CohortSizeDLT-class: Cohort size based on number of DLTs

CohortSizeDLT-classR Documentation

Cohort size based on number of DLTs


Cohort size based on number of DLTs



an integer vector with the left bounds of the relevant DLT intervals


an integer vector of the same length with the cohort sizes in the DLTintervals


# As example, here is the rule for: 
#   having cohort of size 1 until no DLT were observed
#   and having cohort of size 3 as soon as 1 DLT is observed

mySize <- CohortSizeDLT(DLTintervals = c(0, 1),
                        cohortSize = c(1, 3))

crmPack documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:07 p.m.