALSE, map_quote = FALSE,
                     remove_ignorable = FALSE, combine = NULL)
    toks <- text_tokens(text, filter = f)

    expect_equal(toks, list(
        c("The", "quick", "(", "\u201c", "brown", "\u201d", ")",
          "fox", "can\u2019t", "jump", "32.3", "feet", ",", "right", "?")))

test_that("'text_tokens' normalizes tokens by default", {
    text <- paste0("The quick (\u201cbrown\u201d) fox can\u2019t",
                   " jump 32.3 feet, right?")

    toks <- text_tokens(text)

    expect_equal(toks, list(
        c("the", "quick", "(", "\u201c", "brown", "\u201d", ")", "fox", "can't",
          "jump", "32.3", "feet", ",", "right", "?")))

test_that("'text_tokens' propagates names if its argument has them", {
    text <- as_corpus_text(c(a="First sentence.", b="Second sentence!"))
    ctext <- c(a="First sentence.", b="Second sentence!")

    toks <- text_tokens(text)
    expect_equal(toks, list(
        a=c("first", "sentence", "."),
        b=c("second", "sentence", "!")))

    ctoks <- text_tokens(ctext)
    expect_equal(ctoks, list(
        a=c("first", "sentence", "."),
        b=c("second", "sentence", "!")))

test_that("'text_tokens' works on empty values", {
    expect_equal(text_tokens(c()), list())

test_that("'text_tokens' works on empty and missing values", {
    expect_equal(text_tokens(c("1", "2", "", NA, "5")),
                 list("1", "2", character(), NA_character_, "5"))

test_that("'text_tokens' should work on S3 objects", {
    x <- structure(c(a="I LIKE TO SHOUT!! HA HA!",
                     b="There's no need. For that.",
                     c="Why not? :("),
    as.character.upper <<- function(x) sapply(unclass(x), toupper)

    x2 <- as.character(x)
    names(x2) <- names(x)

    toks <- text_tokens(x)
    toks2 <- text_tokens(x2)
    expect_equal(toks, toks2)

    remove("as.character.upper", envir = .GlobalEnv)

test_that("'text_tokens' can drop punctuation", {
    x <- "easy as 1, 2, 3!"
    f <- text_filter(drop_punct = TRUE)
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("easy", "as", "1", "2", "3")))

test_that("'text_tokens' can drop numbers", {
    x <- "easy as 1, 2, 3!"
    f <- text_filter(drop_number = TRUE)
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("easy", "as", ",", ",", "!")))

test_that("'text_tokens' can drop letter words", {
    x <- "easy as 1, 2, 3!"
    f <- text_filter(drop_letter = TRUE)
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("1", ",", "2", ",", "3", "!")))

test_that("'text_tokens' can drop tokens", {
    x <- c("Able was I ere I saw Elba.",
           "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.")
    f <- text_filter(drop = stopwords_en)
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("able", "ere", "saw", "elba", "."),
                      c("man", ",", "plan", ",", "canal", ":", "panama", ".")))

test_that("'text_tokens' can make drop exceptions", {
    x <- "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5"
    f <- text_filter(drop_number = TRUE, drop_except = c("0", "2", "4"))
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("0", ",", ",", "2", ",", ",", "4", ",")))

test_that("'text_tokens' can combine two words", {
    x <- c("New York is the Empire State",
           "a new York Street restaurant")
    f <- text_filter(combine = "new york")
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("new_york", "is", "the", "empire", "state"),
                      c("a", "new_york", "street", "restaurant")))

test_that("'text_tokens' can combine three words", {
    x <- c("New York City is the Big Apple")
    f <- text_filter(combine = "new york city")
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("new_york_city", "is", "the", "big", "apple")))

test_that("'text_tokens' combines the longest match", {
    x <- "I live in New York City, New York"
    f <- text_filter(combine = c("new york", "new york city"))
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("i", "live", "in", "new_york_city", ",", "new_york")))

test_that("'text_tokens' can use other connectors", {
    x <- "I live in New York City, New York"
    f <- text_filter(combine = c("new york", "new york city"),
                     connector = "+")
    expect_equal(text_tokens(x, f),
                 list(c("i", "live", "in", "new+york+city", ",", "new+york")))

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corpus documentation built on May 2, 2021, 9:06 a.m.