
Defines functions fitCuminc testCuminc

Documented in fitCuminc testCuminc

#' @title Cumulative Incidences Curves
#' @name fitCuminc
#' @description Fits cumulative incidence function across different groups and risks.
#' @param time vector with times of the first event or follow-up, must be numeric.
#' @param risk vector with type of event, can be numeric or factor/character.
#' @param group vector with group variable, can be numeric or factor/character.
#' @param cens value of 'risk' indicating censored observation (if NULL, the first value of 'risk' vector will be taken).
#' @return list of length [(number of risks)*(number of groups) + 1], containing estimation of cumulative incidences curves for each risk and group. The last element of a list is a data.frame with results of a K-sample test, containing test statistic, p-value and degrees od freedom for each risk.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[cmprsk]{cuminc}}
#' @examples fitCuminc(time = LUAD$time, risk = LUAD$event, group = LUAD$gender, cens = "alive")
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom cmprsk cuminc
#' @importFrom survival Surv survfit

fitCuminc <- function(time,
                     cens = NULL){

    if(is.null(cens)) cens <- as.character(risk[1])

    risks <- riskVec(risk, cens)
    # uniRisks <- 1:length(risks)
    # mapRisks <- cbind(risks, uniRisks)
    # mapRisks <- rbind(mapRisks, c(cens, 0))
    # mapRisks <- as.data.frame(mapRisks)
    # colnames(mapRisks)[1] <- "risk"
    # groups <- as.data.frame(unique(group))
    # groups <- filter(groups, !is.na(groups))
    # uniGroups <- letters[1:nrow(groups)]
    # mapGroups <- cbind(groups, uniGroups)
    # colnames(mapGroups)[1] <- "group"
    # dt <- cbind(time, as.character(risk), group)
    # dt <- as.data.frame(dt)
    # colnames(dt) <- c("time", "risk", "group")
    # dt$time <- as.numeric(as.character(dt$time))
    # dt <- merge(dt, mapRisks, by = "risk")
    # dt <- merge(dt, mapGroups, by = "group")

    # ci <- cuminc(ftime = dt[, "time"],
    #              fstatus = dt[, "uniRisks"],
    #              group = dt[, "uniGroups"],
    #              cencode = cens)

    risk <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", risk, fixed = TRUE)
    cens <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", cens, fixed = TRUE)
    group <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", group, fixed = TRUE)

    ci <-  cuminc(ftime = time,
                  fstatus = risk,
                  group = group,
                  cencode = cens)

    aggnames <- names(ci)
    aggnames <- aggnames[-length(aggnames)]
#     tab <- c()
#     for(i in aggnames){
#         tmp <- unlist(strsplit(i, " "))
#         tab <- rbind(tab, c(i, tmp))
#     }
#     tab <- as.data.frame(tab)
#     colnames(tab) <- c("aggnames", "uniGroups", "uniRisks")
#     tab <- merge(tab, mapRisks, by = "uniRisks")
#     tab <- merge(tab, mapGroups, by = "uniGroups")
#     tab$newname <- paste( tab[, "risk"], tab[,"group"])
#     names(ci)[1:length(ci)-1] <- tab$newname
#     tab$risk <- factor(as.character(tab$risk))
#     tab$group <- factor(as.character(tab$group))

    fit <- lapply(risks, function(x) {
        localStatus <- {risk == x}
        summary(survfit(Surv(time, localStatus)~group
    names(fit) <- risks
    tmp <- toPlotDf(fit)
    timePoints <- extended_breaks()(tmp$time)

    attr(ci, "timePoints") <- timePoints

    ci$Tests <- as.data.frame(ci$Tests)


#' @title K-sample Test for Competing Risks
#' @name testCuminc
#' @description tests differences in cumulative incidences function between groups using K-sample test.
#' @param ci a result of fitCumin function.
#' @return data.frame containing p-values of K-sample test for each risk.
#' @examples fitC <- fitCuminc(time = LUAD$time, risk = LUAD$event, group = LUAD$gender, cens = "alive")
#' testCuminc(fitC)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[cr17]{fitCuminc}}

testCuminc <- function(ci){

    aggNames <- names(ci[1:(length(ci)-1)])
    risks <- sapply(aggNames, function(x) strsplit(x, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])
    risks <- sort(unique(risks))

    tab <- as.data.frame(ci[["Tests"]])
    p <- as.data.frame(t(tab$pv))
    colnames(p) <- risks

    tab1 <- vector()
    for(i in 1:length(risks)){
        tmp <- p[,which(colnames(p) == risks[i])]
        tmp <- signif(tmp, digits = 2)
        tab1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(tab1,tmp))

    colnames(tab1) <- risks
    rownames(tab1) <- "K-Sample test"


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