#' Extract estimates/statistics from a model
#' This collection of functions is useful for extracting estimates and statistics from a fitted
#' model. They are particularly useful when estimating many models, like when bootstrapping
#' confidence intervals. Each function can be used with an already fitted model as an [`lm`] object,
#' or a formula and associated data can be passed to it. **All of these assume the comparison is the
#' empty model.**
#' - **`b0`**: The intercept from the full model.
#' - **`b1`**: The slope b1 from the full model.
#' - **`b`**: The coefficients from the full model.
#' - **`f`**: The F value from the full model.
#' - **`pre`**: The Proportional Reduction in Error for the full model.
#' - **`p`**: The *p*-value from the full model.
#' - **`sse`**: The SS Error (SS Residual) from the model.
#' - **`ssm`**: The SS Model (SS Regression) for the full model.
#' - **`ssr`**: Alias for SSM.
#' @param object A [`lm`] object, or [`formula`].
#' @param data If `object` is a formula, the data to fit the formula to as a [`data.frame`].
#' @param all If `TRUE`, return a named list of all related terms (e.g. all *F*-values).The name
#' for the full model value is the name of the function (e.g. "f"), and the names for the
#' constituent terms are the term names prefixed by the function name (e.g. "f_a:b" for the
#' *F*-value of the `a:b` interaction term).
#' @param predictor Filter the output down to just the statistics for these terms (e.g. "hp" to
#' just get the statistics for that term in the model). This argument is flexible: you can pass
#' a character vector of terms (`c("hp", "hp:cyl")`), a one-sided formula (`~hp`), or a list of
#' formulae (`c(~hp, ~hp:cyl)`).
#' @inherit supernova::supernova
#' @return The value of the estimate as a single number.
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @name estimate_extraction
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
b0 <- function(object, data = NULL) {
fit <- convert_lm(object, data)
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
b1 <- function(object, data = NULL) {
fit <- convert_lm(object, data)
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
b <- function(object, data = NULL, all = FALSE, predictor = character()) {
predictor <- convert_predictor(predictor)
check_extract_args(all, predictor)
fit <- convert_lm(object, data)
# all is unused because there is no concept of an overall b
# by default we just return all the available b's, and filter to requested terms
lst <- as.list(fit$coefficients)
nms <- paste("b", names(lst), sep = "_")
nms[[1]] <- "b_0"
out <- set_names(lst, nms)
if (length(predictor) == 1) {
out[[which(names(fit$coefficients) %in% predictor)]]
} else if (length(predictor) > 1) {
as.list(out[names(fit$coefficients) %in% predictor])
} else {
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
f <- function(object, data = NULL, all = FALSE, predictor = character(), type = 3) {
predictor <- convert_predictor(predictor)
check_extract_args(all, predictor, type)
fit <- convert_lm(object, {{ data }})
stats <- extract_stat(fit, type, "F", predictor)
if (all || !is_empty(predictor)) stats else stats[[1]]
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
pre <- function(object, data = NULL, all = FALSE, predictor = character(), type = 3) {
predictor <- convert_predictor(predictor)
check_extract_args(all, predictor, type)
fit <- convert_lm(object, {{ data }})
stats <- extract_stat(fit, type, "PRE", predictor)
if (all || !is_empty(predictor)) stats else stats[[1]]
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
p <- function(object, data = NULL, all = FALSE, predictor = character(), type = 3) {
predictor <- convert_predictor(predictor)
check_extract_args(all, predictor, type)
fit <- convert_lm(object, {{ data }})
stats <- extract_stat(fit, type, "p", predictor)
if (all || !is_empty(predictor)) stats else stats[[1]]
#' Convert a potentially complex predictor to a character vector of terms.
#' @param predictor The predictor(s) to return estimates for.
#' @return A character vector of terms.
#' @noRd
convert_predictor <- function(predictor) {
purrr::map_if(c(predictor), is_formula, ~ deparse(f_rhs(.x))) %>%
#' Convert a formula and data to an [`lm`] object.
#' @param object A [`lm`] object, or [`formula`].
#' @param data If `object` is a formula, the data to fit the formula to as a [`data.frame`].
#' @return An [`lm`] object.
#' @noRd
convert_lm <- function(object, data) {
if ("lm" %in% class(object) == FALSE) {
data_call <- rlang::enquo(data)
data_name <- rlang::quo_name(data_call)
call <- paste0("lm(formula = ", deparse(object), ", data = ", data_name, ")")
fit <- lm(object, data)
fit$call <- str2lang(call)
} else {
fit <- object
#' Assert that the arguments to the estimate extraction functions are valid.
#' @param all Whether to return all the estimates (e.g. all *F*-values).
#' @param predictor The predictor(s) to return estimates for.
#' @param type The type (1, 2, 3) of sums of squares to use.
#' @return Nothing, but throws an error if the arguments are invalid.
#' @noRd
check_extract_args <- function(all, predictor, type = 3) {
vctrs::vec_assert(all, logical(), 1)
vctrs::vec_assert(predictor, character())
vctrs::vec_assert(type, numeric(), 1)
#' Determine if the fitted model is the empty/null model.
#' @param fit A fitted linear model to pass to supernova.
#' @return Nothing, but throws an error if the model is empty.
#' @noRd
check_empty_model <- function(fit) {
models <- supernova::generate_models(fit)
if (length(models) == 0) {
abort("Can't extract this estimate from an empty model (it doesn't exist).")
#' Extract a statistic from a supernova table and name the values
#' @param fit A fitted linear model to pass to supernova.
#' @param type The type (1, 2, 3) of sums of squares to use.
#' @param stat The statistic from the supernova (as named in the `supernova(...)$tbl`).
#' @param predictor Optionally specify which terms to return (instead of all of them).
#' @return A named list (one for each term, where term is the name) of the values of the statistic.
#' @noRd
extract_stat <- function(fit, type, stat, predictor = character(0)) {
sup_out <- supernova(fit, type)
vals <- sup_out$tbl[[stat]]
nms <- paste(tolower(stat), sup_out$tbl$term, sep = "_")
nms[[1]] <- tolower(stat)
out <- set_names(vals, nms)
if (length(predictor) == 1) {
out[[which(sup_out$tbl$term %in% predictor)]]
} else if (length(predictor) > 1) {
as.list(out[sup_out$tbl$term %in% predictor])
} else {
# nolint start
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
fVal <- f
#' @rdname estimate_extraction
#' @export
PRE <- pre
# nolint end
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