
#context('Use of regexes in sentences')

#f = function(k) gsub('COUNTRY', k, 'The governement of COUNTRY was reelected.')
#origin = countrycode::codelist
## Only test country names with valid regex
#origin = origin[!is.na(origin$country.name.en.regex), 'country.name.en']
#sentence = sapply(origin, f)
#target = countrycode(sentence, 'country.name', 'country.name')
#problems = origin[is.na(target)]

#test_that('countrycode can catch countries in the middle of a sentence', {
    #expect_equal(length(problems), 0)

#test_that('sentence with two matches returns NA and produces a warning',{
    #expect_equal(countrycode('report from Canada and the United States.', 'country.name', 'country.name', warn=FALSE), NA_character_)
    #expect_warning(countrycode('report from Canada and the United States.', 'country.name', 'country.name'))

#test_that('sentence with a single match',{
    #expect_equal(countrycode('report from Canada.', 'country.name', 'country.name'), 'Canada')

#test_that('known issues with previous versions of countrycode',{
    ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42235490/from-string-to-regex-to-new-string
    #expect_equal(countrycode('Stuff happens in North Korea', 'country.name', 'iso3c'), 'PRK')
    #expect_equal(countrycode('I heard that Ireland is beautiful.', 'country.name', 'iso3c'), 'IRL')
    #expect_equal(countrycode('   Ireland    ', 'country.name', 'iso3c'), 'IRL')

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countrycode documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:44 a.m.