
Defines functions Bin_segMA CUSUM.dims DC

Documented in Bin_segMA

#' Most recent changepoints from dcbs method using censored MA timeseries.

#' @description Detecting most recent changepoints from double CUSUM
#' binary segmentation algorithm (DCBS) method (Cho, 2016) after
#' generating censored data from MA model.

#' @param data a censored data matrix obtained from MA1.data.
#'@param beta  threshold for testing whether or not a change is
#'significant, default 10.

#'@return  indicates the most recent changepoint in each series.
#'@seealso MA1.data
#'@references Cho, H. (2016). Change-point detection in panel data via double CUSUM statistic.
#'Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10(2):2000–2038.

#' @examples
#' library(cpcens)
#' #example(right censoring)
#' sim=MA1.data(n = 500, N = 100, K = 5, eps = 1,
#'rho = 0.4, mu = 0, siga = 1, rates = c(NA, 0.4), Mrate = 0)
#'ans = Bin_segMA(data,beta=10)

Bin_segMA = function(data,beta){

  n = dim(data)[2]
  N = dim(data)[1]
  S = c(1,n)
  CP = c()
  affected.series = list()

  while ( length(S) > 0 ){

    # between start point and end point
    start = S[1]
    end = S[2]

    if ( (end-start)>1 ){

      X = CUSUM.dims( data[ , start:end ] )
      test.stat = DC(X)

      # if changepoint is significant add segments to end of S
      chpt = test.stat$tau + start

      if ( (test.stat$max > beta) & !(chpt %in% CP) ){

        CP = c( CP , chpt )
        affected.series[[ length(affected.series) + 1]] = test.stat$series

        if (chpt != start + 1){
          S = c( S , c( start , chpt ) )
        if (chpt != end - 1){
          S = c( S , c( chpt + 1 , end ) )


    S = S[-c(1,2)]


  # find mrc chpt for each series
  mrc.chpt = matrix( 0 , nrow = max(1,length(CP)) , ncol = N )
  mrc = rep(0,N)
  # check whether no of affected series is more than one
  if (length(affected.series)>0){
    for (i in 1:length(affected.series)){
      mrc.chpt[ i , affected.series[[i]] ] = CP[i]
    mrc = apply( mrc.chpt , 2 , max )
  #newlist = list( "CP" = CP , "series" = affected.series  )


CUSUM.dims = function( data ){

  n = dim(data)[2]
  i = 1:(n-1)
  N = dim(data)[1]
  X = matrix( nrow=N , ncol=n-1 )

  for (j in 1:N){
    cs = cumsum( data[j,] )
    X[j,] = abs( sqrt( ( i*(n-i) )/n ) * ( cs[i]/i  - ( cs[n] - cs[i] )/(n-i) ) )

  # need to order by time pt b
  Xord = apply( X , 2 , order )
  X = apply(X,2,sort)

  newlist = list("X"= X , "Xord" = Xord)


# inout matrix from CUSUM.dims
DC = function( newlist ){

  X = newlist$X
  Xord = newlist$Xord

  # X is ordered
  N = dim(X)[1]
  c = numeric(N)
  c_max = numeric(N)
  for (m in 1:N){

    if ( m==1 ){
      y = sqrt( ( m * ( 2*N - m )/(2*N) ) ) * (  X[ N:N , ]/m - apply( X[ 1:(N-1) , ] , 2 , sum )/(2*N - m) ) ##added brackets
      c_max[(m)] = which.max(y)-1
      c[(m)] = max(y)

    else if ( m==N ){
      y = sqrt( ( m * ( 2*N - m )/(2*N) ) ) * apply( X[ (N-m+1):N , ] , 2 , sum )/m # - X[1,]/(2*N - m) #removed this -- empty sum ==0 I assume
      c_max[(m)] = which.max(y)-1
      c[(m)] = max(y)

    else if (m==(N-1)){
      y = sqrt( ( m * ( 2*N - m )/(2*N) ) ) *( apply( X[ (N-m+1):N , ] , 2 , sum )/m - X[1:(N-m),]/(2*N - m) ) ##added brackets
      c_max[(m)] = which.max(y)-1
      c[(m)] = max(y)

      y = sqrt( ( m * ( 2*N - m )/(2*N) ) ) *  (apply( X[ (N-m+1):N , ] , 2 , sum )/m - apply( X[ 1:(N-m) , ] , 2 , sum )/(2*N - m) ) ##added brackets
      c_max[(m)] = which.max(y)-1
      c[(m)] = max(y)


  # no of series change
  mb = which.max( c )
  # location of change
  tau = c_max[which.max(c)]
  # which series change
  series.changes = Xord[ N:(N-mb+1) , tau ]   ##I think this should have N-mb+1

  # c_max is location of changes
  newlist = list( "max" = max(c) , "tau" = tau , "series" = series.changes )


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